Animal Farm - autumnlee36

Animal Farm
Chapter One
1. How is Mr. Jones Portrayed in the first chapter?
Mr. Jones is portrayed as a human, and a drunk, but by Old Major as typical, the root problem of
their troubles.
2. Why do the animals assemble in the barn?
The animals assemble in the barn for meetings, usually held by Old Major.
3. The animals that gather to hear Major’s speech each mirror single human’s trait. What trait is
revealed in Clover? Boxer? Benjamin? The Cat? The Dogs? What is a significant about the pigs
and the raven?
Clover – Motherly and 9 warm hearted like
Boxer – An over worker (workaholic)
Benjamin- pessimistic, Like
The Cat –Lazy, tired (teenager)
The Dogs – The dogs can read
Pigs- Human like, Smart, can read, can write, can almost do anything a human can
Raven-Moses is a spy
He represents the Russian Orthodox Church
4. Why is man the enemy of the animals?
Man is the enemy because humans abuse and take the products the animals make. The animals
secretly hate man because of everything they do.
5. What is the political statement that emerges from Major’s dream?
Major has a dream in which the animals could live in a way, where Mr. Jones was not there
caretaker or had no caretaker.
When Major makes the song Beast of England, this is his political statement. This in a way helps
the animals imagine the farm without a caretaker.
6. What is Major’s warning to the animals?
Major warns the animals that his time of the farm is coming to an end. Which means Old Major
will soon die.
7. What are the evil human habits against which Major particularly warns the animals?
Old Major tells the animals about how the humans work them to every last bit of their strength
just to give them enough food just to survive another day, and how they end up killing them to
give themselves more food and money.
8. How does major describe the equality of the animals?
Major tells the animals that they are all equal in every way, and that they should never resemble
9. Describe the kind of world Major dreams?
Major dreams of a farm without any humans to boss and abuse them. Major dreams of no pain
and suffering on the farm. His dream has enough food to last them their entire lifetime and no
more animals will be dying because of abuse.
10. Why does Orwell describe “Beast of England” as a “stirring tune, something between
“Clementine and La Cucaracha”?
Orwell described the song between these to two because the tunes were mixed. The tune of
Beast of England had the Clementine tune and La Cucaracha tune, therefore Orwell described
the Beast of England to be between Clementine and La Cucaracha.
11. Which animals learn the song quickly?
The Pigs and Dogs both learned the song within minutes.
12. How do the animals respond
The Animals went crazy for the song; it was they were free of being on the farm. Beast of
England was Animal Farms anthem.
Chapter 2
1. What happens to major? What is this effect of his speech?
Major died in chapter two. Before Major died his speeches were becoming more intelligent and
wiser. Major had begun to notice life more, so his speeches became more about life.
2. What does this mental outlook determine the intelligent animal’s action?
Based on what I have the animals seem to be as smart as humans. Their actions may be just as
good as human actions because the animals don’t have thumbs.
3. How do the other animals respond to the new philosophy?
The animals believed that they were better taken care of by Mr. Jones rather than by them self.
4. The pigs are recognized as the cleverest of the animals. The three most important pigs are also
given distinguishing human traits. What traits are given to snowball? To Napoleon? To Squealer?
Snowball- human intelligence, careful, manipulative
Napoleon- walked on two feet, Intelligence, sneaky, manipulative
Squealer-walked on two feet, manipulative
What is the pigs’ major contribution to the Rebellion at this point?
The Pigs are contributing as leaders, basically the minds of the rebellion.
What is the effect of Moses, the tame raven, and his tale of Sugarcandy Mountain?
He made the animals believe there was actually a place called Sugarcandy Mountain. Even
though the raven just made Sugarcandy Mountain up.
How does the rebellion come about?
First the animals need there things taken care of like, the cows need to be milked, etc…. The
animals can’t take this anymore so they take things into their own hands by doing what needs to
be done. When Mr. Jones hears the noise outside he comes outside with a gun and fires thus
begging the rebellion.
What are the first things the animals do to celebrate their victory?
The animals destroy chains, bits, halters, whips, and other implements stored in the farm
buildings because this reminded them of their old life.
Why does Boxer discard his straw Hat?
His hat reminded him of Mr. Jones and they were throwing away everything that reminded him
of that person.
In the morning, the pigs reveal that they have learned to read and write. How is this
announcement typical of their behavior?
This was very typical of the pigs because they loved the attention they got for announcing things
other animals couldn’t do.
How are the cows milked the first morning? Where does the milk go?
The pigs milked the cows and when the animals went to the field and came back the milk was gone.
Chapter 3
1. What causes the animals to be happy?
The animals were happy because there were no more obsessive humans around.
2. What is the significance of Benjamin’s cryptic remarks?
The animals didn’t get his answers so they just left him alone.
3. What is the significance of the flag Snowball designs?
Snowball’s flag had a symbol that resembled the communism symbol.
