Monosaccharide and Disaccharide Isomerization over Lewis Acid Sites in Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Molecular Sieves SUPPORTING INFORMATION Rajamani Gounder and Mark E. Davis* Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, United States *Corresponding author. E-mail: S.1. X-ray diffractograms of zeolite samples Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples used in this study are shown in Fig. S.1. Intensity (A.U.) TiO2-SiO2 Ti-Beta-OH Sn-Beta-F Ti-Beta-F 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 2q² Figure S.1. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of Ti-Beta-F, Sn-Beta, Ti-Beta-OH and TiO2-SiO2 (bottom to top). S.2. Single-component vapor-phase adsorption isotherms of zeolite samples N2 (77 K), H2O (293 K) and CH3OH (293 K) adsorption isotherms are shown for TiBeta-F (Fig. S.2), Ti-Beta-OH (Fig. S.3) and Sn-Beta-F (Fig. S.4). Corresponding micropore uptakes shown in Table 1 (main text). 200 180 160 3 g -1) Vads (cm 3 g-1 STP) Vads (cm 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 P/P0 P/P0 Figure S.2. N2 (77 K) ( ), H2O (293 K) ( ) and CH3OH ( ) adsorption isotherms for Ti-BetaF. 800 700 3 g-1 3STP) V Vads (cm g-1) ads (cm 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 P/P P/P00 Figure S.3. N2 (77 K) ( ), H2O (293 K) ( ) and CH3OH ( ) adsorption isotherms for Ti-BetaOH. 180 160 120 3 Vads g Vads (cm3(cm g-1 STP) -1 ) 140 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 P/P0 P/P0 Figure S.4. N2 (77 K) ( ), H2O (293 K) ( ) and CH3OH ( ) adsorption isotherms for Sn-BetaF. S.3. Deactivation studies of Ti-Beta-F during reactions of glucose in liquid water The deactivation of Ti-Beta-F during conversion of a 1% (w/w) aqueous glucose solution at 373 K (1:50 Ti:glucose ratio) was assessed by first measuring the evolution of fructose and sorbose products as a function of batch reaction time for two hours (Figs. 5a and 5b). The catalytic solids were then isolated from the reaction mixture by centrifugation; they retained a yellow discoloration that reflected the presence of adsorbed sugars or sugar decomposition products. The reaction of a fresh glucose reactant solution with the spent Ti-Beta-F catalyst led to initial fructose and sorbose formation rates that were lower by factors of ~2.5 (Figs. S.5a and S.5b), indicating that partial deactivation of Ti-Beta-F occurred during the first reaction cycle and, in part, contributed to the approach of monosaccharide product concentrations to steadystate values at long reaction times. 4 (a) (b) 6 Sorbose concentration (mol m -3) Fructose concentration (mol m -3) 8 4 2 0 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 Time (ks) 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (ks) Figure S.5. Aqueous-phase (a) fructose and (b) sorbose concentrations as a function of reaction time during the first ( ) and second ( ) reaction cycles of a 1% (w/w) aqueous glucose solution with Ti-Beta-F (1:50 glucose:Ti molar ratio, 373 K). S.4. Derivation of batch reactor concentration profiles for glucose and lactose isomerization S.4.1. Concentration profiles in a batch reactor for a reversible first-order reaction Here, we provide an abridged derivation of the concentration profiles in an ideal, constant volume, batch stirred tank reactor for