Comparison of Finite Element Analysis to Analytical Models when Bending a Thin Plate MANE 4240 – INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS THOMAS PROVENCHER Table of Contents Table of Contents Abstract: .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 2 Formulation and Solution: .............................................................................................................. 3 Empirical Solution ...................................................................................................................... 3 Finite Element Analysis Mesh Density Analysis........................................................................ 4 Empirical and FEA Reliabily as Thickness is Modified ........................................................... 10 Discussion: .................................................................................................................................... 12 Conclusions:.................................................................................................................................. 14 References: .................................................................................................................................... 14 Abstract: This report will analyze the accuracy of several different types of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) elements and mesh densities by comparing them to theoretical, empirical solutions. A rectangular plate will have a pressure load placed on it and plate bending theory will be used to calculate the maximum stress in the plate as well as its maximum deflection. The results from the various FEA analysis methods will then be compared to the plate bending theory results to determine which element type and mesh density provides the greatest degree of accuracy without severely increasing computational time. The robustness of the plate bending theory will then be tested by increasing the thickness of the plate and comparing its new stress and deflection values to those calculated by an FEA analysis. A minimum recommended plate width to thickness ratio will be calculated; below which any plate bending theory results should be scrutinized carefully. 1 Introduction: Plate bending is a well understood mechanical property with hundreds of years of wellestablished practical research able to provide accurate analytical predictions for material stress and deflection. The Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain, Reference (a), is one of many resources available which can provide empirical solutions to nearly any plate loading case from round plates to rectangular plates, from point or line loads to uniform pressure distributions, all with practically any set of boundary conditions. Over the past 20-30 years, the numerical calculation capacity of computers has allowed for the use of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to solve for nearly any mechanical system from simple plate bending to complex interaction models between parts in an assembly. The extreme versatility of these FEA software packages does inherently increase the complexity of properly using them as the many different element types and mesh densities can have a dramatic impact on the accuracy of the solution. These investigations will attempt to clarify which element types and mesh densities should be used for plate bending. For this analysis, a rectangular plate will be subjected to a uniform pressure load across the entire top surface with simple supports along three of the bottom edges and a free, unsupported, edge along one of the short sides. Reference (a) will be used to provide the benchmark maximum stress and deflection values and will be used to compare the accuracy of the various FEA element and mesh density options available within DASSAULT SYSTEMS ABACUS UNIFIED FEA. The flexibility and robustness of the Reference (a) equations will then be analyzed by increasing the thickness of the plate and comparing the deflection and stress results to those provided by the FEA analysis using the element types and mesh density found to be the most accurate in the first investigation. 2 Formulation and Solution: Empirical Solution For this investigation, a 6061-T6 aluminum plate, two meters long, one meter wide, and nominally one cm thick, was subjected to a uniform pressure across its entire surface of 1000pascals. The material properties, shown in Table 1 were from Reference (b). Three of its lower edges, both long ones and one of the short ones, were simply supported leaving the final edge free to move. The equations provided by Reference (a), shows in Figure 1, were used to determine the maximum deflection of the plate as well as the maximum stress. Both of these values were located at the center of the free edge. Per Reference (a) the deflection values calculated are negative which assumes the pressure load placed on the plate is in the negative direction. The material properties, plate dimensions and pressure load was input into PTC MATHCAD which then provided the final maximum deflection and stress using the Reference (a) equations. The