GUIDELINES FOR LEADING REFORESTATION ACTIVITIES Before heading to the reforestation site 1- Make sure that the students are wearing appropriate clothing and footwear, and have water, sun block, bug spray, etc. 2- Explain to the group where they will be working. The name of the farm, the name of the landowner, how long a walk is it, time the group will be in the field, time they will return to campus. At the reforestation site 1- Explain the purpose of the planting: wind breaks, live fences, soil conservation, and other relevant details. If you aren’t sure or need more information, ask Lucas or the landowner. 2- Explain how to dig holes. 3- Explain how to manage the trees when they take them out of the bags, so that the soil in the bag remains around the roots and roots remain protected. 4- Explain something about the species being planted. Are they pioneer species, shade tolerant, yield fruits, good for windbreaks or posts, or other purposes? 5- Keep encouraging the students as they work: count how many trees have been planted, how many more are left to plant. 6- Answer any questions asked by the students 7- Take pictures and send them to! Species list for the Bellbird Biological Corridor Family Family Common Scientific Name Nombre Común Common Name Anacardiaceae Cashew family Mauria heterophylla Cirri Cirri Asteraceae Aster / Daisy family Montanoa guatemalensis Tubú Tree daisy Bombacaceae Kapok family Ochroma pyramidale Balsa Balsa Bursera simaruba Indio desnudo "Naked Indian" Burseraceae Cecropiaceae Cecropia obtusifolia Guarumo Cecropia Ebenaceae Ebony family Diospyros sp Guacalillo Ebony Fabaceae Legume family Diphysa americana Guachipilin Guachipilin Fabaceae Legume family Inga punctata Guaba Inga Fabaceae Legume family Lonchocarpus oliganthus Chaperno Chaperno Fabaceae Legume family Hymenaea curbaril Guapinol Stinking toe Fabaceae Legume family Styphnolobium monteverdensis Frijolillo Frijolillo Fabaceae Legume family Erythrina lanceolata Poro Machete flower Flacourtiaceae Xylosma flexuosa Limoncillo Limoncillo Flacourtiaceae Casearia sylvestris Huesillo Huesillo Flacourtiaceae Hasseltia floribunda Raspa Lengua Raspa Lengua Hippocastanaceae Billia colombiana Cucaracho Cucaracho Lauraceae Avocado family Ocotea floribunda Hirarosa Hirarosa Lauraceae Avocado family BeilschmIedia brenesii Chancho Chancho Lauraceae Avocado family Nectandra salicina Canelillo Canelillo Lauraceae Avocado family Ocotea monteverdensis Quizarra blanco Quizarra blanco Lauraceae Avocado family Ocotea sinuata Quizarra Quizarra Lauraceae Avocado family Ocotea laetevirens Aguacatillo Aguacatillo Meliaceae Mahogany family Cedrela odorata Cedro amargo Cedro, Spanish cedar Meliaceae Mahogany family Swietenia humilis Cedro caoba Cedro caoba Moraceae Fig family Trophis racemosa Morilla Morilla Myrsinaceae Ardisia revoluta Tucuico Tucuico Polygonaceae Triplaris melaenodendron Hormigo Hormigo Rubiaceae Coffee family Randia monantha Cafesillo Cafesillo Rutaceae Citrus family Zanthoxylum fagara Limoncillo Limoncillo Rutaceae Citrus family Casimiroa edulis Matasano Matasano Sapindaceae Soapberry family Cupania glabra Cascua Cascua Sapindaceae Soapberry family Dilodendron costaricense Lorito Lorito Sapotaceae Sapote family Puteria exfoliata Sapotillo Sapotillo Solanaceae Tomato family Acnistus arborenscens Guitite Guitite Sterculiaceae Guazuma ulmifolia Guacimo Guacimo Styracaceae Styrax argenteus Resino Resino Tiliaceae Mortoniodendrom costaricense Mecate Mecate Tiliaceae Heliocarpus appendiculatus Burío Burío Ulmaceae Elm family Trema micrantha Capulin Trema Verbenaceae Verbena family Citharexylum donell smithii Dama Dama