
Activity guide
Final task (practice) unit 3
Course: Advanced English I
Code: 551013
Topics: speaking sub skills and strategies
Learning strtegy: Task-based learning
Score: 125 points
Learning goals
Purpose: The development of this activity will facilitate the improvement of students’ speaking abilities.
Competences: The student can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my field of interest. I
can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options (adapted from CEFR,
The student has a sufficient range of language to be able to give clear descriptions, express viewpoints on most general topics,
without much conspicuous searching for words, using some complex sentence forms to do so. The student shows a relatively
high degree of grammatical control. Does not make errors which cause misunderstanding, and can correct most of his/her
The student can produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as he/she searches for
patterns and expressions. There are few noticeably long pauses.
The student can initiate discourse, take his/her turn when appropriate and end conversation when he/she needs to, though he/she
may not always do this elegantly. The student can help the discussion along on familiar ground confirming comprehension,
inviting others in, etc.
The student can use a limited number of cohesive devices to link his/her utterances into clear, coherent discourse, though there
may be some ‘jumpiness’ in a long contribution.
(Adapted from CEFR, 2011).
II. Activity description:
Reviewed topics: speaking sub skills and strategies
Learning strategy: The activity focuses on the Task Based Language Learning (TBLL). The language is used by the student in
order to achieve the ability to express spoken ideas.
Steps to develop the task:
This activity has been designed in order to verify understanding by the student of the topics about the Third Unit speaking sub
skills and strategies and giving them the possibility to practice their spoken production abilities. Besides it allows the
interaction with the participants to socialize the information.
Stage 1:
Point of view
Since this period we have been talking about the advantages and disadvantages of technology, now we are going to
discuss about an issue related to technology that has become viral and a parents and teachers’ concern. According to
the video “Cyberbullying –Let’s fight it together” by the British Council you will discuss the following questions with
your e-mates by meeting on Oovoo and recording it.
Think about your point of view related to the following questions before meeting on Oovoo:
1. Why do you think cyberbullying is taking place among children and teenagers nowadays?
2. As a teacher, what would you do to prevent cyberbullying among your students?
3. As a teacher, what would you do if you find out one of your students is being bullied online? What would you do if
one of your students is a bully online?
4. Why do you think some children and teenagers have committed suicide pressured by cyberbullying? Is there
something that teachers and parents could have done to realize of the situation and prevent their deaths?
5. Do you know any strategies or campaigns anti-cyberbullying in the world, in Colombia and the institution where you
work? Do you think they really work? Why? Why not?
Stage 2:
Joining a talk group
-In the role of a teacher, you are going to pretend you are invited on a radio program and you are going to share your
points of view about Cyberbullying based on the questions above.
-This task will be done on Oovoo
-Download Oovoo on your computer going to the link
If you need help to download Oovoo check the following tutorial
-Create an oovoo account
-Share your account with your e-mates
-Add your e-mates on Oovoo
Stage 3:
Oral production
-Set an appointment with your e-mates.
-Meet on Oovoo.
-Start a video call. But before ask on the chat if your e-mates are available to start the call. It is rude to start a call
without asking first.
-Add your e-mates on the video call
-Choose a moderator
-Start recording your discussion. Remember to be very respectful of your e-mates’ ideas and use polite expressions.
Es importante que los estudiantes realicen sus aportes al foro colaborativo tanto individual como colaborativo
desde su apertura ya que no se aceptarán intervenciones de última hora.
Part A. Individual work: 125 points
Watch the video “Cyberbullying –Let’s fight it together” by the British Council
Answer the questions about cyberbullying
Create an Oovoo account
Participate on the discussion about cyberbullying
Part B. Group work: no points
Meet with your e-mates on Oovoo.
Upload the final link on a Word file on the evaluative environment.
