Futurity Program Société hippique Percheronne du Québec (SHPQ) RULES Within the framework of selection tests organized by the Comité conjoint des races chevalines du Québec (C.C.R.C.Q), in collaboration with the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ). Purpose: To promote the development, the presentation and the training of Percheron colts and fillies as selection tools for future stud horses and brood mares. The Société hippique Percheronne du Québec (SHPQ) adopted a new Futurity program to encourage Quebec owners and breeders in the development of their breeding program. Horses shown in the “colts and fillies of the year” category will be eligible in the two years old championship class. With help from sponsors and various breeding programs, the SHPQ wishes to gather a significant amount of money each year, as prizes for championship participants. Those prizes will be distributed among winners according to a pre-established order. ELLIGIBILITY To register, the horse owner must fulfil the Comité conjoint des races chevalines du Québec (CCRCQ) conditions : 1. The owner must be a Quebec resident, if not, his horse must be the descendant of a Quebec’s stallion. 2. The owner’s name must be written on the Canadian registration certificate belonging to the horse shown, before closure date. 3. Being a member in good standing of the Société Hippique Percheronne du Québec. 4. Fill and return the entry form within due date. 5. Pay the fees for every horse shown ($50) 1 6. Horses shown in the 2-y.old class must have participated two years earlier in the Colt or Filly of the year class, or must have paid a $75 fee before December 31st of the horse’s birth date year. GENERAL RULES SHPQ’s Futurity program participants will have to comply to the C.C.R.C.Q.’s main rules. JUDGMENT Judges will be nominated by the SHPQ’s executive committee. Three judges will judge the 2 years-old championship. Judgments will be based on a pre-established score system, as presented in this document, forwarded to the judges. For the yearling class, the total amount of points will be used for the halter judgments. For the 2 years-old class, refer to : Two (2) years-old Championship.. Ex-aecquo will get their first item on the grid added. After a second ex-aequo, the second item on the grid will be added and so on, until a winner is determined. Money prices will be paid to the winner within ninety (90) days of the event. YEARLING CLASS Halter class (classic line) rules There will be only one (1) round for each section. Halter or bridle on lead-chain or leash only allowed on the horse. TWO (2) YEARS-OLD CHAMPIONSHIP Horses shown in the class must participate in three mandatory categories: a. Halter class (classic line) b. Hitch cart (two-wheel cart) c. Pattern class 1. There will be three (3) judges. A tiebreaker judge will be designated prior to the event. Judges will not confer on their placing. Judgments order of “go” will be determined at random, one hour prior to the class. 2. The winner of the Futurity will be the horse receiving the most points overall from all divisions. 2 3. Horses placing in each class will be given one (1) point plus an additional point for each horse placing below them. HALTER CHAMPIONSHIP JUDGMENT (CLASSIC LINE) Horses will be examined walking and trotting between 3 cones/markers. At each of these points, a judge will be stationed. Each judge may rework a maximum of three (3) horses without designation of which award they are being considered for. 1. There will be only one (1) round for each section. 2. Halter or bridle on lead-chain or leash only allowed on the horse. HITCH CART CHAMPIONSHIP JUDGMENT Emphasis to be placed on an individual that is conformationally correct and sound on all feet and legs. Balance, breed type, form to function, smoothness of body parts, eye appeal and the action of the individual all to be considered. All breeds, all sexes, to show in the same class. The class will take place in the arena, using both directions, on walk and trot. The judgment is based on the global performance and also on the way the horse maintains its gaits. The action, headset and type and eye appeal will be considered. Horses may be asked to back. The driver will be dressed properly. Each team will be formed of only one horse, a two-wheel cart and no passenger else than the driver. COURSE JUDGING (CHAMPIONSHIP) The course is individually made, in order to demonstrate the horse’s talent. 3 FUTURITY PATTERN Will consist of an individual pattern or work, designed to show how well broke the horse is. Work will consist of a simple pattern designed for a two-year old. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enter the arena at a walk toward the right. Trot a complete circle then cut a complete figure of 8. Stop in center of the figure of 8. Fan left, 90 degrees, pause. Fan right, 180 degrees, and pause. Fan left 90 degrees. At will, go to the right and enter keyhole. Drive around keyhole and exit. Go to the left and walk through rails. Cart wheels must be completely past the rails. The, back clear through the rails. 8. Drive to the right of the rails and exit arena at will. Pattern only to be judged with emphasis on the correctness of each element and overall smoothness of the pattern. Speed is not the object. Elements to be judged at the two-year-old ability level. 