MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY FIRST AID GUIDELINES Environmental Health and Safety Marquette University Created September 2011 Reviewed I. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE It is recommended that all university departments maintain adequate first aid kits in convenient and accessible locations. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard 29 CFR 1910.151 Appendix A states that first aid kits that meet American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Z308.1 must be readily available (see Attachment 1). In addition, training of employees in basic first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is encouraged. This training is available locally. For further information on classes, call the Marquette University Office of Environmental Health and Safety at 288-8411. Because of the potential for exposure to bloodborne diseases, such as AIDS and Hepatitis B, it is important for anyone who might give first aid and/or CPR to be aware of the hazards that contact with human blood and certain human body fluids may present. For most employees, providing first aid to someone in need is a personal choice. For other employees, providing first aid is a requirement of their job position and part of their assigned duties. Marquette University has a legally-required Bloodborne Pathogens Program, designed for the purpose of protecting university personnel from exposure to disease-causing organisms found in human blood and certain human body fluids. When employees are required to provide first aid as a part of their assigned job duties, the program requires that specific training, personal protective equipment and vaccinations be provided, and that specific record keeping and procedures be in place. The purpose of the Marquette University First Aid Policy is to define the types of first aid providers at Marquette University, to explain basic exposure control procedures and to establish the first aid kit supplies that should be available according to ANSI Standard Z308.1. II. SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS A. GOOD SAMARITAN In the context of this policy, a "Good Samaritan" is a person who volunteers assistance, as a personal choice, to a person in medical need. This assistance may or may not involve potential contact with human blood or body fluids. It is recommended that all individuals at Marquette University understand the hazards involved in contact with human blood and certain body fluids, and how to protect themselves from bloodborne diseases. Marquette University First Aid Guidelines Page 2 B. FIRST RESPONDER A Marquette University "First Responder" is an employee who, as a requirement of his/her job position and assigned duties, is required to provide first aid and/or CPR to persons in medical need. The First Responder is certified in first aid and CPR and provides medical assistance until such time as professional medical care can be provided. First Responders will participate in the Marquette University Bloodborne Pathogens Program required by the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens regulations (OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030). III. EXPOSURE CONTROL PROCEDURES Because of potential contact with human blood and potentially infectious body fluids, it is recommended that disposable latex rubber or nitrile gloves and CPR pocket masks be provided and used instead of bare-hand contact and direct mouth-to-mouth procedures. If gloves, pocket masks, compresses or any other items become contaminated with human blood or potentially infectious body fluids, they must be disposed of safely. Contaminated materials must be placed in a closed and leak-proof container. Any contaminated sharps (needles, razor blades, broken glass, etc.) must be collected in a container that is also puncture-resistant. The container must be marked with a "BIOHAZARD" label and autoclaved to decontaminate. Environmental Health and Safety at 288-8411 will pick up decontaminated sharps waste upon request. Non-sharps waste should be placed inside another opaque bag after autoclaving, and then disposed of in the regular trash. If an autoclave is not available in the area, arrangements can be made with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety to have contaminated waste disposed of by the medical waste contractor. Interested personnel may call 288-7367 to make arrangements to deliver biohazard bags and contaminated sharps containers to the Wehr Life Sciences. If contaminated waste cannot be taken to Wehr Life Sciences Biohazard Room immediately, the waste containers must be placed in a locked room until arrangements for delivery can be made. If there has been contact of human blood or potentially infectious body fluids with broken skin, eyes or mouth, contaminated skin must be washed with soap and water and the eyes and mouth must be flushed immediately. Employees then should contact the workers’ compensation medical provider for Marquette University. Students should contact the Marquette University Student Health Center at 288-7184 to arrange a post-exposure evaluation. Attachment 1 FIRST AID KIT REQUIREMENTS FACT SHEET Environmental Health and Safety Marquette University Created September 2011 Reviewed Marquette University first aid kits come in two versions. Both are in compliance with the standards set by OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens regulations (OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030) and the ANSI Standard Z308.1 for minimum content requirements for industrial first aid kits. The "First Responder" kit contains items that will provide blood exposure protection and is intended for use by employees who have first aid responsibilities under the Bloodborne Pathogens regulations. The "Good Samaritan" first aid kits do not contain blood exposure protection items, and are intended for self-use and for use by individuals who make a personal choice to volunteer assistance. OSHA REQUIREMENTS AND INTERPRETATIONS OSHA provides various statements concerning the applicability of medical services and first aid. Listed below are several pertinent statements relative to first aid. A. OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.151 states that "the employer shall ensure the ready availability of medical personnel for advice and consultation on matters of workplace health.” NOTE: Student Health