the following reversible reaction: A Kπ B β (S.1) where KR is the equilibrium constant for the stoichiometric reaction. The mole balances for A and B (Eq. (S.1)) in a constant volume, stirred batch tank reactor can be expressed in terms of their concentrations (cA(l), cB(l)) according to: − πcπ΄(π) (π‘) ππ‘ = πcπ΅(π) (π‘) ππ‘ π = ππππ‘ π (S.2) where rnet is the net rate (per metal site) of the reaction shown in Eq. (S.1), M is the total number of metal sites in the reactor, and V is the reactor volume. The assumption that the forward and reverse rates are first-order in cA(l) and cB(l), respectively, leads to the following expression for the net rate of reaction: ππππ‘ = ππ cπ΄(π) − ππ cπ΅(π) (S.3) where kf and kr are the effective first-order forward and reverse rate constants for the reaction (Eq. (S.1)). These two effective rate constants are related by the equilibrium constant for the stoichiometric reaction (Eq. (S.1)): πΎπ = ππ ππ (S.4) At any point in time, the following relationship must hold between the concentrations of A and B: ππ΄0(π) = cπ΄(π) + cπ΅(π) (S.5) where cA0(l) is the initial concentration of A in the reactor. Combining Eqs. (S.2)-(S.5) leads to the following expression: πcπ΅(π) (π‘) ππ‘ π π π = ππ (ππ΄0(π) − cπ΅(π) ) π − πΎπ (cπ΅(π) ) π π (S.6) Rearrangement and separation of variables enables Eq. (S.6) to be integrated with respect to time, with the appropriate limits, to give the following expression for cB(l)(t): cπ΅(π) (π‘) = cπ΅(π),ππ (1 − π −π‘/π ) (S.7) where cπ΅(π),ππ is the concentration of B at equilibrium and is given by: ππ΄0(π) cπ΅(π),ππ = 1+1⁄πΎ (S.8) π In Eq. (S.7), ο΄ is an effective first-order time constant given by: π = [ππ π 1 (1 + πΎ )] π −1 π (S.9) Combining Eqs. (S.5), (S.7) and (S.8) gives the following expression for CA(l)(t): cπ΄(π) (π‘) = cπ΄(π),ππ − (cπ΄(π),ππ − cπ΄0(π) )π −π‘/π (S.10) where cπ΄(π),ππ is the concentration of A at equilibrium. The net rate of reaction at time t can be evaluated from the derivative of Eq. (S.7) with respect to time (according to Eq. (S.2)) and the initial rate of reaction can be determined by evaluating this expression at t = 0. S.4.2. Concentration profiles for parallel glucose-fructose and glucose-sorbose isomerization The conversion of glucose (G) to fructose (F) and sorbose (S) in parallel reactions is reflected in the following: G K π 1 F β (S.11) G K π 2 S β (S.12) The full solution of the concentration profiles requires solving a system of coupled differential equations, but for illustrative purposes we simply provide the following expressions, which describe their functional dependence on reaction time: cπΉ(π) (π‘) = cπΉ(π),ππ (1 − π −π‘/π1 ) (S.13) cπ(π) (π‘) = cπ(π),ππ (1 − π −π‘/π2 ) (S.14) The concentration of glucose is given by: cπΊ(π) (π‘) = cπΊ0(π),ππ − cπΉ(π) (π‘) − cπ(π) (π‘) (S.15) The glucose conversion (X) and fructose-to-sorbose ratios are given by: π(π‘) = 1 − cπΊ(π) (π‘) cπΊ0(π) cπΉ(π) (π‘) cπΉ(π),ππ (1−π −π‘/π1 ) cπ(π) cπ(π),ππ (1−π −π‘/π2 ) = (π‘) (S.16) (S.17) The experimental data are modeled accurately by Eqs. (S.13) and Eqs. (S.14), evident in the parity plots shown in Figures S.6a and S.6b of measured fructose and sorbose concentrations (Fig. 2a and 2b of the main text) from reaction of a 1% (w/w) aqueous glucose solution with TiBeta-F (1:50 