2015-2016 Polk County Public TITLE I Schools Lena Vista Elementary School-Parent-Student Compact for Learning District and School-based Title I Parent Involvement Programs in Polk County will strive to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS to create real family engagement for every child, every family, every teacher, every day. This compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. By linking learning, the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help our students achieve the state’s high standards for the school year. We will Support School Parent Student learning in the Responsibilities Responsibilities Responsibilities following ways… PROVIDE high quality, standards PROVIDE a suitable time and place for Be PREPARED to learn at school and based instruction in a supportive, homework each day. home. Attend everyday ready to safe, and effective learning Make sure my child attends school each learn. Put forth your best effort environment. day and on time. daily. Complete all assignments, at PROMOTE family involvement by Participate in the development of the school and at home. providing families with activities to school Compact. Join PTO or SAC, attend encourage reading and studying Parent Advisory Meetings and give together. feedback on the Title 1 Parent Survey. P R I D E RECOGNIZE and provide for different learning needs through the RTI process and differentiated instruction. REINFORCE what my child is learning in school by discussing assignments, by helping with homework and having child read each day. RESPECT myself, the school, and others by being cooperative with teachers and other students and by using good manners. INFORM students and parents of student progress towards academic goals and schoolwide information in a timely manner through agendas, the school web page and monthly newsletters. Be actively INVOLVED in my child's education by attending conferences, parent nights and helping student with homework. Keep an open line of communication between home and school. Strive to IMPROVE in my schoolwork by trying my best and setting goals. Ask my parents and teachers questions. DEVELOP positive relationships through parent conferences and presenting volunteer opportunities. DEMONSTRATE professional behavior and a positive attitude. DEVOTE time to talk with my child about school each day and to have them read for 20 minutes. DEMONSTRATE my belief in the importance of education by participating actively in school events, by attending conferences and by volunteering. Be a DEPENDABLE and DEDICATED student by participating in class, completing assignments and striving to reach my academic goals. Accept responsibility for my own actions. ENCOURAGE students to attend school and be on time. ENGAGE students in authentic learning opportunities. ENCOURAGE parents and students to uphold the responsibilities outlined in this Compact and Express their intention to do the same at first parent conference. Set an EXAMPLE for learning at home by limiting television and reading together. Show ENTHUSIASM towards school. Maintain a positive attitude. Visit the WWW.POLK-FL.NET website for important information: PARENT PORTAL: www.polk-fl.net /parents/parentportal.htm PARENT GUIDE: https://www.polkfl.net/parents/formsanddocuments/documents/ParentGuide1415.pdf VOLUNTEERING: www.polk-fl.net/community/volunteers. PARENT CENTERS: www.polk-fl.net/parents/involvement/pirc.htm PARENT UNIVERSITY: www.polk-fl.net/parents/involvement/plug.htm FLORIDA STANDARDS: http://flstandards.org TESTING: www. polk-fl.net/parents/testing. http://schools.polk-fl.net/lenavista/ Please visit our school’s website for additional information, including curriculum and instruction; test dates; staff contact information; Title 1 resources; and other important dates. If you do not have access to our website please visit the front office for printed information or call the front office at 863-965-5464 Signatures: Parent ____________________ Student ___________________ Teacher ___________________ This compact was discussed on____________________.