Digital Circuits and Systems COURSE 12-13 Q1 Students' evaluation of educational quality (SEEQ) Students’ comments on open questions Group 3GM1 Please, write something remarkable or significant about this course/instructor, which has helped you to study the course. Please write something about this course/instructor, which must be urgently improved (especially on the items not considered in the previous questions) Do you have any other comments to add about the course? The course is too fast. If one day you don’t work, you not ass the course. The web page is good, but not clean. It isn’t easy to find what we want. In class we don’t work hard. The class is to improve questions; a large part of the work is done a home. The use of “MQ” (?) and final exams to improve or o again the exam. Always very attentive and very pending of this pursuit of the subject. We should know the date of the exam. The difficulty of the exams, I think there is a big difference between groups of morning and afternoon. Trying to understand the problems by myself; and asking questions to the instructor. It not too large. He’s always insisting us to ask him questions about the projects that we’re working on, he wants us to learn the things by ourselves, but we can ask him anything which we don’t understand. Having problems and exercises to solve the entire course with the teamwork and the help of my mates, helped me to understand the subject, and the instructor helped me to do it correctly. He was there to explain out of the class. He cares for monitoring the student. Cada vegada que teníem un problema, el professor el resolia immediatament. The instructor is always helping the groups and also in the tests, if you don’t have a good mark he encourages you to keep on with the subject. The teamwork helps me to understand better the course. El trabajo en grupo siempre ayuda a la dinámica de clase. I think that the teacher should explain the part of the exercise just before we have to do it, and a little resume in Spanish. Maybe at start, when we’re not used to have much work at home, it can be hard, but when you get used to it, there is no problem. The teacher gives us too much projects and tasks to do in a very few time. It is the most interesting subject I’ve studied. The subject s nice! The subject is very interesting. Reviewing some practices. Nothing. To know better when you have to hand in the exercises. El profesor es un buen orador, transmite mucha confianza, y se le Es una buena asignatura e interesante. I strongly disagree with this instructor’s behaviour. Respect to the students should be prior to all the points above. nota muy implicado en su trabajo, se me hace imposible verlo desde un punto negativo. Es un buen ejemplo de cómo deberían ser los docentes. Instructor’s respect for students could easily be improved. The instructor should explain the exercises because the examples on the web digsys are not well explained. Attending questions out of class. After each exam, the teacher always returns the documents with errors identified. We have to practise with it everytime,so we don’t forget our knowledge. Class exams are very long and a little difficult. The lectures are not commensurate with the laboratory. If something in theory explains the laboratory serves to implement explained. Many times it was not. (?) La pàgina web és una mica caòtica, molta de la informació que s’utilitza al curs prové d’altres assignatures (també a la web). The exams are too long and we do not know their date. The course pace is too fast, there are many things to do, and the instructors could answer the questions more specifically. The digsys webpage must be improved and cleared as well. More materials explaining the units. Ir haciendo entregas ocupa mucho tiempo pero aprendemos más que haciendo exámenes, ya que las entregas te obligan a trabajar todo el curso. La evaluación no está bien hecha para mi gusto. Si tienes un mal dia en un IT, pierdes toda la puntuación de horas de trabajo. Considero que lo más importante de este curso es saber hacer el proyecto, independientemente de si luego en una hora eres capaz de responder ciertas preguntas. Parece un sistema bastante injusto. The subject content uploaded in the web are very disorganised, it would be useful to have a search engine. I’m scared when asking anything to the teacher because he isn’t nice when he tries to answer my doubts. We have not enough time in the individual test. I think that has to be improved the way to o the IT tests, because sometimes the EX hasn’t been finished well and it’s impossible to it. And we haven’t got time to finsh them. The work in group. No. We have class notes and materials to study from past semesters. We need more time to do the exercises. (Each row represents opinions and answers from a different student) I think that there is too much work to do: 4 individual tests, EX1A, 1B, 1C, EX2, EX3, EX4 and the application project. We have only 4 months in the subject and we have to study and do a lot of things in others subjects.