4. What is Snowball’s attitude toward education? To what extent are the animals educated?
Snowball’s attitude is always positive never negative. The animals are educated at every chance
possible. Snowball creates groups for all of the animals.
5. What is Napoleon argue about almost every issue that arises. What is the only thing they agree
They both agree on building a windmill for the farm.
6. Snowball and Napoleon argue about almost every issue that arises. What is the only thing they
agree on?
Same thing as 5
7. What is Squealer’s explanation of why pigs must be given special food? How do the other
animals react?
Squealer tells the rest of the farm that the pigs need special food for their brain. The milk has
special nutrients for pig brains. The other animals believe him because they know the pigs are
the brains of the farm.
Chapter 4
1. How do the neighboring humans react to the situation on Animal farm?
The neighbors seemed to be concerned about what was happening on Animal Farm. They
were concerned that the concept could spread to their own farms and their animals could
overthrow them. Like Animal Farm was like some sort of a virus.
2. How does Snowball’s direct the battle of Cowshed?
Snowball studied books on great wars, the books helped a lot. When the time came
Snowball had the little animals in front and when Mr. Jones’s started to chase the animals
back the bigger ones jumped out and chased the humans back out.
3. Compare Snowball’s and Boxer’s attitudes towards war.
Snowball loves the glory he gets from this. Boxer on the other hand feels nothing from this
war, he feels guilty for taking a life.
4. What typical organizational steps are taken after the victory in the battle of Cowshed?
The animals are divided up between Snowball and Napoleon.
They work until they are worn
Next Building a windmill
Chapter 5
1. What idea did Snowball have to improve conditions on the farm?
Snowball wants to build a windmill to generate power throughout the farm.
2. The animals divided onto the fractions. What slogans were devised? In whose opinion would life
“go badly, as it always had”?
Vote for Snowball and the three-day week"
"Vote for Napoleon and the full manger"
Napoleon life would go badly because he is lazy and doest really want to work but he just wants
the animals to work without a break unlike Snowball who voted 3 days a week.
What was the dispute about the defense of the farm? Which plans seems best to you?
Napoleon wanted the animals to carry guns for protection and Snowball didn’t want guns. No
guns would be best because I don’t like the kickback the gun has. Plus what if there was a miss
fire with one of the guns.
How did the animals react when they listened to Napoleon and Snowball?
They were shocked because there would be no more meetings happening. Plus Napoleon was
the head of the committee.
What Changes are made when Snowball is driven off the farm?
There is no more meetings, and Napoleon changes the commandments they were given.
How did Squealer convince the animals that Napoleon was helping them?
Squealer said Napoleon was doing all the hard work for them and they had the easy job. He also
said if Napoleon didn’t o the hard work Mr. Jones would come back.
What phrase always stopped any arguments from the animals?
'Four legs good, two legs bad'.
8. What two phrases does Boxer use frequently?
"Napoleon is always right."
"I will work harder!"
When Squealer explains about the windmill at the end of Chapter 5, what two things cause the
animals to go along with his explanation?
Squealer uses doubt, reassurance, and fear to convince the animals. He puts doubt into their
minds about the heroism of Snowball, so that they will throw away about what they heard from
him earlier.
Chapter 6
1. What is ironic about the animals working on the windmill on Sundays?
When the animals first took over, they weren’t suppose to work on Sundays only rest. Since
Napoleon took over they have to work on Sundays.
2. Why were the animals willing to work so hard?
They were willing to work hard because they were working for themselves and not for Mr.
3. Without whom would the windmill have been impossible?
Boxer, the animals needed Boxer to help with the heavy lifting.
4. What did Napoleon tell the hens about giving up their eggs?
He told the hens that their eggs would give them money to help build the windmill.
5. What other habit have the pigs adopted that bothers the animals, Clover in particular?
The pigs were sleeping in beds, which breaks one of the commandments.
Commandment 4- No animal shall sleep in a bed.
6. Which commandment is changed and how? Is this tactic (scheme) effective?
Commandment 4- No animal shall sleep in a bed. The pigs changed it to, No animal shall sleep in
a bed with sheets. More than likely yes because the animals don’t really bother with it because
they know the pigs are in charge and the animals can’t do anything about this.
Chapter 7
1. What is one of the strongest motivations for completing the rebuilding of the windmill?
The animals want to prove that they are successful and they can do anything if they can build
the windmill. With the help of squealer encouraging them.
2. How were the humans tricked into thinking conditions on Animal Farm were better than they
really were?
Napoleon would make the sheep talk with Mr. Whymper, to try and make things seem like they
were really good. For example the animals would fill the grain buckets up with sand.
3. Why did it finally become necessary for the hens to surrender all their eggs?
When the farm was running low on grain to support the animals. Squealer made a deal with Mr.
Whymper that is they gave him 400 eggs a week he would give them enough food to last them
till summer.
4. How did the hens react?
The hens of course did not like this because they wanted to raise some of their own chicks. The
hens tried to lay their eggs in secrete but the eggs would just come crashing down. Soon the
hens were put on a death sentence for this.