Services, located at 545 North 15th Street, meets this requirement. B. OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.151 also states that, "In the absence of an infirmary or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees, a person or persons shall be adequately trained to render first aid. First aid supplies which meet ANSI Standard Z308.1 shall be readily available.” NOTE: The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that, "in serious accidents involving severe bleeding or breath stoppage, first aid, to be effective, must be administered within 3 minutes.” In this same case, the court held that an ambulance service located 4 minutes away under optimal conditions was not in "near proximity.” C. OSHA offers more specific first aid requirements under several of the General Industry Standards. EH&S is aware of the following items. This may not be a complete list, however: 1. Welding, cutting and brazing (29 CFR 1910.252 (c) (13)) "First aid equipment shall be available at all times. All injuries shall be reported as soon as possible for medical attention. First aid shall be rendered until medical attention can be provided." Attachment 1, First Aid Kit Requirements Fact Sheet Page 2 2. Telecommunications (29 CFR 1910.268 (b) (3)) "First aid supplies which meet ANSI Standard Z308.1 shall be placed in weatherproof containers (unless stored indoors) and shall be easily accessible. Each first aid kit shall be inspected at least once a month. Expended items shall be replaced." 3. Construction Industry Standards (29 CFR 1926) Several sections of the 29 CFR 1926 standards indicate that the employer must provide first aid kits at construction sites plus persons trained in basic first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). 4. Confined Spaces (29 CFR 1910.146); Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution (29 CFR 1910.269) These OSHA standards require first aid kits plus persons trained in basic first aid skills and CPR skills. REQUIREMENTS FOR MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS A. A determination must be made as to whether any operations include any activities that are hazardous, contain hazardous materials, sharp objects or obvious things that could produce cuts, punctures or any other need for first aid. Based on this evaluation, the appropriate first aid kit must be obtained and located at a site accessible and known to all employees. It is essential to provide appropriate knowledge and information to employees so they can successfully utilize the first aid kit. B. If the evaluation leads to providing a "Good Samaritan" first aid kit, simple instructions to employees will be sufficient. “ First aid treatment provided by and employee on a voluntary basis is done so as a Good Samaritan and the University assumes no responsibility for the exposure of that employee to infectious bloodborne pathogens “. However, if the evaluation leads to providing the "First Responder" first aid kit, more information and instructions are indicated and must include the following: 1. Instructions for one or more persons in the fundamentals of basic first aid 2. Instructions for one or more persons in CPR 3. Instruction for one or more persons in the protective measures required to prevent bloodborne pathogens exposure 4. Included in the University’s Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan, and given the opportunity to receive the Hepatitis B vaccination series. C. A log must be maintained with each first aid kit containing the Following information that must be recorded by each employee who uses the kit; 1. 2. 3. 4. The type of injury How the injury was treated A list of supplies that were used The first aid log does not eliminate the Universities requirement to complete and submit and Accident/Incident Report D. Someone in each department must be assigned the responsibility for ensuring the first aid kits are properly supplied at all times. E. All bandages and other materials saturated with human blood or body fluids must be disposed of in accordance with the Universities bio-hazardous waste policies. F. Further information and assistance can be obtained from; 1. EH&S (288-8411). 2. Student Health Center (288-7184). Attachment 2 FIRST AID KITS Environmental Health and Safety Marquette University Created September 2011 Reviewed All university departments should maintain adequate first aid kits in convenient and accessible locations. First aid kits and refill items can be purchased from various vendors. Items listed below are the minimum components required for first aid kits used at Marquette University. Kits may contain additional supplies. Individual items should be replenished as they become depleted. No aspirin, salt tablets, or other medicinal products, first aid crème, bottles of liquid iodine, alcohol or similar items are approved and may NOT be stocked in university first aid kits. These items may cause an allergic reaction, increase the severity of an injury, or hamper a physician’ medical treatment. Minim um Contents Small Good Samaritan Kit Large Good Samaritan Kit First Responder 1 1 1 16 20 20 2 rolls (½” x 2½ yd.) 1 roll (½” x 5 yd.) 1 roll (½” x 5 yd.) 10 wipes 10 wipes 10 wipes Burn Treatment 90.5g) 6 6 6 Sterile Pads (3" x3 ') 4 10 10 Gauzes 4 4 4 2 pair 2 pair 2 pair Scissors 1 1 1 Eye Wash solution 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Absorbent Compress Adhesive Bandages (1” x 3”) Adhesive Tape (3/8” x 5 yd.) Antiseptic (0.5 g applications) Medical Exam Gloves (large "nonlatex) Biohazard Label ( 1" x 3") Biohazard waste bag (6"x8", Red plastic) Some operations may require more extensive first aid kits than recommended here. In those cases, please contact Environmental Health and Safety at 288-8411, for assistance. If further medical attention is required after first aid has been given, patients with work-related injuries should be directed to the workers’ compensation medical provider for Marquette University. Students should be directed to Marquette’s Student Health Center (288-7184). IF THERE IS THE POTENTIAL FOR EXPOSURE TO HYDROFLUORIC ACID CONTACT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (288-8411) FOR SPECIFIC PROCEDURES AND FIRST AID KIT REQUIREMENTS. AMBULANCE SERVICE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE BY CALLING PUBLIC SAFETY 8-1911 FROM MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY TELEPHONES.