APPL180 Christian Leadership in a Changing World Carey Institute /First Baptist Church, Calgary, Alberta Instructor: Dr. K John Huh 3 Credit Hours January 17 to March 21, 2015 Course Description: The world we live in as Christians can be volatile at times and leaders are faced with incredible challenges to take the helm to navigate through the storms of life. What constitutes a biblical model of leadership versus a secular model? Is this an arbitrary or real distinction? How does culture influence what is appropriate in leadership models? Through the lectures, readings and assignments, this course is designed to introduce students to the major models and theories of leadership to provide a foundation for leadership within a biblical framework that will assist them to lead more effectively. Learning Outcomes or Course Objectives: 1. To reflect critically on one’s own experience and evaluate and assess his/her own leadership style, making practical applications to lead more effectively where he/she is called to lead. 2. To identify the essential characteristics of biblical leadership. 3. To close the gap between theory and practice outcomes of leadership and develop a pragmatic approach to leadership. A Certificate in Ministry course represents 117 hours of work including 28 hours of class time, reading, and assignments for a 3-credit course. A graduate level course represents 135 hours of work with a higher expectation for quality work. Required Readings: Gibbs , Eddie. Leadership Next: Changing Leaders in a Changing Culture, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove: 2005. (237 pages - 11 hours) Jinkins, Michael & Deborah Bradshaw. The Character of Leadership: Political Realism and Public Virtue in Nonprofit Organizations. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco; 1998. (224 pages - 11 hours) 1 January 2015 Articles/handouts (Course Pack) Adams, Michael. Sex in the Snow, Canadian Social Values at the End of the Millennium, Penguin Canada, Toronto: 1997. Buber, Martin. I and Thou, Scribner, New York: 1958. Cordeiro, Wayne. Doing Church as a Team, Regal Books, Ventura: 2004. Kotter, John P. Leading Change, Harvard Business School Press, Boston: 1996. Manning, Brennan, Signature of Jesus, Multnomah Books, Colorado Springs: 1988. Packer, J.I, Wilkenson, Loren. eds. Alive to God: Studies in Spirituality, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove: 1992. Postman, Neil. Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, Penguin Books, New York: 2005. Thompson, Marjorie J. Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life, John Knox, Westminster: 1995. Assignments: Assignment 1: Personal Reflection Paper (2 Parts - 15% each = 30% of grade) Part 1 - Students will write a 2-3 page (5-7 page for Graduate Students) reflection paper describing their context and the leadership challenges they are currently facing. Due: January 31, 2015. Part 2 – Students will write a five page reflection paper examining their development as leaders, assessing and evaluating their leadership experiences and challenges, and reflecting on how God has been working in their life. This paper should reflect the knowledge and growth gained throughout the course. Due: March 21, 2015. Assignment 2: Project (30% of grade) Students will submit a 10-12 page (15-20 page for Graduate students) paper analyzing a leader whom they are personally influenced by. The student will conduct an interview and write a summary of the interview highlighting three main areas; the leader’s accomplishments and challenges; the leader’s strengths and weaknesses; and finally, how the student’s own 2 January 2015 leadership style has been affected by the leader. The leader needs to be accessible and have at least 7 years of experience in a leadership role. Students should use additional resources in completing their project. Include footnotes and bibliography. Due: March 7, 2015. Assignment 3: Book Assignment (20% of grade) Students will write a 4-5 page paper comparing and contrasting the concepts of leadership presented in the two required readings. Include footnotes and bibliography. Due: March 21, 2015 Class attendance and participation (20% of grade) Class participation is vital to the learning process, thus attendance and participation in class discussions are important to the overall learning experience. Class Schedule and Outline Lecture/Readings Topics of Discussion 1: Jan.17th am “Leading from the front” – a Leader’s Challenge Readings: a. Introduction to the course and syllabus review. b. A look at cultural shifts in leadership and increased expectations. Gibbs 21-68 c. Identifying ‘critical issues,’ the challenges in leadership in today’s Phil 1:6 context and defining leadership models and trends. Manning – Signature of Jesus 2: Jan 17th pm “Leading together” – a Leader’s Network Readings: a. Importance of teamwork - If we are in the front, who is behind us? Family and community support. Gibbs 106-126 b. Building teams and mentoring. Eph 4, 1 Cor 12 Cordeiro 3: Jan 31th am “Leading from within” – a Leader’s Strength a. Are leaders “called?” Readings: b. Vision, character and work ethic. c. Biblical leaders are people who are led. Gibbs 127-147 d. “With the Lord’s help” vs “I think I can” (challenges of humanism Jinkins 101-140 in leadership models). Ex 3 – 4 th 4: Jan 31 pm “Leading change” – a Leader’s Outlook a. Ideal verses real - Pragmatic approaches in leading - exploring Readings: students situations/context