4 SCORING GUIDE OF PATTERN CART CLASS The pattern class consists of 300 total points. Scribes may be used to mark the scores at the judge’s request. The five elements judged will be scored according to the following point scale: 0 – 50 Figure of 8 0 – 100 Keyhole 0 – 50 Fan 0 – 100 Rails Important: This class is placed. The score for each element is reflected on a maneuver by maneuver and penalty by penalty basis. Penalties, per obstacle, to be given for the following: Fifty (50) Penalty points for – refusal, bucking, kicking and rearing. One Hundred (100) Penalty points for – blatant disobedience, going off pattern. Dismissal – excessive abuse, horse or driver falling to the ground (driver’s foot touching of horse’s shoulder touching), excessive use of whip, or horse behavior considered a danger to themselves or other. INSCRIPTIONS There is no limit to the amount of horses registered by owner. Registry forms will be published every year. Forms must be filled and sent to C.C.R.C.Q. before due date. Proof of third party insurance of minimum $1,000,000 must be given with the registration form, failing which, it will be refused. The entries must be paid in full by the deadline date and enclosed with a copy of the horse’s registration certificate. Checks or money-orders must be made to: Comité conjoint des races chevalines du Québec. They will fix the due date and it will appear on the forms. For those who haven’t yet received the horse’s registration certificate or transfer, they must attach a copy of the ordering form. Certificate must be received the day of the event. If the ownership is transferred before the event for which he is registered, the rights and obligations of the former owner are transferred to the new one. 5 To register, the horse owner must be a member in good order of the Société Hippique Percheronne du Québec (SHPQ) until the end of the event. SCRATCHES The horse owner who wants to scratch entry must inform the president. No registration fee will be refunded. . REFUNDABLE SCRATCH Only the death of the registered horse can be accepted for refund. RADIATIONS The entries of a horse who was legally taken out of the participant’s list will not be refunded to owner; a) Horses who fail Coggins test of the current year; b) Horse’s owners who are not a member in good form of the SHPQ; c) The horses selected by a committee, the day of the event, to be excluded in the animal’s interest or of the other participant’s interest. d) The day of the event, or any other time, the selection committee can decide to disqualify participants. Their decision will be irrevocable. APPEAL The ring master will support all decisions taken by the authorities. To resist him is a reasonable motive for the selection comitte to refuse any other entry. All decisions are irrevocable. PROTESTS Protests must be addressed to the C.C.R.C.Q. ‘s secretary, and include a $75 fee. The fees may be refunded if the protestant wins the protest. DRUGS The Selection committee president may order a blood test on all first five horses of every class. If the analysis reports traces of one or more drugs included in the Ministère de l’Agriculture du Canada, the horse will be disqualified. The decision is irrevocable and no money prices will be given to the owner. 6 Perfect score CARACTERISTICS 1. General appearance. 25 The horse must possess the characteristic of his breed, nicely proportioned keeping breed, purpose and gender characteristics in mind. 2. Legs 20 Correct conformation of the limbs and forearms based on the breed characteristics. Must be evaluated from the side, front and back. Feet must be well proportioned of good size and have good conformation. 3. The Gaits 20 Gaited horses must be judge based on their breed characteristics, this characteristic should be found in both anterior and posterior members. We seek correct movement, horse with a nice fluid movement, any fault should be penalised. Know the difference between gaited and non gaited breeds. Some breeds have more action in their gaits then others. 4. Bone structure 5 The horse must have the proper skeletal frame as per his breed characteristic. Tall horses will only be well placed if they do meet the breed characteristic and the adequate conformation. Avoid favoring horses based on their height but rather based on the overall conformation. The Skeletal structure of the horse must be in proportioned with the weight of the animal. The horse should have a good size barrel and a chest large enough to give enough room between legs to avoid over reaching. 5. Shoulder 7 The shoulder should be long and well muscled, a good shoulder should never be straight, it will always have a slope each breed will have it’s own characteristic. 6. Croup 7 The croup should be long and well muscled, but the shape and attachment of the tail tie can vary between breed. 7. Head and neck 6 - the head must be clean cut based on the gender, refined, with a wide forehead, expressive eyes, wide open nostril and well placed ears. Head shape should be judged based on the breed standard. 8. Dos et reins – Top Line 10 The top line (back) should be short but in proportion of the horse’s length, strong, large and muscular. 7 HITCH SELECTION CLASSES 2012 First round (presentation) Number: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Score Horse: conformation et overall appearance (25) Horse: gaits and performance (35) Cart: appropriate and clean (15) Harness: well-adjusted and clean (15) Driver: appearance - presentation - performance (10) TOTAL (100) Horse’s PERFORMANCE Walk Trot (15) (15) Change direction (15) Backing up (20) Halt (15) Eight figure (20) TOTAL (100) Report GENERAL (100) HORSE’S PERFORMANCE (100) TOTAL / 2 Signature (SHOW MANAGER) Signature (JUDGE) Signature (C.C.R.C.Q.’S SECRETARY) 8 PATTERN SELECTION CLASS 2012 Second round (Pattern) Number: Eight figure (50 pts) Fan (50 pts) Keyhole (100 pts) Rails (100 pts) TOTAL (300 pts) Signature (Show manager) Signature (Judge) Signature (C.C.R.C.Q.) 9