NewBridge Services, Inc. Policies and Procedures TITLE: Supervised Self-Medication Process in Community Residences EFFECTIVE DATE: CODE: RES 206 2015 POLICY: The NewBridge Residence Program provides complete and careful monitoring of medications prescribed to individuals living in the community residences, as well as supporting their educated participation in the process. PURPOSE: To ensure the safe and effective distribution of medications to individuals living in the NewBridge community residences to support their recovery efforts. PROCEDURE: A. All community residence participants who store their medications within the organization will be assisted with medication self-administration. B. All distributed doses will be observed by designated and authorized staff. 1. Medications are managed in designated medication areas in order to address the right to privacy during such encounters. 2. The resident will identify the medication packaging as having their name, current date and current administration time on it. 3. The resident will remove prescribed medications for designated staff to verify. 4. The resident will be encouraged to identify medication and their understanding of its use at this time. a. Staff may help the resident identify any positive or negative effects that it may have as the resident understands them and as directed by the residence nurse, clinician, or psychiatrist. b. Staff may help the resident articulate the reason for the medication and its intended benefit. 5. The resident will ingest medication in the presence of the staff member. a. Staff will provide and encourage the use of appropriate fluid. b. Staff may request that the resident open his/her mouth to demonstrate completed ingestion. c. Staff may request that the resident remain with staff for up to ten (10) minutes and drink more appropriate fluid to ensure ingestion if determined appropriate by the treatment team. C. Medication distribution is documented with each dose, with added focus and documentation of any dose omitted, held, refused, or not available. 1. A medication log book is kept in the medication area. NewBridge Services, Inc. Policies and Procedures Supervised Self-Medication Process in Community Residences Page 2 RES 206 a. Each resident has a designated medication administration record (MAR), designating prescribed and physician approved medications, their dosages, and prescribed time of day in the log book. b. The MARs will be separated by resident and will be clearly marked with the resident’s name, prescribing physician, and known allergies. c. Staff members supervising medication self-administration will enter their initials, signature, and title on the reverse side of each resident’s MAR. d. The supervising staff member will initial the MAR in the box corresponding with the medication, day, and time when medications have been observes as taken. e. The supervising staff member will label the appropriate box on the MAR with the letter “P” if the medication is packed and given to the resident for later self-administration. I. The staff may provide medication education to any parties who will be with the resident during the administration time. II. The resident will be instructed to return any unused medications at the time of their return. f. If the medication is observed as not taken, the staff will circle their initials and provide a written explanation on the reverse side of the MAR sheet. g. If the packed medication is returned before the administration time, staff will return the dose to the resident’s box and enter their initials below the “P” on the MAR when the medication is taken. A corresponding note will be entered on the reverse side that packed medication have been returned and taken. h. If the packed medication is returned after the time that it could be ingested, the staff will circle the letter “P” that was input for that medication time and write a note on the reverse side that the packed medications have been returned and not taken. i. If a resident takes a PRN medication, staff will enter the selfadministration time and initials in the corresponding box within the appropriate date, and will enter a note on the reverse side indicating the reason for use as described by the resident and any regulated outcomes. j. All returned doses will be recorded in the staff log. k. All missed doses, and related resident’s statements and staff’s interventions, will be recorded in the staff log. NewBridge Services, Inc. Policies and Procedures Supervised Self-Medication Process in Community Residences Page 3 RES 206 l. Efforts to educate the resident on the role of medications as it relates to their illness management will be documented in the progress notes weekly by the assigned staff. m. The residence nurse and clinician will document medication education, counseling, and issues in the resident’s chart monthly. 2. Medications started, stopped, or changed mid-month should have the unused section of the medication sheet highlighted with yellow marker with the date of the start/stop/change and prescriber’s name. a. Medication changes should appear in the resident’s chart, residence log book, and resident’s progress note. b. All medication changes should be communicated to the pharmacy and are stored in a separate file, called the prescription log book, at the facility. c. The residence staff may change the medication label to reflect prescriber changes under the supervision of the residence nurse. D. Medications are to be taken within a two hour window of the time prescribed by the physician (two hour window means two hours before or after the prescribed time). 1. If a resident does not present him or herself at medication time, and is known to be in the residence, staff may find the resident and prompt him or her to take medications up to three times. 2. If medications are not taken on schedule, the missed dose and reason should be documented on the resident’s MAR by the assigned staff who will circle their initials and document the reason for the missed dose on the reverse side of the MAR. 3. If missing a dose is unusual for the resident, the staff should report it to the clinician. 4. If missing the dose poses a medical risk to the resident (e.g.: an anticonvulsant) the staff should report it to the residence nurse. 5. All missed doses are recorded in the staff log. 6. Missed medications will be communicated to the prescriber as determined clinically appropriate by the residence nurse or clinician. E. Medications shall not be shared between residents. NewBridge Services, Inc. Policies and Procedures Supervised Self-Medication Process in Community Residences Page 4 RES 206 F. Discontinued, expired, and untaken medications shall not be available to residents, and will be removed from the resident’s bin into a designated discard container as per policy Med 105. G. Discontinued and expired medications will be removed from the residence as per policy Med 105. H. Medication education and counseling is integral to supporting resident efforts toward wellness and recovery. During medication counseling the prescriber or nurse may provide written information to the consumer regarding the risks and benefits of the prescribed medication. 1. At the time that a new medication is prescribed by a NewBridge prescriber, the prescriber will provide written information about the medication’s risks and benefits. 2. Under the direction of the residence nurse or clinician, the direct care staff may utilize the provided information to support the resident’s understanding of the role of medications in his or her recovery. 3. The resident will be referred to the residence nurse or prescriber for medically technical questions, or to the residence clinician if needed. 4. The staff will respect the resident’s right to decide if medications should have a role in his or her recovery, and should help the resident evaluate the results of his or her decision on an ongoing basis. I. Each consumer is encouraged to be ultimately responsible for taking medications as they are ordered by the prescriber. J. If it is suspected that a consumer is under the influence of drugs or alcohol and/or informs staff of recent substance use, then the residence nurse or psychiatrist will be contacted for further direction regarding the next medication dose. 1. If the staff is instructed to withhold the dose, it will be documented in the MAR as a missed does and a detailed explanation will be entered on the reverse side as described in section C, item 1k, section D items 5 and 6, and section F. a. All reasonable efforts will be made to obtain information on the substance used and the amount used. b. All information related to substance use and held medications will be documented in the staff log and resident progress notes. NewBridge Services, Inc. Policies and Procedures Supervised Self-Medication Process in Community Residences Page 5 RES 206 K. The resident’s medication use pattern will be reported to the prescriber during follow up visits. L. Staff responsible for observing self-medication and medication education will receive annual medication training authorized by the Pharmacy committee. REFERENCES: A. N.J.A.C. 10:77A B. N.J.A.C. 10:37A Revised: 3/2015 C. Dean