III. Criterios de Contenido: el estudiante debe tener en cuenta los siguientes elementos para la presentación argumentada de
su trabajo:
Coherencia: Según Sánchez (2011), es la conexión lógica que se produce entre el texto el contexto, el género al cual
pertenece el texto y el propósito del autor y la define como la correlación entre el propósito del autor del texto, su
contenido (estructura y progresión de la información), el sentido y la situación comunicativa.
Cohesión: Según Cassany (1999), se define como el conjunto de relaciones o vínculos significativos que se
establecen entre diferentes elementos o parte del texto (palabras, oraciones y apartados) que le permiten al lector
interpretarlo con eficacia.
Redacción: Característica del texto que se traduce en un adecuado manejo del código lingüístico de conformidad
con el tipo de texto y su género.
Ortografía: Está dada por el conocimiento y aplicación de las reglas tanto de ortografía como de puntuación.
Originalidad: Se presentan algunas definiciones de originalidad recopiladas por Phillips y Pugh (2005) citadas por
Blaxter (2008): 1) Poner por escrito una cantidad importante de nueva información por primera vez. 2) Llevar a cabo
un trabajo empírico que no se ha hecho antes. 3) Hacer una síntesis que no se ha hecho antes. 4) Usar material ya
conocido pero con una nueva interpretación. 5) Adoptar una técnica particular y aplicarla a una nueva área. 6)
Obtener nuevos resultados sobre un tema viejo. 7).
Plagio: ¿Qué es el plagio para la UNAD? El plagio está definido por el diccionario de la Real Academia como la
acción de "copiar en lo sustancial obras ajenas, dándolas como propias". Por tanto el plagio es una falta grave: es el equivalente
en el ámbito académico, al robo. Un estudiante que plagia no se toma su educación en serio, y no respeta el trabajo intelectual
No existe plagio pequeño. Si un estudiante hace uso de cualquier porción del trabajo de otra persona, y no documenta
su fuente, está cometiendo un acto de plagio.
IV Criterios de forma: Hace alusión a los criterios de formales para la presentación del documento escrito y los cuales se
recomiendan incorporar en la rúbrica de evaluación. Son los siguientes: (Tomados de la norma APA, versión 3 en Español
como traducción de la versión 6 en Inglés)
Se espera que los estudiantes realicen paso a paso cada una de los paso/componente presentados anteriormente y que entreguen
un solo informe de manera grupal desde los siguientes criterios
Editor de texto MS Word para Windows
Fuente: Times New Roman
Tamaño fuente: 12
Espacio entre líneas (2).
Márgenes: izquierda, derecha, superior e inferior de 2,56 cm.
Títulos en la fuente, tamaño 12 y centrado.
Subtítulos en cursiva, tamaño 12, espacio 2 y alineado al margen izquierdo.
Registre todas las referencias de las fuentes bibliográficas, cibergráficas y hemerográficas que le darán soporte teórico,
conceptual y metodológico a su trabajo de investigación.
El trabajo debe presentarse acorde al formato tanto individual como grupal entregado en anexos.
No se debe presentar en formato PDF, ya que no permite la información de retorno por parte del docente.
Activity specifications
• This task is in group but the grade is individual, then each student must participate on the discussion.
• Each student must participate at least three times on the discussion and give meaningful feedback about the e-mates’
• One student of the group must be responsible of uploading the link of the video on the evaluative environment
•In case nobody has participated right before the deadline you can record your participation by yourself.
Keep in mind:
• This is a collaborative task and it has an individual grade.
• It is forbidden to submit products from other classmates as it will be considered plagiarism and you will get a grade of 0.0.
V. Final product:
A discussion about cyberbullying on Oovoo expressing your ideas and agreeing or disagreeing with your e-mates viewpoints.
Upload your recording on YouTube and copy the link on a word file.
One person from the group uploads the word file with a title page including the names of the participants on the discussion and
the link of the video on the evaluative environment.
To upload your video on youtube check the following tutorial
VI. References:
Council of Europe (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment.
Retrieved April 19th, 2014 from
Cyberbullying – Let’s fight it together. Retrieved May 28th from
Oovoo download tutorial