where they are called to lead. b. Postman – What is the problem? Gibbs 148-162 c. Canada Ethnic Diversity Survey. Jinkins 61-97 d. Adams – Sex in the Snow – Canadian Social Values. Book of e. Kotter- Eight stages in creating change. Nehemiah 3 January 2015 5: Feb 14th am “Leading from the bottom” – a Leader’s Character Readings: a. Servant leadership – humility – it is not about you. b. Learning self-awareness and the dangers of pride. Gibbs 163-178 c. The journey of a leader. Book of Joshua 6: Feb 14th pm “Leading in battle” – a Leader’s Pitfalls Readings: a. Spiritual Battle and Temptations (taking short cuts, money sex and power). Gibbs 179 – 195 b. What makes a leader fall – examining the life of Saul. Jinkins 179-187 Buber – I and Thou 1 Samuel 8-15 7: Mar 7th am “Leading from the table” – a Leader as Host a. Leadership that extends hospitality. Readings: b. God as host - a characteristic that is often neglected or overlooked is the importance of Jesus extending hospitality to Thompson – his disciples – Lord’s Supper, feeding the multitudes and making Soul Feast breakfast for the disciples after the resurrection. John 21 th 8: Mar 7 pm “Leading through the valley” – a Leader’s Backdrop Readings: a. Discipline and restoration - the need for Grace. b. Conflict and mediation. Jinkins 31-57 Ex 15-20, 32 9: Mar 21st am “Leading in structure” – a Leader’s Responsibility Readings: a. Realistic approach and understanding of leadership in today’s political climate – developing political skills. Jinkins 141-178 b. Governance - The negative influence of commerce and business Daniel 3 are we asking the right questions? Separating power and truth. st 10: Mar 21 pm “Leading in health and wholeness” – a Leader’s Health Readings: a. Burnout, compassion fatigue and turning the corner – perseverance and self-care. Taking care of the family and oneself. Ex 20 (Sabbath) b. Keeping first things first. Evaluation Class Participation 20% Book Assignment 20% Personal Reflection Projects 30% Research Paper 30% 4 January 2015 Class Participation, Confidentiality, Policies on Gender Language and Course Extensions: Academic Integrity: Please be familiar with the Carey Theological College’s Academic Catalogue on “Academic Integrity” (p.37). Plagiarism is a serious violation of the ethics and expressed faith of the College and will be treated seriously and may be grounds for dismissal. Confidentiality and Other Ethics of our Time Together: As we speak about our friends, family and fellow worshippers, we will speak knowing that what we say has an impact on us, them and God. Hence, we will speak well of people and anything that might be said in error, we will correct. Also, we will not speak to others of what is personal to others in our class and when someone says, “this is confidential,” we understand this to mean that we will not speak of this to anyone. Extension Policy: Students are expected to turn in all assignments on time. In case of emergency or unforeseen circumstances, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the professor and apply for an extension with the understanding that it may result in a reduction of grade. If the student cannot submit his or her assignment after the first extension due date, the student will receive a failing grade for the assignment unless approval for a second extension is granted by the Registrar’s Office. A request for a second extension must be submitted in writing to the Registrar’s Office. Bibliography: Baxter, Richard. Ed by Houston, James. Watch Your Walk, Ministering from a Heart of Integrity, Cook Communication Ministries, Colorado: 1985. Blackaby, Henry & Blackaby, Richard. Called to be God’s Leader: Lessons from the Life of Joshua. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville: 2004. Covey, Steven R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, and Principle-Centered Leadership, Free Press, London: 1989. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. Primal Leadership; Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Harvard Business School Press, Boston: 2002. Hesselbein, F., Goldsmith, M., Beckhard, R., Eds. The Leader of the Future, The Drucker Foundation, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco: 1996. Kouzes, James M. & Posner, Barry Z. The Leadership Challenge, 3rd Edition, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco: 2003. McIntosh, Gary L. & Rima Sr., Samuel D. Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership: The Paradox of Personal Dysfunction, Baker Books, Grand Rapids: 1997. McNeal, Reggie. A Work of Heart: Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders, Jossey5 January 2015 Bass, San Francisco: 2000. Nouwen, Henri. In The Name of Jesus-Reflections on Christian Leadership, The Cross Road Publishing Company, New York: 2002. Peterson, Eugene. The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual Direction, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids: 1993. Piper, John. Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry, Broadman & Holman Publishers, Nashville: 2002. Stott, John. Basic Christian Leadership: Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry, InterVarsity, Downer’s Grove: 2002. Stott, John. Calling Christian Leaders: Biblical Models of Church Gospel and Ministry, InterVarsity Press, Leicester, England: 2002. Trull Joe E. & Carter, James E. Ministerial Ethics: Moral Formation for Church Leaders, 2nd ed, Baker Academics, Grand Rapids: 2004. 6 January 2015