glucose:Ti molar ratio, 373 K), plotted against the predicted fructose and sorbose concentrations using Eqs. (S.13) and Eqs. (S.14). We note that the functional dependence of the fructose and sorbose concentrations on reaction time given in Eqs. (S.13) and (S.14), respectively, is the same as expected for reaction with a first-order deactivation process, evidence for which is provided for glucose isomerization on Ti-Beta-F in liquid water in Section S.3. Effective rate constants for glucose isomerization change as a function of batch reaction time because of the reversibility of isomerization steps and because of first-order deactivation processes. As a result, the values of forward rate constants are not determined from interpretation of fitted parameters in Eqs. (S.13) and (S.14). Instead, they are estimated by extrapolation of concentration profiles to zero reaction time to determine initial turnover rates, which are subsequently normalized by initial liquid-phase glucose concentration. This method gives identical values, within experimental error, to those estimated from differential batch reactors (<5% conversion) as well as from the dependence of initial turnover rates on liquid-phase glucose concentration (Section 3.2, main text of the manuscript). 8 4 (b) Measured sorbose concentration (mol m -3) Measured fructose concentration (mol m-3) (a) 6 4 2 0 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 0 8 Predicted fructose concentration (mol m -3) 1 2 3 4 Predicted sorbose concentration (mol m -3 ) Figure S.6. Measured (a) fructose and (b) sorbose concentrations from reaction of a 1% (w/w) aqueous glucose solution with Ti-Beta-F (1:50 glucose:Ti molar ratio, 373 K) against values predicted using Eqs. (S.13) and (S.14). S.4.3. Concentration profiles for lactose isomerization to lactulose The conversion of lactose (L) to lactulose (L’) is reflected in the following: L K π 3 L′ β (S.18) A derivation similar to that presented in Section S.4.1 gives the following expressions for the concentrations of lactose and lactulose: cπΏ(π) (π‘) = cπΏ(π),ππ − (cπΏ(π),ππ − cπΏ0(π) )π −π‘/π3 (S.19) cπΏ′(π) (π‘) = cπΏ′(π),ππ (1 − π −π‘/π3 ) (S.20) where ππΏ0(π) cπΏ′(π),ππ = 1+1⁄πΎ (S.21) π 3 Experimentally measured disaccharide concentrations are modeled accurately by Eqs. (S.19) and Eqs. (S.20). A parity plot is shown in Figure S.7 of measured lactulose concentrations (Fig. 6 of the main text) from reaction of a 1% (w/w) aqueous lactose solution with Sn-Beta-F (1:20 Sn:lactose molar ratio, 373 K), plotted against the predicted lactulose concentrations using Eq. (S.20). Measured lactulose concenration (mol m -3) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Predicted lactulose concentration (mol m -3) Figure S.7. Measured lactulose concentrations from reaction of a 1% (w/w) aqueous lactose solution with Sn-Beta-F (1:20 glucose:Ti molar ratio, 373 K) against values predicted using Eq. (S.20). S.5. 13C NMR spectra of products formed from reaction of glucose-13C-C1 with TiO2-SiO2 in methanol The 13 C NMR spectrum of the total reactor contents (without fractionation of individual products) after reaction of glucose-13C-C1 with TiO2-SiO2 in methanol is shown in Fig. S.8. 