5. What “deal” is Napoleon contemplating in this chapter?
His deal is with Mr. Whymper to sell 400 eggs a week to Mr. Whymper, so that they will have
enough food till summer comes.
6. What additional information is revealed about Snowball?
Snowball actual stole the windmill plans from Napoleon. Also that Snowball was selling himself
to Mr. Fedricks and he was bringing him on the farm at night.
7. Even Boxer does not believe that Snowball was always a traitor. Why is his saying so a
dangerous move? What clues are given in the text to support this?
Well Napoleon didn’t like Snowball and Boxer was speaking up against Napoleon the leader.
Boxer said Snowball fought with us in the Battle of Cowshed and we gave him the Animal HeroFist class award. This was a clue towards Squealer not being a trader.
8. What do the confessions and executions of the pigs, hens, goose, and sheep symbolize? Which
of the seven commandments does this violate?
This symbolizes the confessions and executions of the general public back in Russia. If a person
confessed to something bad or told falsely about something they were to b executed for lying.
The 7 commandment meaning no animal shall kill another animal.
9. To what did Boxer attribute the freighting slaughter of the fellow animals?
Boxer thought that the animals were being slaughtered because they weren’t working hard
10. What is Squealer’s explanation for forbidding the singing of “Beast of England”?
Squealer told the animals that the rebellion was over so they didn’t need to sing the song
Chapter 8
1. How does Squealer distract attention from the changes in the commandments?
Squealer walks around moving his tail from side to side and kind of making his eye wink.
2. What is the significance of the cockerel who marches in front of Napoleon?
The importance of the cockerel is to get the attention of the animals so Napoleon can speak.
3. What is the quality of the life for the animals?
The quality is bad, Napoleon becomes Comrade Napoleon and the humans attack the farm
again. The animals start to wear human clothes and start having a drinking problem.
4. What is the important about Napoleon’s duplicity in the sale of the timber?
Napoleon made it that the animals couldn’t truly tell who the real leaders were. Even when they
see the true leaders directly.
5. What turns the battle of the Windmill in the animals’ favor?
When the windmill was destroyed the animals realized that their hard work had just gone to
waste, even though they won.
6. How is the victory celebrated?
The animals celebrate by drinking a bottle of whiskey that they found in the farmhouse.
7. What new vice do the pigs require?
That the animals can start trading with the humans and the pigs can now sleep in the farm
8. What is the animals’ reaction when Squealer falls from a ladder with a big bucket of paint while
“clarifying” another of the commandments?
Squealer was making the commandment about alcohol clarified but when he fell off the ladder
doing so, the animals assumed he was drunk.
Chapter 9
1. What is the quality if the animal lives after another year passes?
The animals are still working 7 days a week and they barely get enough food to survive.
2. What is Squealers explanation of unequal rations?
Squealer said that if there weren’t unequal rations this would be breaking the rule of animalism.
He said there was enough food for everyone no matter how small the food pile looked.
3. What is the significance of the new ruling ribbons?
The ribbons represent the badge of slavery. Meaning the animals worked hard only to get
What is to “compensate” for hardships in the animal lives?
Napoleon says they are eating a lot and not working hard enough so the animals compensate
with him.
What is the significance of Moses’ return?
The importance of Moses return is the signal of the oppression returning.
What are Boxer’s expectations of his future after he injures himself through overwork?
Boxer thinks that he won’t be able to help the animals anymore.
How do the animals react to Boxers removal?
Most of the other animals wave goodbye because they think he’s going to a better place, which
in fact he really is going to the butcher. Most of the animals can’t read what the van says,
although Ben and Clover can and react differently.
How does Squealer calm the unrest of Boxer’s removal?
Squealer told the animals that Napoleon sent him to the best doctor in the world and that he
would come back better then ever.
9. How does Napoleon capitalize on Boxer’s death?
He makes the animals confess to everything because Boxer is not around to help them
Chapter 10
1. How has the farm grown after several more years?
Most of the animals are dead, the windmill is completed and they are building another one. The
farm is rich and the pigs talk with humans and you can’t tell humans and pigs apart anymore.
2. What is the quality of the animals’ lives?
Most of the animals are gone, the pigs are walking on two feet, the pigs have a drinking
problem, and the pigs realize nothing has changed.
3. Even though the animals exist in a stupor of work and hunger, they are greatly shocked by a new
development what is it?
The pigs are now walking on two feet and wearing clothes.
4. What is the final interpretation of the word “equal”?
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others. Meaning pigs are more equal than
any other animals.
5. What is the animals’ reaction to the tour the pigs conduct for human visitors?
The animals can’t believe that the pigs are socializing with humans and are breaking every
6. What does Pilkington praise the pigs for?
For how the farm is running smoothly and making it prosper in every way.
7. What is the significance of the change in the flag’s design? What other changes are announced?
The flag is just plain green now. There will be no more meetings and Napoleon is there only
8. What do the animals see when they look in the farm house window?
They see the pigs talking with humans playing a card game laughing about everything.