MATHCAD output shown in Figure 2 provided a maximum stress of 7.9MPa and a maximum deflection of approximately 2.4mm in the downward direction. Table 1: Material properties, plate dimensions, and pressure load 6061-T6 Aluminum Physical Properties Density (kg/m3) Modulus of Elasticity, E (Gpa) Poisson's Ratio 2700 68.9 0.33 Plate Dimensions and Loads Length, a (m) Width, b (m) Thickness, t (m) Uniform Pressure, q (Pa) 2 1 0.01 1000 Figure 1: Reference (a) deflection and stress equations 3 Figure 2: MATHCAD input values and final maximum deflection and stress Finite Element Analysis Mesh Density Analysis The thin plate was modeled in ABACUS using the proper dimensions and material characteristics from Table 1 in order to make the analysis comparable to the empirical results calculated in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the final shape of the plate. The mesh chosen for the analysis consisted of simple rectangular cuboids throughout the entire plate. The initial mesh density chosen created four solid elements throughout the thickness and 5,000 solid elements across the surface, thus producing 20,000 solid elements in total. This mesh can be seen in figures 4 and 5. The initial solid element type selected was linear, incompatible modes, which are known to predict bending accurately. Figure 3: ABACUS model of the plate 4 Figure 4: Initial mesh density chosen for the first FEA computation Figure 5: The initial mesh density provided 4 elements through the thickness A uniform pressure load of 1000pascals was placed across the entire top surface of the plate in the negative “z” direction. The bottom edge of both the long sides as well as one of the short side edges were restricted to only being able to move in the “x” and “y” directions by using boundary conditions to lock the “z” direction. One corner was completely locked in all three directions and another was locked in the “x” and “z” directions. These boundary conditions were chosen to simulate all three of those edges being simply supported. The simply supported condition prevents up and down movement but permits sliding. In order to prevent the whole plate from sliding around during the FEA computations, the corner boundary conditions were added to provide a solid reference location for the plate to remain locked to without preventing the edges from moving as required. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the boundary conditions. 5 Uniform pressure load in the negative “z” direction Figure 6: Pressure loading on the top surface Locked in all directions No boundary conditions, free to move Locked in the “z” direction only Locked in the “x” and ‘z” directions, free to slide in the “y” direction Figure 7: Boundary conditions placed on the bottom edges of the plate The ABACUS software was then instructed to run the analysis with the provided geometry, mesh controls, elements types, loading, and boundary conditions. The maximum absolute principle stress results of this initial solution can be seen in Figure 8. The mesh density was then 6 modified by decreasing or increasing the number of elements through the thickness as well as the number of elements present along each edge. Table 2 summarizes the varying mesh densities analyzed. The element type was also modified by selecting either linear, linear reduced integration, or quadratic, in addition to the initially selected linear incompatible modes. The maximum absolute principle stress and maximum deflection values for the three mesh densities and four element types are tabulated in Tables 3 and 4, respectively Figure 8: Max absolute principle stresses, 1 cm thick plate, 4 elements thick, 20,000 linear incompatible modes elements Table 2: Three different mesh densities studied and the number of elements present Number of Number of Number of Number of Total Mesh elements through elements on the elements on the elements per number of Density the thickness short edges long edges layer elements 1 2 25 50 1250 2500 2 4 50 100 5000 20000 3 6 67 133 8911 53466 A fifth type of element was also analyzed, the shell element. Shell elements are theoretical elements which have no physical thickness when viewed in the model. These elements are able to accurately predict plate bending even with a low surface mesh density as their computations are heavily based on plate bending theory. Shell elements also reduce computational time because instead of the calculation complexity needed to solve 3D FEA problems, only 2D FEA calculations are required. The thickness of the plate is added to the 2D calculations as a property instead of forcing 3D equations to be used. The mesh densities chosen for the various shell element solutions was the same as those used by the solid elements except there was effectively only one element through the thickness. 