Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes Our Lady, Queen of the Universe Catholic Church Huntsville, Alabama Meeting Location, Date/Time: Old Parish Hall, November 5, 2015 6:00 PM Members Present: Father Joy Nellissery, Rita Cusack, Eric Hansen, Rob Ruiz, Jan Smith, Joseph Zielinski, Rodolfo Bernal Members Absent: Glen McAlpin, Juliana Njoku, John Wolf Deacons Present: None Alternates Present: Bill Andre, Tony Gentry Alternates Absent: None Opening Prayer: Rodolfo Bernal Called to order approximately 6:00 PM Reflection on Mission and Purpose: Read by Rodolfo Bernal Our Pastoral Council mission is to promote spiritual growth and evangelism by fostering a parish community of prayer, service and pastoral action. Our purpose is to assist Father Nellissery in accomplishing the mission of the parish. OLQU Mission Statement: Read by Eric Hansen We the parish family of Our Lady, Queen of the Universe Catholic Church, through spiritual growth and service to others, seek to follow Mary's example of doing God's will by being a loving open community centering on the Word, the sacraments and the presence of Christ in our lives. Roll Call and Recap of Minutes: Recorder Jan Smith reported that the October 2015 minutes were approved by a quorum and have been posted to the OLQU website and posted to the bulletin board. Guest Presentation: Stan Mullin presented us with information on the history of the International Ministry. He explained that the parish used to hold an International Dinner once a year, hosted by the Social Committee, where parishioners would bring ethnic dishes. About 4 years ago, Stan worked with Father Joy to expand this dinner into an International Ministry. The mission statement for this ministry stated: “It is the mission of the International Ministry at Our Lady Queen of the Universe to recognize the universality of the Catholic Church and celebrate the diversity in countries, nationalities, and culture with the belief that God has brought us together from around the globe to be one parish family.” One International Dinner was held where Stan asked that the parishioners attending also bring information about their heritage, using presentations or setting up a table with information, etc. Then, last year there was not even a dinner. Stan discussed issues with getting participation and assistance for the ministry. He has other responsibilities and cannot continue with it. The Council discussed ways to continue this ministry. There is also the St. Anthony’s Mission Ministry, which has sent gifts to Haiti, but the mission of that ministry is different. Father Nelli reminded us to start with determining whatever the ministry is needed to do, and then later find a chair to lead it. Council members would like to see at least the International Dinner brought back as a parish event next year. Pastor’s Comments: Father explained his goal of having the Council be able to be proactive in coordinating Church events, relating the events to Vatican and Diocesan special areas of focus (such as the coming Jubilee Year of Mercy). Our purpose should be to anticipate, envision for the future, and coordinate the parish’s ministries in that direction. He commented that the Trunk or Treat for the children went very well, and that the parish had also invited Holy Family Regional School families to attend. Ministry Liaison Reports 1. Building and Grounds – Rob a. Building and Operations – Buildings and Grounds team worked on changing bulbs, fixing tile in the Gathering area, working to deter birds from the choir area roof, and will be installing a ceiling fan downstairs in the rectory—the mold is still a problem there. b. Garden Angels work has slowed for the season. c. Lawn Care has only one or two mowings left before winter, and will resow and fertilize the grass in April. d. Loving Hands continues its mission of cleaning the church twice a month. 2. Liturgical – Rita a. Liturgy: There was a Mass of Remembrance on Tuesday evening, which was attended by about 50 people. b. Ushers: All Masses covered. 3. Operations – John – Recruiting event planned for June changed to ministry fair in August. a. Nursery – Christine Cuevas (256-325-3067), No report received. Have made several attempts to contact her by phone & email, but no response. b. Communications – Barbara Cassani (256-851-1512, and Damian Hochmuth (256-890-1621, Team is working hard right now on the next issue of The Queen’s Messenger, which will be out on November 14. This issue begins our thirteenth year, and features an interview of Fr. Nellissery by Gaby Clark. This ministry provided photos of events of the past year for the slide show for the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. They are supporting the Golden Jubilee Committee in its preparations for the upcoming celebrations. Communications continue to maintain the New Members/Birthdays and Anniversaries section of the Pastoral Council’s bulletin board. c. Finance – Tom Hancock (256-837-0876, The chairmen of the Ministries will soon receive a request to submit their budget requests for 2016. We are also expecting requests for budget dollars for preparation for the Golden Jubilee. Parish budget is voted on by the Finance Committee in December. d. Pastoral Council – Rodolfo Bernal The last meeting was on Oct 1st. The Oct Welcome Breakfast was held on the 4th. The Nov Welcome Breakfast was held on the 1st. Rita asked that council members remember to support the welcome breakfast by working in the kitchen. Pastoral Council chairs the parish picnic – next one will be September 25, 2016. e. Religious Education – Susan Turner (256-852-0788, The Confirmation students will come before the parish for the Rite of Enrollment on November 15th at the 9 o’clock Mass. They will renew their Baptismal Promises and declare their intent to pursue the sacrament in the spring. 