FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION (QCF) (LEVEL 3) MARK RECORD SHEET UNIT 4: EXPERIMENTING TO SOLVE FOOD PRODUCTION PROBLEMS Centre Name: Centre Number: Learner`s Name: I confirm that the evidence submitted for assessment has been produced by me without any assistance beyond that allowed. Signature: Date: Assessor`s Name: The assignment brief used for summative assessment is attached, together with evidence of quality assurance. I confirm that the evidence submitted by the learner has been produced under the controlled conditions set out in the qualification specification and model assignment. The overall grade awarded for this unit is _____________________________ Signature: Date: Lead Assessor`s Name: I confirm that the evidence submitted by this learner for summative assessment has been quality assured and the grade awarded is confirmed as accurate. Signature: Date: Assessment Criteria AC1.1 Describe properties of food Performance bands Pass Properties of food are described with some detail and accuracy Merit Grade Awarded Distinction Assessor`s comments AC1.2 Explain how food properties can be changed A range of relevant food properties are considered. Explanations have limited reasoning and accuracy A range of relevant food properties are considered. Explanations have some reasoning and accuracy A range of variables are considered that are mainly appropriate. Explanations are mainly accurate with some limited reasoning A range of appropriate variables are considered t. Explanations are mainly accurate and well reasoned Assessor`s comments AC1.3 Explain variables that affect physical properties of food Assessor`s comments A range of relevant food properties are considered. Explanations are well reasoned and mainly accurate Assessment Criteria AC2.1 Set success criteria for scientific investigations Performance bands Pass A range of success criteria are set, some of which are clear and relevant Merit A range of clear and relevant success criteria are set A range of outcomes are obtained from scientific investigations. Some valid and reliable outcomes are obtained with guidance A range of valid and reliable outcomes are obtained from scientific investigations with limited guidance Outcomes of investigative work are recorded using documentation that is mainly fit for purpose. Recording is mainly accurate Outcomes of investigative work are accurately recorded using documentation that is ft for purpose Assessor`s comments AC2.2 Obtain outcomes from scientific investigations Assessor`s comments AC2.3 Record outcomes of investigative work Assessor`s comments Grade Awarded Distinction Assessment Criteria AC2.4 Process data Performance bands Grade Awarded Pass Uses a limited range of appropriate techniques to analyse and present data from investigative works. There may be some inaccuracies. Draws limited conclusions from results, some of which are relevant to the issue Merit Uses a range of appropriate techniques to analyse and present data from investigative works with some accuracy. Draws some valid conclusions from results which are relevant to the issue Distinction Uses a range of appropriate techniques to accurately analyse and present data from investigative works. Draws mainly valid conclusions from results which are relevant to the issue Investigative methods are reviewed with some valid points made regarding process and outcome. Comments may be mainly subjective Review is mainly systematic, addressing process and outcomes. There may be some imbalance of evidence with weighting towards either process or outcomes. Some reasoned and objective conclusions are draw. Review is mainly systematic, with a balanced consideration of both process and outcomes. Reasoned and objective conclusions are drawn Assessor`s comments AC2.5 Review suitability of investigative methods Assessor`s comments Assessment Criteria AC3.1 Analyse food production situations Performance bands Pass Analyses a food production situation. Shows limited understanding of issues in identifying a problem Merit Analyses a food production situation. Shows some understanding of key issues to validly identify a problem A range of options are proposed. Some are practical. There is some consideration of most options presented. Some use of appropriate technical language, with some minor errors A range of considered practical options are proposed. Use of technical language is appropriate. There may be minor errors in use, but these will not detract from clarity of meaning Proposed options are mainly subjective making limited use of evidence. Justification makes limited use of persuasive language Proposed options make some valid use of evidence. Justification makes some appropriate use of persuasive language Grade Awarded Distinction Assessor`s comments AC3.2 Propose practical options to solve food production problems Assessor`s comments AC3.3 Scientifically justify proposed options Assessor`s comments Proposed options make valid use of a range of evidence. Justification makes appropriate use of persuasive language