Go Green Park Ridge May Members’ Meeting Minutes Date Time Location 05 May 2015 7:00 pm St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Facilitator: Amy Bartucci Note Taker: Tracey Edsey Attendees: Amy Bartucci Guests: Margaret Holler Andrea Bochat Andrea Cline Tracey Edsey Cindy Grau Patty Hempel Kristen Olson Elizabeth Ryles Agenda: Member Dues Discussion: Every member has paid dues. $315.35 in kitty. Marcello Bartucci will handle funds (acting treasurer) Agenda: Garden Walk Discussion: 2-6 pm June 28th; hoping all gardens will be accepted for walk. Keeping positive that board will approve sustainable gardens (i.e. Lowell’s building and greenery). No communication yet with LGH. They may not be on walk. Can purchase tickets on GC website closer to event. We want to show our logo at the Garden Walk. Agenda: Park District Update Discussion: Soil sample pulled from Prospect Park; awaiting results. Alexander Barton spoke to PD ETF. ETF will meet with Ruth Kerzee of MPAC Friday and a landscaper who will work with PRPD on NLC pilot park. PD looking at Main Park for NLC pilot. GGPR welcome to attend meeting at 9:30 am. Keyplex is still being used on a field as a test. PD is comparing fields.. Agenda: CONSEG-NLC Discussion: Ruth Kerzee with be at meeting May 12th. An early NLC subcommittee meeting will discuss how we can work with other communities regarding sustainable NLC practices. CONSEG will have a presentation on Reducing Your Community’s Food Print. Owner of the Pick, Kendra Griffin, will be at food print presentation. Amy suggests that NLC subcommittee make efforts to be at PRPD board meetings as often as possible. Eric Huck is the new PRPD planner. Agenda: Area School Environmental Group (ASEG) / Local Schools Discussion: Kristen and Tracey also of the Roosevelt Elementary Green Team would like to attend the ASEG meeting May 20th. Karen Larson, also a GT member, will be involved in the new Roosevelt Community Garden. Talk to revisit rain gardens at Roosevelt. They have not been attended to. Agenda: RBI Discussion: Nice reception at Whole Foods. Handed out a lot of rebates. Need sample sized rain barrel for people to see along with pictures of different kinds of barrels. Kristen will follow up. Agenda: MANNA, Methodist Garden Sale May 9th & Garden Club Plant Sale May 16th Discussion: Good reception at MANNA. Would like to distribute information cards about RBI at Methodist Garden Sale and Garden Club Plant Sale. Passed out 200 cards at Electronics Recycling event and ran out. We may need more than 200. Conclusion: Amy will order more cards. Agenda: GGPR Yard-Type Signs Discussion: Talk of ordering 12x12 signs with GGPR email and contact info. Conclusion: Group agrees it is a good expense and Amy will order. Agenda: City Council Discussion: Need to communicate with city. GGPR could form a subcommittee. Members of this committee will go to all city council meetings. AB wants to have a chairperson step up. Conclusion: Chris may volunteer. Melissa, Amy and Andrea agree to be “GGPR liaisons”. Agenda: GGPR Member Picnics Discussion: Kristen mentions June 7th proposed date for a Park Ridge picnic somewhere. The Talking Farm is mentioned as a potential spot for another picnic and possible workday this summer - July 11th is proposed for the Talking Farm. http://www.thetalkingfarm.org/workdays/ Agenda: Farmer’s Market & Garden Walk Volunteers Discussion: Kristen will send out Sign Up Genius for 3 market dates and sign up for the Garden Walk. If there are any more events to add, contact Kristen. Agenda: Book Club Discussion: Tracey will be facilitating a book club this summer. Likely late August due to members’ vacations. Details to be announced. Book of interest is Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything. Agenda: Energy Parties with Eli from Elevate Energy Discussion: Eli would like to do energy parties in June at people’s houses. Andrea/Patty/Cindy say they are interested. Conclusion: GGPR will inform her that we are working on having a party and will get people there. Agenda: Green Drinks Discussion: Holt’s Restaurant won’t be ready for 3-5 months. Do we want to do a GD for May & June? Conclusion: GD will be held at the Park Ridge Whole Foods in May and June. Future dates will be posted in Spokesman. Agenda: Spokesman Discussion: What to send? Green drinks; mention ordinance about disconnecting downspouts from houses; reminder that a certain amount of building materials are supposed to be recycled (DDD). May 25th deadline for July Spokesman. Conclusion: Amy will send info to Spokesman. Agenda: Cook County Demolition Debris Diversion Ordinance (DDD) Discussion: Nan is writing a piece on DDD. http://blog.cookcountyil.gov/sustainability/2015/02/17/webinar-development-andimplementation-of-cook-countys-demolition-debris-diversion-ordinance/ Conclusion: Nan will report back on webinar. Agenda: Rebuilding Exchange Discussion: Proposed field trip to visit Rebuilding Exchange on Webster in Chicago this summer. Agenda: Park Ridge Library Discussion: Library will host an environmental film fest in fall.