Council Director, Knights of Columbus Council 7821

Thoughts to Ponder from Council 7821’s New Council Director, Brother Fritz:
Brother Knights of Council 7821,
It is the commission of the Council Director, and his committee, to serve at the pleasure of the Council's
Grand Knight in an appointed/ratified directorship-post and be responsible for planning, organizing and
implementing many activities to foster fraternalism within the Council. Upon much reflection, I’ve
determined that these activities should serve support the following foundational goals:
Promote Group Identity
Foster Fraternalism
Support Council Finances
Enhance inter-Council/Parish communication
Encourage Attendance
Support the Membership Director in Enhancing Membership Acquisition and Growth
Provide Venues for Council Public Affairs
With these in mind, I am open to your suggestions. I do not come to the table empty handed; rather, I
propose the initiatives on the following pages for your consideration between now and the next
meeting. Making these initiatives work cannot be done alone, however—they require your physical
assistance to be productive. I also need to know what initiatives YOU would like us to consider.
Please read and consider the Council Director Initiatives listed on the next pages, and consider which
ones you might lead as the initiative’s “Shepherd.” Of course, leading an initiative is an “additionalduty” and shouldn’t make you feel immune to helping out other committees, directors, officers or event
coordinators within our Council. None of the initiatives are so difficult or time consuming as to make
that an issue—it only takes a few of your brain cells and a bit of your time to make work. At the March
meeting, the Council will be asked to ratify these initiatives via your vote.
On the last page of this packet, you will find a survey for you to complete and return. I hope you will
take the time to offer your voice and help us better serve you. Your ideas, comments, criticisms and
suggestions are welcome any time….it is YOUR Council, after all. My job is to serve to make your Council
experience more fraternal and rewarding along the way.
Thank you, Brother Knights, for your support and participation. I hope to make it worth your while!
Matthew T. “MONTY” Fritz
Brother Knight 3rd Degree and Sir Knight 4th Degree
Council Director
Knights of Columbus, Monsignor Eggert Council, #7821
Tehachapi, CA 93561
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Council 7821 Director Proposed Initiatives for Consideration
As of 28 Jan 2010
Promote Group Identity
Foster Fraternalism
Support Council Finances
Enhance inter-Council/Parish communication
Encourage Attendance
Support Membership Director in Enhancing Membership Acquisition and Growth
Provide Venues for Council Public Affairs
Establish A Council 7821 Director Committee
a. Appoint A Co-Council Director:__Brother Mike Veiga_______________________
b. Appoint a Constable:
c. Appoint Shepherds For Each Initiative Below
Ensure all members have badges. All members should have a KofC name badge. For those
members who don’t have a KofC name badge, pursue a resolution to supply each member with
one through Council funds. New members would be assessed a small, one-time administration
fee in conjunction with their initial membership dues to pay for badges and incidentals involved
in processing their membership at the Council-level.
i. Supports Goals 1, 2, 3
ii. Shepherd: Council Director
Enforce wear of badges at all Council events and church activities. Enforce wear of KofC name
badges, specifically at Council activities (meetings, events) through nominal monetary fine (in
good fun, of course…but it gets the point across the same way paying a quarter for a swear-word
does without being truly punative). See Initiative “V” below.
i. Supports Goals 1, 2, 3
ii. Shepherds: Council Director and Constable
Consider purchase/sale of Council 7821 attire. Design, acquire and sell shirts (polo or tee) with
KofC logo and local Council number. There may be up-front costs (set-up) for this project that
the Council may need to shoulder. It could, however, be recouped over time with a small,
nominal profit made per-shirt for administrative charges.
i. Supports Goals 1, 2, 3
ii. Shepherds: Brother Mike Veiga / Brother Pat Halpin
Dress Code:
Rules of Engagement:
Ratify and Publish “Rules of Engagement” for Council Meetings, Activities and Events. All in good
fun, but with a bit of sting (sort of like dodgeball). Create and approve a set of humorous, goodnatured, fraternalism-fostering rules for Council meetings, activities and events—each carrying a
small, nominal monetary fine (with limits)—that can be imposed during the events. Suggested
Rules of Engagement are attached, but must be revised by the appointed constable and ratified
by Council Officers by General Membership vote.
i. Supports Goals 2, 3
ii. Shepherd: Constable
Knight’s Corner:
Encourage Dress Code for Council Member’s Attending Mass. Encourage members to wear a
coat and/or a tie to mass at St. Malachy. Encourage members to wear badges and KofC pins to
mass at St. Malachy. This is “ENCOURAGEMENT” only, not mandatory or punitive.
i. Supports Goals 1, 2
ii. Shepherd: Constable
Publish a weekly announcement in St. Malachy Bulletin. Work with Church leadership to acquire
a standing, weekly space in each bulletin entitled, “Knight’s Corner.” Use this space to announce
upcoming events, promote membership, provide information, or offer
thanks/guidance/vision/thoughts on topics of Council interest within the Parish community.
i. Supports Goals 1, 4
ii. Shepherd: ________________________________________
Establish Web Presence for Council 7821. Establish, publish and maintain an internet website for
Council 7821 at the following domain:
Publish Council Information to include identity, membership, calendar, officers/directors,
contact, events, links to external sites promoting KofC-valued activities and causes.