13C resonances appeared for the C1 position in unreacted glucose reactants (ο€ = 95.8 and 92.0 ppm) and for the C2 position in mannose products (ο€ = 71.1 and 70.5 ppm), consistent with glucosemannose epimerization by an intramolecular C2-C1 shift of C3 carbon centers known as the Bilik reaction. A resonance at ο€ = 76.6 ppm is also present in Fig. S.8, but in trace amounts (<3% of total 13 C content; <7% of product but does not appear in 13 C content); this resonance currently remains unassigned, 13 C NMR spectra for hexose sugars (glucose, fructose, mannose or sorbose) observed from glucose reactions with other solid Lewis acids. 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Chemical shift (ppm) Figure S.8. 13C NMR spectrum of the total reactor contents obtained after reaction of a 1% (w/w) glucose-13C-C1 solution in methanol with TiO2-SiO2 at 373 K for 4 h. S.6. Glucose isomerization rate constants on Ti-Beta-F samples of varying Si/Ti ratio Glucose-fructose and glucose-sorbose isomerization rate constants (per total Ti; 373 K) on Ti-Beta-F samples of varying Si/Ti ratio (66-207) in liquid water and methanol are shown in Figs. S.9a and S.9b, respectively. Across all Ti-Beta-F samples, rate constants for glucosefructose isomerization were within factors of ~1.7 and ~1.8 in water and methanol, respectively, and for glucose-sorbose isomerization were within factors of ~1.6 and ~1.3 in water and methanol, respectively. Strong intrazeolitic mass transfer limitations would lead to a systematic increase in isomerization rate constants (per total Ti) with decreasing Ti/Si ratio, as appears for glucose-sorbose isomerization in methanol (Fig. S.9b); yet, the lack of a similar dependence on Ti/Si ratio for parallel glucose-fructose isomerization (Fig. S.9b) suggest that intrazeolitic glucose diffusion does not influence isomerization turnover rates, and that small rate constant differences (within factors of ~1.3-1.8) may reflect active site heterogeneities among samples. 40 (a) Isomerization rate constant (373 K) (/10-6 mol [(mol Ti)*s*((mol glucose) m -3)]-1 ) Isomerization rate constant (373 K) (/10-6 mol [(mol Ti)*s*((mol glucose) m -3)]-1) 40 30 20 10 0 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 Ti/Si atomic ratio 0.020 (b) 30 20 10 0 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 Ti/Si atomic ratio Figure S.9. Dependence of measured first-order glucose-fructose ( ) and glucose-sorbose ( ) isomerization rate constants (373 K) on Ti/Si atomic ratio for different Ti-Beta-F samples in (a) water and (b) methanol solvent. S.7. Derivation of mechanism-based rate expressions for glucose isomerization and lactose isomerization on Lewis acid zeolites S.7.1. Glucose-fructose and glucose-sorbose isomerization in parallel via different adsorbed glucose precursors A reaction sequence for the formation of fructose and sorbose in parallel reactions of glucose, mediated by different adsorbed glucose precursors, is given in Scheme S.1. In this reaction scheme, G, F and S represent glucose, fructose and sorbose in the liquid-phase, ∗ represents a Lewis acid site, G∗’ and G∗’’ represent the different bound glucose precursors respectively leading to fructose and sorbose, and F∗ and S∗ respectively refer to bound fructose and sorbose. The sequential adsorption of two solvent molecules (B) onto a Lewis site forms bound intermediates represented by