Politeness in Signed Language Bibliography

Politeness in Signed Language Bibliography
Compiled by:
Rachel Mapson, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
Daniel Roush, Eastern Kentucky University (daniel.roush@eku.edu)
Ferreira Brito, Lucinda (1995). Por uma Gramática de Línguas de Sinais [For a grammar of
sign languages]. Tempo Brasileiro.
George, Johnny (2011). Politeness in Japanese Sign Language (JSL): polite JSL expression as
evidence for intermodal language contact influence. Berkeley, CA: University of
California doctoral dissertation.
Green, Daniel (2013). Keeping it vague: A study of Vague Language in an American Sign
Language Corpus and Implications for Interpreting Between American Sign Language
and English. Monmouth OR: Western Oregon University master’s thesis.
Hoza, Jack (1999). Saving face: The interpreter and politeness. Journal of Interpretation, 3768.
Hoza, Jack (2007). It's Not What You Sign, It's How You Sign It: Politeness in American Sign
Language. Washington DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Hoza, Jack (2007). How interpreters convey social meaning: Implications for interpreted
interaction. Journal of Interpretation, 39-68.
Hoza, Jack (2008). Five non-manual modifiers that mitigate requests and rejections in
American Sign Language. Sign Language Studies 8(3), 264-288.
Hoza, Jack (2011). The Discourse and Politeness Functions of HEY and WELL in American Sign
Language. In Cynthia Roy (Ed.), Discourse in Signed Languages (pp.69-93). Washington
DC: Gallaudet University Press. Accessible online at:
Mapson, Rachel (2013). Politeness in British Sign Language: the effects of language contact.
In Alasdair Archibald (Ed.), Multilingual Theory and Practice in Applied Linguistics.
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied
Linguistics (pp. 167-170). London: Scitsiugnil Press.
Mapson, Rachel (2014). Polite appearances: how non-manual features convey politeness in
British Sign Language. Journal of Politeness Research, 10(2), 157-184.
Mindess, Anna (2006). Reading Between the Signs: Intercultural Communication for Sign
Language. Boston MA: Intercultural Press.
Pietrosemoli, Lourdes (2001). Politeness and Venezuelan Sign Language. In V. Dively (Ed.),
Signed languages: Discoveries from international research (pp. 63-79). Washington DC:
Gallaudet University Press.
Roush, Daniel (2007). Indirectness Strategies in American Sign Language Requests and
Refusals: Deconstructing the Deaf-as-Direct Stereotype. In Melanie Metzger and Earl
Fleetwood (Eds.), Translation, Sociolinguistic, and Consumer Issues in Interpreting (pp.
103-156). Washington DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Roush, Daniel (2011). Language Between Bodies: A Cognitive Approach to Understanding
Linguistic Politeness in American Sign Language. Sign Language Studies 11(3). 329-373.
Savvalidou, Flora (2011). Interpreting Im/politeness Strategies in a Media Political Setting. In
Lorraine Leeson, Svenja Wurm and Miriam Vermeerbergen (Eds.), Signed Language
Interpreting: Preparation, Practice and Performance (pp. 87-109). Manchester: St
Jerome Publishing.