Cost ≤ Approx $50/year
i. Supports Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
ii. Shepherd: Council Director (or appointed web administrator)
Publish subwebs for important, public-focused Council activities. (i.e. Car Show, BBQ, etc)
Publish “Donation” button online to enable public ability to donate to Council 7821 via ecommerce methods (Credit Card, PayPal, Direct Deposit, etc)
Provide email service: Cost ≤ Approx $10/year
i. for Council officers/directors using office duty-title
ii. for Council members who desire it using name
“SOULcial Hour”
Active Support To Membership Director Programs
Establish regular SOULcial Hour before each general membership meeting. Provide beverages
and light snacks to those who attend general membership meetings beginning one-hour prior to
meeting start. A “donation bucket” should be placed and membership should be encouraged to
“pitch-in” to help support ongoing SOULcial Hour food/beverages. On special occasions, the
Council may elect to fund a more elaborate SOULcial Hour offering. Any extra donations
collected are assessed into the Council funds for future programs/activities.
i. Supports Goals 2, 3, 5
ii. Shepherd: Council Director
Create Table-Top Display. Design table-top display using pictures, financials, calendars, history,
etc that can be easily packaged/transported/used in support of membership activities.
i. Supports Goals 1, 4, 6, 7
ii. Shepherd: Brother Steve Salas
“Application In Every Pocket” Program. Ensure each member has a Membership Form 1 in their
possession Council/Parish/Community events.
i. Supports Goal 6
ii. Shepherd: Membership Director
Table Staffing. When able and allowed: staff a table, manned by a Council member, during
Parish events (donuts/coffee after mass, Council Breakfasts,etc) using the Table-Top Display
developed above. This member should be capable of answering questions about KofC, Council
7821, events/activities and membership. This member should also have Membership Form 1’s in
his possession to facilitate the membership process.
i. Supports Goals 1, 4, 6
ii. Shepherd: ________________________________________
Degree Team. Resurrect or re-initiate the Degree Team.
i. Supports Goals 1, 3, 6
ii. Shepherd: ________________________________________
Additional Initiatives To Be Identified After 02 Feb 2010 Meeting
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Proposed Council 7821 Rules of Engagement
The following is a list of rules under which Council 7821 business will be conducted.
They are designed to conform to tradition and promote levity. Violators of these rules are
subject to the wrath of the Grand Knight and the mischievousness of the Worthy
Constable. All assigned penalties will be carried out publicly before the membership.
Thou shalt understand that these rules exist for the purpose of promoting levity, fraternalism and tradition.
The Worthy Constable is empowered to enforce these rules and public debate is encouraged in cases of
question. Whining will not be tolerated. However, quibbling shall be adjudicated by the Grand Knight when
disagreement exists. The Grand Knight may seek opinion and counsel from the general membership. All
decisions by the Grand Knight are final.
Thou shall settle all debts no later than the next general membership meeting. Fines shall be paid to the
Financial Secretary and annotated by the Worthy Constable as “Paid.” The Worthy Constable will
maintain a list of all debts incurred and publish them publicly at the beginning of every meeting. Failure to pay
a debt will subject the offender to public ridicule, finger pointing and general displeasure of the participating
membership. Debts may be paid by fellow members, friends, family or acquaintances.
Fine: $1.00 per month late-fee
Thou shalt be immune to the rules of this publication until the second consecutive event you have attended
wherein a particular rule has come into effect. As such, no member shall be immediately liable for an
infraction until they have attended an event under immunity and had the opportunity to be advised of the rules.
With that in mind, ignorance of a rule is not grounds for quibbling….you get one freebie…if the Worthy
Constable deems you worthy.
Thou shalt arrive to activities, events and meetings at least 10 minutes before the appointed hour for the "Call
to Order."
Thou shalt stand and render appropriate honors when addressing Council Officers during meetings.
Fine: 50 Cents
Thou shalt make every effort to meet all guests and greet each newcomer by name.
Fine: 25 Cents
Thou shalt not bring drinks into the meeting chamber.
Fine: 25 Cents
Fine: To Be Appointed By The Worthy Constable
Thou shalt move to the meeting chamber when thee hear summons, retrieve and set-up thine own chair, and
remain standing until seated by the Grand Knight.
Fine: 25 Cents
Thou shalt not leave a general meeting whilst convened, the doors are closed, and door guards are posted
without approval of the Grand Knight or Knight presiding. Knight protocol overrides all calls of nature.
Fine: 50 Cents (Wizened Knights over the age of 65, and those medically encumbered, are exempt)
During the Soulcial Hour, thou shalt participate in all toasts unless thyself or thy group is honored with a
Fine: 25 Cents
Thou shalt keep toasts and comments within the limits of good taste and mutual respect. Degrading or
insulting remarks will be frowned upon by the membership; However, good-natured needling is Encouraged.