B∗ and 2B∗ (Scheme S.1). K1a k2a G*’ k-2a K3a F* F + * G + * k2b K1b G*’’ k-2b K3b S* S + * K4 B + * B* K5 B + B* 2B* Scheme S.1. Plausible reaction mechanism for glucose-fructose isomerization (Steps 1a, 2a, 3a) and glucose-sorbose isomerization (Steps 1b, 2b, 3b) on a Lewis acid site (∗). Quasi-equilibrated adsorption (Steps 1a, 1b) of glucose from the liquid phase (G) to active sites to form bound precursors (G∗’ and G∗’’) that isomerize to fructose (F∗) and sorbose (S∗), respectively, in kinetically-relevant and reversible steps (Steps 2a, 2b), followed by quasi-equilibrated desorption of fructose and sorbose into the liquid phase (F, S). Quasi-equilibrated sequential adsorption of two solvent (B) molecules at Lewis acid sites shown in Steps 4 and 5. In Scheme S.1, glucose isomerization to fructose and to sorbose occur in sequences a and b, respectively. Net rates of isomerization to fructose (risom,F) and to sorbose (risom,S) are given by: risom,F = r2a − r−2a (S.22) risom,S = r2b − r−2b (S.23) Reaction rates for the elementary steps in Eqs. (S.22) and (S.23) are given by the law of mass action, and are proportional to rate constants and reactant thermodynamic activities, allowing net rates to be written as: risom,F = k 2a aG∗′ − k −2a aF∗ (S.24) risom,S = k 2b aG∗′′ − k −2b aS∗ (S.25) Eqs. (S.24) and (S.25) can be rewritten as: risom,F = k 2a aG∗′ (1 − k−2a aF∗ k2a aG∗′ k aS∗ risom,S = k 2b aG∗′′ (1 − k−2ba 2b G∗′′ ) = k 2a aG∗′ (1 − K aF∗ 2a aG∗′ ) = k 2b aG∗′′ (1 − K ) (S.26) ) (S.27) aS∗ 2b aG∗′′ or: risom,F = k 2a aG∗′ (1 − η2a ) (S.28) risom,S = k 2b aG∗′′ (1 − η2b ) (S.29) where ο¨2a and ο¨2b are the approach-to-equilibrium terms for Steps 2a and 2b (Scheme S.1), respectively. The assumption of quasi-equilibrium on Steps 1a, 1b, 3a, 3b, 4 and 5 (Scheme S.1) give the following equilibrium expressions relating the thermodynamic activities (ai) of reactant and product species: a ′ K1a = a G∗a G ∗ (S.30) a ′′ K1b = a G∗a (S.31) G ∗ K 3a = K 3b = aF a∗ (S.32) aF∗ aS a∗ (S.33) aS∗ a K 4 = a B∗a (S.34) B ∗ a K 5 = a 2B∗ a (S.35) B B∗ Combining Eqs. (S.28)-(S.31) allows the isomerization rates to be expressed as: risom,F = k 2a K1a aG a∗ (1 − η2a ) (S.36) risom,S = k 2b K1b aG a∗ (1 − η2b ) (S.37) The activities of each species appearing in Eqs. (S.36) and (S.37) can be written as the product of their activity coefficients (ο§i) and concentrations (ci): risom,F = k 2a K1a γG γ∗ cG c∗ (1 − η2a ) (S.38) repim,S = k 2b K1b γG γ∗ cG c∗ (1 − η2b ) (S.39) The concentration of total Lewis acid sites (c∗,tot ) is related to the concentration of unoccupied sites (c∗ ) and those of sites containing the bound adsorbates in Scheme S.1 according to the following site balance: c∗,tot = c∗ + cG∗′ + cG∗′′ + cF∗ + cS∗ + cB∗ + c2B∗ (S.40) Combining Eqs. (S.30)-(S.35) and (S.40) allows the Lewis acid site balance to be written as: c∗,tot = c∗ + K1a aG γ∗ c∗ πΎG∗′ + K1b aG γ∗ c∗ πΎG∗′′ a γ∗ c ∗ + KF 3a γF∗ a γ∗ c ∗ + KS 3b γS∗ + K4 aB γ∗ c∗ πΎB∗ + K4 K5 aB 2 γ∗ c∗ πΎ2B∗ (S.41) Factoring out the c∗ term in the right-hand side of Eq. (S.41) leads to the following equation c∗,tot = c∗ (1 + K1a aG γ∗ πΎG∗′ + K1b aG γ∗ πΎG∗′′ aF γ∗ +K 3a γF∗ aS γ∗ +K 3b γS∗ + K4 aB γ∗ πΎB∗ + K 4 K 5 aB 2 γ ∗ πΎ2B∗ ) (S.42) in which the argument in parentheses represents the fractional coverage (ο±i) of each bound intermediate: c∗,tot = c∗ (ππ + πG∗′ + πG∗′′ + πF∗ + πS∗ + πB∗ + π2B∗ ) (S.43) and is located in the denominator of the isomerization rate expressions before assumption of the most abundant surface intermediate. The assumption that the Lewis acid site with two bound solvent molecules is the most abundant surface intermediate allows Eq. (S.41) to be reduced to: c∗,tot = K4 K5 γB 2 cB 2 γ∗ πΎ2B∗ c∗ (S.44) Substitution of Eq. (S.44) into Eqs. (S.38) and (S.39) give expressions for the isomerization turnover rates (per total Lewis site): risom,F c∗,tot risom,S c∗,tot = (K = (K πΎ2B∗ 4 K5 γB ) k 2a K1a γG γ∗ cG (1 − η2a ) (S.45) ) k 2b K1b γG γ∗ cG (1 − η2b ) (S.46) 2c 2γ B ∗ πΎ2B∗ 2 2 4 K5 γB c B γ∗ The assumption that only a fraction of all Lewis sites (xisom,F) are able to mediate glucosefructose isomerization or bind glucose in the configuration required for isomerization to fructose (G∗’), and that a separate fraction (xisom,S) are able to mediate glucose-sorbose isomerization or bind glucose in the configuration required for isomerization to sorbose (G∗’’), is reflected in the following relations: c∗,isom,F = xisom,F c∗,tot (S.47) c∗,isom,S = xisom,S c∗,tot (S.48) The rate equations given in Eqs. (S.45) and (S.46) are rigorously correct only if, in the left-hand side of the equations, isomerization rates (risom,F, risom,S) are normalized by the number of sites able to catalyze their respective reactions. Thus, isomerization rates per total Lewis sites are rigorously expressed only after incorporation of the relations in Eqs. (S.47) and Eqs. (S.48), respectively: risom,F c∗,tot risom,S c∗,tot = xisom,F (K = xisom,S (K πΎ2B∗ 4 K5 γB πΎ2B∗ 4 K5 γB ) k 2a K1a γG γ∗ cG (1 − η2a ) (S.49) ) k 2b K1b γG γ∗ cG (1 − η2b ) (S.50) 2 c 2γ B ∗ 2c 2γ B ∗ Eqs. (S.49) and (S.50) can be rearranged to give: risom,F c∗,tot risom,S c∗,tot = (γ = (γ γG B 2c 2 B γG 2 2 B cB )( )( πΎ2B∗ K1a ) xisom,F k 2a cG (1 − η2a ) (S.51) ) xisom,S k 2b cG (1 − η2b ) (S.52) K4 K5 πΎ2B∗ K1b K4 K5 or: risom,F c∗,tot risom,S c∗,tot = k isom,F cG (1 − η2a ) (S.53) = k isom,S cG (1 − η2b ) (S.54) where kisom,S and kisom,S are measured first-order glucose-fructose and glucose-sorbose isomerization rate constants given by: k isom,F = (γ k isom,S = (γ γG K1a k2a 2 2 B cB γG B 2c 2 B )( K4 K5 ) πΎ2B∗ xisom,F K1b k2b )( K4 K5 ) πΎ2B∗ xisom,S (S.55) (S.56) The rate and equilibrium constants that appear in Eqs. (S.55) and (S.56), expressed in terms of free energy differences between transition states, reactants and products for the steps in Scheme S.1: ⁄π π ) K1a = e(−(βπΊ°G∗′ −βπΊ°G −βπΊ°∗) K1b = e(−(βπΊ°G∗′′ −βπΊ°G −βπΊ°∗) k 2a = ⁄π π) ππ΅ π (−(βπΊ°‡,2a −βπΊ° ′ )⁄π π ) G∗ e β (S.57) (S.58) (S.59) k 2b = ππ΅ π (−(βπΊ°‡,2b −βπΊ° ′′ )⁄π π) G∗ e β (S.60) K 4 = e(−(βπΊ°B∗−βπΊ°B −βπΊ°∗)⁄π π) (S.61) K 5 = e(−(βπΊ°2B∗−βπΊ°B −βπΊ°B∗)⁄π π) (S.62) Combining Eqs. (S.55), (S.57), (S.59), (S.61) and (S.62) give the following expression for the product of rate and equilibrium constants that appear in the measured glucose-fructose isomerization rate constant (Eq. (S.55)): K1a k2a K 4 K5 = ππ΅ π (−((βπΊ°‡,2a +2βπΊ°B )−(βπΊ°G +βπΊ°2B∗ ))⁄π π ) e β (S.63) Thus, measured glucose-fructose isomerization rate constants depend on the free energy of between one bound isomerization transition state and