4. Outreach – Joe a. Rosary Makers: At our October 2015 Meeting, we shipped 310 Rosaries to Kentucky. We distributed about 150 Rosaries. We sold $70.00 in wire rosaries and gave it to the OLQU Building Fund. We placed an additional 20 Rosaries in the basket in the 2 Gathering Area. Our next meeting is November 11th at 9:30AM. We invite all those interested to contact us. Please continue to pray for our Ministry. God bless you. b. Sunshine Ministry: The Sunshine Committee continues to visit and pray for the sick in our parish. c. St. Andrew’s Table: St Andrew's Table was held on October 29 after the noon mass and was attended by almost 40 people. Pink ribbons were given out to the ladies and there were a few door prizes in honor of pink ribbon month. The next St. Andrew's table will be combined November and December and will be the last one for 2015. d. St. Vincent DePaul: No report. 5. Social – Eric reported for Glen a. Social Committee: The group has planned the calendar of events for the next year, which includes an upcoming Anniversary dinner for the parish, Our Lady of Guadeloupe social on December 12, Christmas party, and Epiphany party January 9. The social committee will also be very busy in the months between March-May. In addition, they will lend a hand to the Silent Auction for the Holy Family Regional School on March 5, as Mark Wiegmann, one of our parishioners, is chairing the event. b. Knights of Columbus (K of C) – John Wolf (256-929-1320, We now have 42 members. In Oct we supported the Habit for Humanity volunteer day, the Men’s Club Goofy Golf and conducted our Campaign for Intellectual Disabilities Fund Raiser. In November we will sell “Keep Christ in Christmas” (KCIC) Christmas cards and conduct a poster contest for the children. We will also support the SVdP Thanksgiving basket drive. c. Queen Bees, Prayer Shawl Ministry continue activities. 6. Membership – Father Nellissery No new, no leaving this month, but 17 families have joined the parish in the past 4 months, and 1 has departed. Review of Coming Events 1. Welcome Sunday December 6. 2. Year of Mercy begins December 8. 3. Our Lady of Guadeloupe celebration December 12. 4. Christmas Party. 5. Epiphany Party January 9. Old Business: 1. Review of Parish Calendar for coming year will be Nov 10; council members will try to get together beforehand. Eric suggested we email ministry heads to have them include in their planning doing something regarding the works of mercy each month for the Year of Mercy. Father Nelli urged us to work for coordination of what the ministries will do for the works of mercy. 2. Coat and Blanket Drive – October. Juliana and Tony Padron delivered about 60 blankets to the homeless, and also shared some with the group ministering to the families in the family shelter. 3. Discussions on Jubilee Year of Mercy. Council discussed a format for the Jubilee, with one event every month that would spotlight a work of mercy in the parish, as educational awareness for the congregation. Each ministry should have some relevance. Suggestion of praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on alternate Sundays with the Rosary should go to the 3 4. 5. 6. 7. ministry that organizes the Rosary leaders. Discussed ways to evangelize, perhaps with a small gift of a book to each family, stamped with the Church’s name, at Christmas when family members might attend that don’t usually come to Mass. Locator map of parish members. Rita and Father Nellissery went on a trip to St. John’s in Madison to see their map. Their map is probably 4 ft x 12 ft; but Rita will get a banner size map for our project that will probably be about 3 x 5. Dots on the map will identify locations of homes of parishioners but no names will be identified. The map will be useful if someone needs a ride, or is interested in forming a prayer group in their area, as some examples. Summary of Council achievements 2014-15 was completed. Jan reviewed the summary with the members at the meeting, and will send a copy to the parish office for the archives. (Jan) Greeter sponsors for new families. (Rita) Railing for steps to the Altar (Rob) New Business: 1. Welcome Sunday for December is December 6, 2015. 2. Set up for recruiting new Council members to start in November or December. When recruiting new members, consider the Diocesan rules that they should be a registered member of the parish for at least a year, should be attending liturgies, and should be actively involved in the parish through some ministry or organization. Father Nelli reminded us that the purpose of the council is to coordinate and provide a spiritual direction for the parish. We should take into account representation from different Masses, as it would be good for Father to be able to have access to council members at each Mass. 3. Suggestion for an insert in the bulletin in January about what parishioners want to see in the parish. 4. Suggestion that it might be time to update the parish directory again. Action Items Summary: 1. Rodolfo and Jan: Publish our tentative schedule of Council activities as a document for our binders, and include the tentative dates in the Parish calendar that is available on the web and put in the bulletins every 2 months. 2. Rita: Flyer for Agape Joy sign-ups, with new sign-up sheet showing tasks separated into set up, serving, and clean-up. 3. Eric: After-action report on Parish Picnic. 4. Rob: Follow up on creek erosion issue and railing for altar. Next Meeting: Next Meeting December 3, 2015 @ 6:00 pm Old Parish Hall Closing Prayer: Rob Ruiz Adjourned: Approximately 7:15 PM. Submitted by: Jan Smith 4