Heartland Community College Master Course Syllabus Division name: Social and Business Sciences Course Prefix and number: BUSN 296 Course Title: Special Topics in Business DATE PREPARED: November, 1999 DATE REVIEWED: DATE REVISED: February, 2013 PCS/CIP/ID NO.: 11-529997 IAI NO. (if available): EFFECTIVE DATE OF FIRST CLASS: CREDIT HOURS: 1-3 CONTACT HOURS: 1-3 LECTURE HOURS: 1-3 LABORATORY HOURS: CATALOG DESCRIPTION Prerequisite: As set by the faculty. This course will offer students an opportunity to study a special topic or current issue in business. Credit hours will be determined based on topic taught. The course may be repeated with a different topic. TEXTBOOK(S): Textbooks and/or other course readings will vary. RELATIONSHIP TO ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND TRANSFERABILITY: BUSN 296 fulfills 3 semester hours of elective credit for the A.A. and A.S. degrees. It should transfer to most colleges and universities as an elective course. However, since this course is not part of either the General Education Core Curriculum or a baccalaureate major program described in the Illinois Articulation Initiative, students should check with an academic advisor for information about its transferability to other institutions. COURSE OBJECTIVES (Learning Outcomes): Due to the nature of a special topic assignment, some or all of the outcomes may apply. Course Outcome General Education Outcome CT1 Range of Assessment Methods Evaluate and analyze the conclusions and methodologies of existing research that surrounds the topic. CT2 Exams, Quizzes, Papers, Presentations, In-class Participation, Group Projects, or other methods Articulate and support a position concerning the topic that includes examining and applying multiple sources either orally or in writing or both. Reflect upon their work and the learning process in order to improve their final class creations, works, or products. CT3 CO1 Exams, Quizzes, Papers, Presentations, In-class Participation, Group Projects, or other methods Exams, Quizzes, Papers, Presentations, In-class Participation, Group Projects, or other methods Demonstrate an understanding of the business issues and business context surrounding the topic by gathering and applying knowledge. CT4 Exams, Quizzes, Papers, Presentations, In-class Participation, Group Projects, or other methods COURSE/LAB OUTLINE: To be determined by the faculty for each selected topic. METHOD OF EVALUATION (Tests/Exams, Grading System): Evaluation methods will vary by instructor but may include exams, quizzes, papers, presentations, in-class participation, group projects and/or other methods determined by the instructor. Letter grades will be based on the percentage of points earned in the course in accordance with the following scale: A90 – 100% B80 – 89% C70 – 79% DF- 60 – 69% 59 – 0% REQUIRED WRITING AND READING: The amount and format of writing requirements will vary by instructor but may include essays on exams and quizzes, research papers, and in-class reaction papers. Some writing will be required and will change depending on the topic. Required reading materials will vary by instructor.