7 Therefore, the final number of elements in each shell element analysis is equal to the number of elements per layer shown in Table 2. The maximum absolute principle stress output model for “mesh density 2” is shown in Figure 9. Tables 3 and 4 also include the maximum absolute principle stress and maximum deflection values, respectively, of the shell element solutions. Figure 9: Max absolute principle stresses, 1 cm thick plate, 5,000 shell elements Table 3: Effect of element density on maximum stress Maximum Absolute Principle Stress (N/m2) and Percent Error Mesh Type 1 2 3 Roark's Reduced Incompatible Equations Linear Integration modes Quadratic 7.900E+06 2.133E+06 3.048E+06 7.916E+06 7.915E+06 73.00 61.42 0.20 0.19 % Error 7.900E+06 4.285E+06 5.354E+06 7.932E+06 7.918E+06 45.76 32.23 0.41 0.23 % Error 7.900E+06 5.325E+06 5.943E+06 7.926E+06 7.914E+06 32.59 24.77 0.33 0.18 % Error Shell 7.829E+06 0.90 7.886E+06 0.18 7.893E+06 0.09 Table 4: Effect of element density on maximum deflection Maximum Deflection (m) and Percent Error Mesh Type 1 2 3 Roark's Reduced Incompatibl Equations Linear Integration e Modes Quadratic Shell -2.395E-03 -3.360E-04 -1.715E-03 -2.384E-03 -2.404E-03 -2.389E-03 85.97 28.39 0.46 0.38 0.25 % Error -2.395E-03 -9.666E-04 -2.123E-03 -2.398E-03 -2.404E-03 -2.400E-03 59.64 11.36 0.13 0.38 0.21 % Error -2.395E-03 -1.322E-03 -2.151E-03 -2.399E-03 -2.405E-03 -2.401E-03 44.79 10.19 0.17 0.42 0.25 % Error 8 Effect of Mesh Density Variation on Stress 9.0E+06 80.00 8.0E+06 70.00 Effect of Mesh Density Variation on Deflection 100.00 Roark's 90.00 Linear Reduced Integration 80.00 Reduced Integration Incompatible modes 70.00 Incompatible modes 0.0E+00 Roark's Linear 6.0E+06 50.00 5.0E+06 40.00 4.0E+06 30.00 3.0E+06 20.00 2.0E+06 1.0E+06 10.00 0.0E+00 0.00 Quadratic Shell Linear % Error Reduced Integration % Error Incompatible Modes % Error Quadratic % Error -1.0E-03 -1.5E-03 50.00 40.00 -2.0E-03 30.00 20.00 -2.5E-03 10.00 Shell % Error 1 2 Mesh Density 3 Quadratic 60.00 Percent Error 60.00 Maximum Deflection (m) 7.0E+06 Percent Error Maximum Absolute Principle Stress (N/m2) -5.0E-04 Shell Linear % Error Reduced Integration % Error Incompatible Modes % Error Quadratic % Error Shell % Error -3.0E-03 0.00 1 2 3 Mesh Density Figure 10: Mesh Density and element type maximum absolute principle stress and maximum deflection results 9 Empirical and FEA Reliabily as Thickness is Modified Plate bending theory, used in the Reference (a) Roark’s equations, is based on the assumption that the plate is sufficiently thin. This investigation is intended to learn how thick a plate can become before plate theory fails. The above investigation found that incompatible modes provides very accurate stress and deflection solutions when compared to plate theory for a plate which is 100 times thinner than it is wide. This investigation will consider linear incompatible modes elements to be the standard upon which the Reference (a) equations and shell elements will be compared to as the thickness is modified. The number of elements will remain the same throughout the investigation, “mesh density 2,” except for the final thickness where six elements through the thickness will be used instead of four. Figure 11 shows the result of increasing the thickness of the plate too much. The simply supported boundary conditions do not work well for solid elements as the restricted nodes become pulled apart beyond what is physically possible. In order to properly represent the bending of a thick block like is shown in Figure 11 the whole edge of the block would have to be secured by boundary conditions. Tables 5 and 6 as well as Figures 12 and 13 illustrate the effect of modifying the thickness of the plate and its effect on the results of plate theory and the FEA solid and shell element solutions. Figure 11: Boundary condition and FEA failure as thickness grew; 20cm on the left and 30cm thick on the right 10 Table 5: Maximum absolute Principle stress output as thickness is varied 4 elements thick, 20,000 total Thickness 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3* Maximum Absolute Principle Stress (N/m2) Incompatible Modes Roark's Roark's % Error Shell Elements Shell % Error 3.175E+07 3.160E+07 0.475575572 3.154E+07 0.667695506 7.932E+06 7.900E+06 0.403429148 7.886E+06 0.5799294 3.154E+05 3.160E+05 0.1876934 3.144E+05 0.311659818 7.851E+04 7.900E+04 0.62796948 7.841E+04 0.119734546 2.887E+04 1.975E+04 31.58040601 1.953E+04 32.32869119 1.583E+04 8.778E+03 44.53080569 8.708E+03 44.97314376 * Note: This model had 6 elements through its thickness and thus had 30,000 elements total 1.0E+08 50 45 1.0E+07 40 35 1.0E+06 30 25 1.0E+05 20 15 1.0E+04 Percent Error Maximum Absolute Principle Stress (N/m2) Effect of Thickness Variation on Stress Error 10 Incompatible Modes Roark's Shell Elements Roark's % Error Shell % Error 5 1.0E+03 0 0 0.1 0.2 Plate Thickness (m) 0.3 Figure 12: Maximum absolute Principle stress output as thickness is varied Table 6: Maximum Negative deflection as thickness is varied 4 elements thick, 20,000 total Negative Maximum Deflection (m)* Thickness Incompatible Modes Roark's Roark's % Error Shell Elements Shell % Error 0.005 1.915E-02 1.916E-02 0.046994935 1.917E-02 0.078324892 0.01 2.398E-03 2.395E-03 0.125104254 2.400E-03 0.083402836 0.05 1.962E-05 1.916E-05 2.364451692 1.961E-05 0.061149613 0.1 2.577E-06 2.395E-06 7.062475747 2.540E-06 1.435778036 0.2 3.955E-07 