Fine: 25 Cents
Thou shalt not murder the Queen's English, Disparage the Holy Church or Darken the Name of the Parish
and its Leaders.
Fine: 25 Cents
Thou shalt consume food/beverages during the Soulcial Hour in a manner becoming gentlepersons.
Thou shalt fall into disrepute with thy peers if thy name tag is not properly worn and displayed. Military or
Fine: 25 Cents
public service members in uniform are exempt from this policy, as is any member attired in a manner in which
wear of a name-tag would be regarded as unnecessary or ill-advised.
Fine: $1.00
Thou shalt not laugh at ridiculously funny comments unless the Grand Knight first shows approval by
Fine: To Be Appointed By The Worthy Constable
Thou shalt not question the decisions of the Grand Knight or speak (during meetings) without first being
recognized. General murmuring, grumbling & whispering is allowed, until the Grand Knight useth the Gavel.
Fine: 25 Cents
Thy Soulcial Hour and/or bar will be closed during meetings
When meetings adjourn, thou shalt rise and put away thy chair
Fine: $1.00
Thou shalt endeavor to physically support no less than three Council-sponsored public/parish events per year.
Fine: 50 Cents
Thou shalt endeavor to avoid missing more than one meeting out of every three consecutive, regular meetings.
Fine: To Be Appointed By The Worthy Constable.
Fine: $5.00 assessed annually to offenders
Thou shalt accrue “credit” if thee can prove attendance at three consecutive meetings
Credit: $1.00 credited by the Worthy Constable quarterly to the members debt account for Future
use (cannot reconcile previous debts)
Thou shalt accrue “credit” if thee can prove attendance/participation at not less than five Council-sponsored
public/parish events per year.
Credit: $3.00 credited by the Worthy Constable annually to the members debt account for Future
use (cannot reconcile previous debts)
Thou shalt enjoy thyself to thy fullest, be good-natured in participation, and endeavor to assist the Worthy
Constable and Grand Knight in the enforcement of these rules.
50% of All Fines collected are donated to the Host Parish as penance and indulgence for offences committed
Paid Annually By Worthy Constable
Grand Knight, Council 7821
Worthy Constable
Council 7821 Member Survey
Please Provide Your Responses Directly To Brother Matthew Fritz :: ::
Your Response Are Confidential And Are Not Attributed To You, Unless You Otherwise Indicate
1) On a 5-point scale where 1=completely Dissatisfied and 5=completely Satisfied,
please rate your satisfaction with the following:
Your Fraternal Experience as a Knight of Columbus, Overall and In General: __________
Your Fraternal Experience within Council 7821:_____________
Your Feeling of “FUN” As It Applies To Your Experience Here Within Council 7821:__________
Your Feeling of “COMRADERIE” As It Applies To Your Experience Here Within Council 7821:____
Your Feeling of “SERVICE” As It Applies To Your Experience Here Within Council 7821:_______
Your Feeling of “INCLUSION” As It Applies To Your Experience Here Within Council 7821:______
g. Your Feeling of “COMMITMENT” As It Applies To Your Experience Here Within Council 7821:____
Do You Feel Like Part of a “TEAM,” As It Applies To Your Experience Here Within Council 7821?
Why Did You Answer As You Did?__________________________________________________________
Of 12-monthly Meetings in 2009, How Many Did You Attend ______________
How Many Activities, Outside of Meetings, Did You Attend/Participate in 2009?______________
Do You Feel That You Participate More or Less in Council Activities “Than You Used To?”
Why Did You Answer As You Did?__________________________________________________________
Do You Feel Like You “GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH” From Your Experience As a Knight in Our Council?
Why Did You Answer As You Did?__________________________________________________________
Would You Recommend To A Close Friend That They Join Our Council?
Why Did You Answer As You Did?__________________________________________________________
Would You Recommend To A Fellow Parishioner That You Just Met That They Join Our Council?
Why Did You Answer As You Did?__________________________________________________________
If You Could Change One Thing About Council 7821, What Would It Be?
10) What Is Your FAVORITE Thing About Being Part of Council 7821?
11) What is One Thing That Could Be Done To Encourage You To Attend Meetings More Often and Regularly?
12) What is One Thing That Could Be Done To Encourage You To Participate More?
13) Do You Have Family Living With You? If So, Do They “ENJOY” Your Membership In Knights of Columbus?
14) Do You Have Access To Email? If Not, Would You Like Your Council To Provide You With An Email
Address That You Could Check From Any Computer That Has Web Access?
Can We Contact You For Clarification Of These Questions? If So, Please Provide Your Name, Email
Address, and Phone Number Below. By Doing So, You Consent To Allowing Us To Attribute Your
Responses To Your Name (In other words, this survey is no longer anonymous)
NAME: ________________________________________________________________________
EMAIL: ________________________________________________________________________
PHONE: _______________________________________________________________________