SQL Lab 1 Basic navigation and SELECT statements in Oracle From your desktop click on the WebFx Applications icon On the next screen, locate and access the Oracle folder. Navigate to the Application Development folder and click on the SQL Plus icon. You should see a log in screen that looks like the one to the right. Input: User ID: your email address up to the @ Password: firstinitiallastname (all lower case) Host: infodb2 Remember, you are using the following database, and all of the following queries are based on it. Remember: each time you reference a table, you must preface with nfoshay. Basic Navigation: What happens when you press the ENTER key (answer below) You enter all of your commands on the SQL Command Line ‘SQL>’ Oracle SQL* plus responds with “2” Type the following command exactly as displayed. SELECT * from nfoshay.building On the line displayed, type the character ; Every SQL command entered on the Oracle command line must end with a semi-colon. Copy and paste the results of your query in the space below. What is this select statement doing? BC BUILDING -- -------------------AG Augustine AX Annex AQ Aquinas AR Art Building BB Bruce Brown BT Bauer Theatre EG Engineering IM Immaculata Hall NH Nicholson Hall MH Morrison Hall OC Oland Centre BC BUILDING -- -------------------PS Physical Sciences SC Schwartz GM Gilmora CA Camden MA Marguerite MB Mount St.Bernard From your desktop, locate and launch the Notepad application (it’s in accessories). The select statement is listing all instances of buildings in descending alphabetical order. What is this query doing? This query is listing all sections taking place in 2009 with bcode 'EG’ In notepad, create the following command: SELECT * from nfoshay.section WHERE Year=2009 and bcode=’EG’; How many rows does it return? 21 rows returned Copy and paste this command into SQLPLUS and execute it. Notepad is a good application for creating SQL commands and keeping a record of them. Return to your query in Notepad. Modify the query (or create a copy) as follows: SELECT DISTINCT CourseNo from nfoshay.section WHERE Year=2009 and bcode=’EG’; Return to Notepad and modify the query What is this select statement doing, specifically? The statement is listing all distinct course numbers taking place in 2009 with bcode ‘EG’ How many rows are returned? 16 rows are returned What is different from the previous query? as follows (or create a copy): In this query the results are sorted by course number in ascending order SELECT DISTINCT CourseNo from nfoshay.section WHERE Year=2009 and bcode=’EG’ ORDER BY CourseNo; Return to Notepad and modify the query as follows (or create a copy): What is different from the previous query? SELECT DISTINCT CourseNo from nfoshay.section WHERE Year=2009 and bcode=’EG’ ORDER BY CourseNo DESC; In this query the results are sorted by course number in descending order In Notepad, create a query on the Section table to retrieve a distinct list of all of the rooms in the Annex sorted in ascending order. Note: you may need to run a query on the building table first to find the building code for the Annex. Type your SLQ statement here: SELECT DISTINCT RoomNo FROM nfoshay.section WHERE bcode='AX' ORDER BY RoomNo ASC; How many rooms are there in the Annex? 4 Cut and paste your results below: ROOMNO -----113 124 23A 8 In Notepad, modify the query above to only select distinct rooms in Nicholson Hall for Information Systems courses. Note Type your SQL command here: SELECT DISTINCT RoomNo FROM nfoshay.section WHERE bcode='NH' AND DeptCode='Info' ORDER BY RoomNo ASC; that you may need to run a query on the Dept table first in order to run this query. Create a query to list all of the course names, in descending order, taught by the Information Systems department. How many rooms meet this criteria? 8 rooms were returned Cut and Paste your results below: COURSENAME -----------------------------Web-Based Programming Topics in Information Systems Systems Design Systems Analysis Research Project for Majors Project Management & Practice Programming & Data Structures Introduction to Multimedia Intro to Programming Concepts Intro to Elect Commerce & ERP Intro Ent Resource Planning COURSENAME -----------------------------Information Systems Concepts Info Sys Hardware & Software Impl Conf & use of ERP Honours Thesis Geographic Info Systems Electronic Business Database Management Systems Comput & Business Applications Client/Server & Intranets Business Process Integration Bus Data Comm Sys & Networks COURSENAME ------------------------------ Adv Database Management System Create a query on the Section table to retrieve CRN, CourseNo and DeptCode for all of the classes taught in 2009 in room 138 sorted by course number in descending order. From the student table, select first and last name that have the last name Smith and sort by first name. Type your SQL statement here. SELECT CRN, CourseNo, DeptCode FROM nfoshay.section WHERE year=2009 AND RoomNo='138' ORDER BY CourseNo DESC; How many rows were returned? 14 rows were returned Type your SQL statement here: SELECT FName, LName FROM nfoshay.student WHERE LName='Smith' ORDER BY FName ASC; How many rows were returned? 32 rows were returned What is the most common first name? Christopher