2.993E-07 24.32440633 3.910E-07 1.128686436 0.3** 1.635E-07 8.870E-08 45.74492161 1.180E-07 27.83829907 * Note: The deflection was made positive to permit the use of a logarithmic scale in Figure 13 ** Note: This model had 6 elements through its thickness and thus had 30,000 elements total 11 Effect of Thickness Variation on Deflection Error 50 45 1.0E-01 40 1.0E-02 35 1.0E-03 30 1.0E-04 25 1.0E-05 20 15 1.0E-06 Percent Error Negative Maximum Deflection (m) 1.0E+00 Incompatible Modes Roark's Shell Elements Roark's % Error 10 1.0E-07 5 1.0E-08 Shell % Error 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Plate Thickness (m) 0.25 0.3 Figure 13: Maximum deflection as thickness is varied Discussion: The accuracy of plate bending theory and the strength and versatility of Finite Element Analysis were confirmed in these investigations. In the first investigation several different element types, both solid and shell, were examined and compared to the standard set by the Reference (a) plate bending Roark’s equations. Neither the linear nor the linear reduced integration elements were able to provide accurate stress measurements. The reduced integration only provided marginally accurate deflection values while the linear element’s deflection predictions were less accurate. Increasing the mesh density did help these element types yield greater accuracy, but they never provided the exactness provided by the other element types. This shows that both of these elements, while potentially good at solving for other problem types, should not be used when bending is the primary mode of deflection in an analysis. The linear incompatible modes, quadratic, and shell elements were all able to provide extremely accurate stress and deflection values at all the mesh densities analyzed. These results show that if bending is the primary mode of deflection for a part, shell or linear incompatible modes are ideal candidates for analysis. Quadratic elements could also be used, but their greater computational requirements would necessitate a solid reason for their use. 12 The second investigation analyzed the impact of increasing the thickness of the plate. Plate bending theory, Reference (a), and shell elements were selected to be compared to linear incompatible modes elements which was set as a standard. The stress and deflection analysis results were all very close to each other when the plate was 0.5cm, 1cm, and 5cm thick. The Reference (a) Roark’s equations began to provide deflection predictions with greater and greater deviation from the incompatible modes standard as the plate’s thickness increased beyond 5cm. The shell elements’ deflection predictions began to diverge as the plate’s thickness increased to more than 20cm, which is also when the incompatible modes elements began to stretch at the boundary conditions. The stress values provided by both the Reference (a) equations and the shell elements were following the incompatible modes values until the plate reached 20cm thick as the pinched solid elements had higher stress levels than the center of the free edge where the maximum stress levels had been. This investigation has shown that if the plate’s width to thickness ratio is less than 50:1, any results provided by plate bending theory or shell elements may be questionable and below 10:1, they should be heavily scrutinized. The use of certain boundary conditions must also be questioned if the solid elements are being pinched or bent excessively as is the case for the 20 and 30cm thick incompatible modes analyses. 13 Conclusions: In the first investigation several different element types and mesh densities were analyzed. The results from these analyses indicated that the linear and linear reduced integration elements were unable to provide accurate solutions when compared to the standard set by the plate bending theory Roark’s equations provided by Reference (a). The accuracy of these element types did increase as the mesh density increased, but not enough to be comparable to the linear incompatible modes, quadratic, or shell elements. The latter three element types provided stress and deflection solutions which were extremely close to those provided by plate bending theory regardless of the mesh density chosen. The second investigation researched the impact of increasing the thickness of the plate on the plate bending theory equations as well as the shell elements by setting the linear incompatible modes elements as the comparison standard. This investigation showed that if the aspect ratio of plate with to thickness drops below 50:1, the plate bending equations and shell elements should begin to be questioned. Once the ratio drops below 10:1, any results provided by those two methods should be heavily scrutinized. References: a) Young, Warren C., and Richard G. Budynas. "Chapter 11, Flat Plates." Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain: Warren C. Young; Richard G. Budynas. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. 505. Print. b) "ASM Material Data Sheet." ASM Material Data Sheet. ASM Aerospace Specification Metals, Inc. Web. 1 May 2015. 14