two solvent molecules in the liquid phase, relative to two bound solvent molecules and one glucose molecule in the liquid phase (Scheme 2, main text), according to the following relation: G + 2π΅ ∗ β ‡ππ ππ,πΉ ∗ + 2π΅ (S.64) with an effective equilibrium constant given by K1ak2aK4-1K5-1. Combining Eqs. (S.56), (S.58), (S.60), (S.61) and (S.62) give the following expression for the product of rate and equilibrium constants that appear in the measured glucose-sorbose isomerization rate constant (Eq. (S.56)): K1b k2b K 4 K5 = ππ΅ π (−((βπΊ°‡,2b +2βπΊ°B )−(βπΊ°G +βπΊ°2B∗ ))⁄π π ) e β (S.65) Thus, measured glucose-sorbose isomerization rate constants depend on the free energy of between one bound isomerization transition state and two solvent molecules in the liquid phase, relative to two bound solvent molecules and one glucose molecule in the liquid phase, according to the following relation: G + 2π΅ ∗ β ‡ππ ππ,π ∗ + 2π΅ (S.66) with an effective equilibrium constant given by K1bk2bK4-1K5-1. Separation of the zeolite-dependent and zeolite-independent terms in Eqs. (S.63) and (S.65) gives: K1a k2a K4 K5 K1b k2b K4 K5 ππ΅ π (−(2βπΊ° −βπΊ° )⁄π π ) B G e ) (e(−(βπΊ°‡,2a −βπΊ°2B∗)⁄π π) ) β (S.67) ππ΅ π (−(2βπΊ° −βπΊ° )⁄π π ) B G e ) (e(−(βπΊ°‡,2b −βπΊ°2B∗)⁄π π) ) β (S.68) =( =( S.7.2. Lactose isomerization to lactulose on Lewis acid sites A plausible reaction mechanism for the isomerization of lactose (L) to lactulose (L’), which involves the isomerization of a glucose moiety within a galactose-glucose sugar dimer, on Lewis acid centers (*) coordinated tetrahedrally within pure-silica zeolite frameworks (e.g., SnBeta, Ti-Beta) is shown in Scheme S.2. This mechanism, based on that for glucose isomerization (Scheme S.1), involves the adsorption of lactose from the liquid phase (L(l)) onto Lewis acid centers (L*) (Step 1), subsequent isomerization to form lactulose bound to Lewis acid centers (L’*) (Step 2), and desorption into the aqueous phase (L’(l)) (Step 3) to complete the catalytic cycle (Scheme 5). Scheme 5 also includes steps for the sequential adsorption of two water (B) molecules at Lewis acid centers (Steps 4 and 5). The assumption of quasi-equilibrated lactose and lactulose adsorption (Steps 1 and 3) and water adsorption (Steps 4 and 5), together with two bound water molecules (2B*) as the MASI, by extension of the assumptions made for glucose isomerization, can be used to derive an expression for the lactose isomerization turnover rate (per LA) with the following functional form (analogous to the derivation for glucose isomerization presented in Section S.7.1): risom c∗,tot = k isom cL(l) (1 − η2 ) (S.69) K1 L(l) + * L* k2 L’* L* k-2 K3 L’* L’(l) + * K4 B(l) + * B* K5 B(l) + B* 2B* Scheme S.2. Plausible reaction mechanism for lactose isomerization (Steps 1-3) on a Lewis acid site (*), based on the mechanism of glucose isomerization (Scheme S.1). Quasi-equilibrated adsorption (Step 1) of lactose from the liquid phase (L(l)) to active sites to form bound precursors (L*) that isomerize to lactulose (L’*) in the kinetically-relevant and reversible step (Step 2), followed by quasi-equilibrated desorption of lactulose into the liquid phase (L’(l)). Quasiequilibrated sequential adsorption of two solvent (B(l)) molecules at Lewis acid sites shown in Steps 4 and 5.