Syllabus for Anthropology 121 LAMC Anthropology of Religion, Magic, & Witchcraft (Lecture Fall 2014) Course: Anthropology of Religion, Magic, & Witchcraft Section: 3028 Time: Wednesday 6:50-10:00 pm Instructor: S. Etheridge-Criswell Location: CMS 004 Office Hours: Wednesday 5:45-6:45pm, CMS 004 Email: (preferred) or (back up) The best way to contact me is through email. Please include your full name and class in the subject line of all emails. Inform the instructor immediately (a) about any special needs or learning requirements you may have Required Textbooks: Stein, Rebecca L. & Stein, Phillip L. (2011). The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft (3rd edition). Pearson. ISBN: 978-0205718115 Anne Fadiman. (2012). The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures (Paperback). Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN: 978-0374533403 Course Description: This course is an introductory course in comparative aspects and practices of religions around the world, using an anthropological lens. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will be able to compare and contrast religious practices, beliefs, and institutions from a variety of societies with different economic and technological foundations. 2. Students will be able to evaluate the religious fixtures including symbolism, myth, ritual, and ritual practitioners. 3. Students will be able to analyze contemporary American religious practices in a broad array of communities, ethnic groups and immigrant groups including modern Wicca, Pentecostalism, cults, and New Age religious practices. Effective this Fall 14 semester, an English 28 or ESL 8 prerequisite for all classes in the Life Sciences Expectations: Students must be prepared, organized, and must manage their time well, since this course is very interactive and has several overlapping elements. Students must come to class on time and prepared, with all materials needed to complete assignments. Students are expected to review materials and complete assignments during the week, in order to prepare for each class. Participation, discussion and demonstrations are required. All students must respect their fellow classmates so we can all share a productive, comfortable working environment, and all students must respect the classroom and its equipment and specimens. Due Dates: No late work will be accepted. If you know you will be absent, you can make up assignments before the missed class but not after. No make-up tests will be given, except if the student has written evidence of a school-approved absence or makes arrangements with me prior to the test date. Attendance and Withdrawal: Students are expected to attend each class. If absent, students must get notes and other information from a classmate and also complete all assignments. Students are still held responsible for knowing all material, even if absent. After 3 absences, the instructor may withdraw you in accordance with the student’s lack of academic progress. You are responsible for confirming that you have been officially withdrawn from the course if you stop attending. Do not rely on the instructor to meet your withdrawal deadlines. Cheating and Plagiarism: Cheating on an exam or any other assignment is illegal and will not be tolerated. No memory aids of any kind may be used during exams. You may not use books, notes, note cards, PDAs, cell phones, text messaging, iPods, or any other memory aids during the exams. Electronic devices of any kind may not be used during class. Any student who is suspected of cheating by the Instructor will have their exam confiscated, receive an "F" grade (score of zero) for the exam, and will be referred to the administration for disciplinary action. Plagiarism, an unlawful act that is defined as the misrepresentation of the published ideas, concepts, or words of another as one's own, will not be tolerated in courses. Plagiarism on any exam or assignment will result in an "F" grade (score of zero) for that particular exam/assignment; the student will be referred to the administration for disciplinary action. Classroom Behavior: Students must show respectful behavior when in class, to the instructor, other classmates, and to any specimens we may use. Any disrespectful or immature behavior will result in disciplinary action, including removal of student from the classroom. Use proper behavior when dealing with lab specimens. Talking during the class or using electronic devices during class is strictly prohibited. No food or drink is allowed inside the classroom at any time. Any items brought inside will be discarded. Students with Special Needs: please notify the instructor of any special accommodations you might require during this course no later than the first class session. Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S): For appointments, eligibility and information call 818-364-7732 or visit Deadlines: Last Day to add: 9/12 Drop with no W: 9/14 To drop with a W: 11/23 Grading: EXAMS: 1 midterm (100 points) and 1 final (100 points) (50 questions, all on Scantron) 10 In-Class Assignments (ICA): 20 points each, total of 200 points 5 Homework Assignments (HW): 20 points each, total of 100 points 3 Quizzes on The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: 20 points each, total of 60 points 1 group assignment (enthnography) and presentation (details below): 50 points Participation: up to an extra 40 points (Active participation in the classroom, video log, regular attendance, etc., determined by the instructor) Optional Extra Credit assignments (details below) up to 20 points (650 possible total points) 585-650 = A 520-584 = B 455-519 = C 390-454 = D below 390 = F Syllabus (May Change During the Semester) CHAPTER DATE CHAPTER 1: THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SEP 3 STUDY OF RELIGION SEP 10 CHAPTER 2: MYTHOLOGY SEP 17 CHAPTER 3:RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS SEP 24 CHAPTER 4: RITUAL ASSIGNMENT Syllabus; Meet and Greet, Add/Drop “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” Discussion: What defines a religion? What are the main religions? HW #1: Yanamamo Creation Myths ICA #1: Creation Myths Video Log: Greek Mythology: Zeus ICA #2: Making Joyful Noise in Religious Video Log: Swastika Documentary HW #1 Due HW #2: The Virgin of Guadalupe: A Mexican National Symbol (article on Portal) Video Log: Taboo Healing Rituals OCT 1 CHAPTER 4: RITUAL OCT 8 CHAPTER 5: ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS OCT 15 CHAPTER 6: RELIGIOUS SPECIALISTS OCT 22 MIDTERM CHAPTER 7: MAGIC AND DIVINATION CHAPTER 8: SOULS, GHOSTS, AND DEATH OCT 29 NOV 5 CHAPTER 9: GODS AND SPIRITS NOV 12 CHAPTER 10: WITCHCRAFT NOV 19 NOV 26 NO CLASS DEC 3 CHAPTER 10: WITCHCRAFT DEC 10 CHAPTER 11: THE SEARCH FOR NEW MEANINGS DEC 17 FINAL Group Project: and article on sacrifices HW #3: Adaptive Value of Rituals (article on Portal) HW #2 Due Discuss novel Quiz #1: Chapters 1-6 (Spirit Catches You) ICA#3: FGM article Video Log: Taboo: Initiations HW #3 Due Video Log: Taboo Sacred Pain ICA #4: Trance and Possession Review available on Portal Information on Group ProjectReview available on Portal ICA #5: Eyes of Ngangas article HW #3 Due Review for midterm Chapters 1-6, articles, novel, videos ICA#6: Baseball Magic article Video Log: Taboo: Exorcism ICA #7: Zombies and Vampires article Video Log: Death Rituals HW #4: Haiti’s Living Dead (article on Portal) Discuss novel Quiz #2: Chapters 7-12 (Spirit Catches You) ICA#8: Death Without Weeping article Video Log: Taboo: Evil Spirits HW #4 Due ICA #9/Video Log: Salem Witch Trials HW #5: Searching for the Truth: The Poison Oracle Among African Foragers and Farmers” (article on Portal) Group Presentations next class!! CANCELLED Video: Identify themes of witchcraft (extra participation points) Review available on Portal Video Log: Taboo: Witchcraft Group Presentations on ethnography Review novel Quiz #3: Chapters 13-Afterword (A Spirit Catches You) ICA#10: Understanding Islam article and questions on extremism HW #5 Due Review for final Chapters 7-11 plus articles, videos, novel Ethnography and presentation. You will be assigned a partner or group. You will find three people (outside of class and your family) who come from different religious backgrounds. Conduct an ethnography (detailed description) of each person’s religious beliefs -make sure you keep their names anonymous (use “person 1,” “person 2,” etc. or “my neighbor,” “my friend’s father,” etc.) Your presentation will include: -Brief summary of each person’s beliefs -Reasons why each person identifies with that religion (can you connect this to culture?) -Identify religious symbols, specialists, or myths we discussed in class -Describe one ritual each person performs and why -Discuss similarities you can find in all three religious practices (at least 3 similarities) Each member of the group must participate equally. The write-up of findings should be 1-page, single-spaced, 12 point font, with a header of the group members. Presentations should be 5-7 minutes. Please time yourself to ensure you are within this timeframe. *************************************************************************************************** Extra Credit Options (you can only do one!) Worth up to 20 points Option #1: Hollywood Forever Cemetery 14th Annual Dia de los Muertos Celebration - largest celebration of its kind in California, November 2, 2013 (12:00pm - midnight) 323.308.4765 Hollywood Forever Cemetery 6000 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA Assignment: Attend the event and create a document that shows, through pictures you take, examples of -ritual -symbolism -views of death -views of spirits -each picture should have a brief explanation Option #2: (you can complete this after we do chapter 10) The Green Man Store (Modern Witchcraft/Wicca) Address: 5712 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601 Phone:(818) 985-2010 Hours: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm The store is very small. The best time to go is on Wednesday or Thursday at 11:00 am. You need to complete the extra credit without bothering the staff there. You may discuss something with the staff if you are interested in it personally, but they are not there to help you with this assignment. Walk around the store and go on a scavenger hunt for certain items (document will be on Portal). Describe items you find and answer questions about each. You must obtain proof of going (picture, business card, etc.).