Litter Champion - Keep Queensland Beautiful

Community Group or School being nominated:
Local Council Ward:
Focus Areas Entered (Please Mark Below)
Community Action and Partnerships
Young Legends
Litter Prevention
Litter Champion
Resource Recovery and Waste Management
Environmental Innovation and Protection
Catchment Champion
Proudly Sponsored By:
Consent and Contact Details
All submissions will become the property of Keep Queensland Beautiful and will not be returned unless otherwise arranged.
Groups must be willing to participate in publicity activities and information, including photographs contained in the submission and taken by the
assessor/judge may be reproduced for promotional purposes, either in print or digitally. Group leaders may be asked to provide further material and/or for
promotional purposes.
By submitting your Brisbane Spotless Suburbs and Schools Entry Form, you agree and consent to the above.
In case we need further information or clarification, please provide contact details for two representatives:
Postal Address:
Contact 1:
Telephone (Work):
Telephone (Work):
Telephone (A/H):
Contact 2:
Telephone (A/H):
About Brisbane Spotless Suburbs
The Process
1. Register your interest for the program online.
2. Fill in this entry booklet. You can enter one category or all
categories. To be in the running for the overall winning title of
Brisbane Spotless Suburb or School, you will need to make an
outstanding effort in your chosen categories. Scores will be
assigned for each category and the winning school or community
group will be those with the highest overall score.
3. Submit the entry booklet by the specified deadline (25th May,
2014), along with any associated documentation (brochures,
photos etc) electronically or by post to:
Brisbane Spotless Suburbs Program Manager
Keep Queensland Beautiful
PO Box 3260
South Brisbane, QLD, 4101
Or email:
This program acknowledges the motivation and determination of many
community groups and schools who are committed to maintaining our
local parks, streets, schools and community environments. The program
seeks to engage communities, schools and commercial enterprises in all
26 Brisbane City Council wards to highlight their best and most spotless
suburb and school. The competition has attracted a wide array of exciting
and innovative projects from community groups and schools throughout
The awards are jointly funded by the Brisbane City Council, Keep
Queensland Beautiful and SITA Australia.
Schools and community groups are able to enter all or just a few of the
following categories:
 Community Action and Partnerships
 Young Legends
 Litter Prevention
 Litter Champion
 Resource Recovery and Waste Management
 Catchment Champions
 Environmental Innovation and Protection
If at any point you require assistance with completing this entry booklet
or submitting it online, please do not hesitate to call for assistance.
Judging: Keep Queensland Beautiful judges will assess entries against
criteria for each category. From this assessment a shortlist will be made.
If you get shortlisted, you will receive a visit from our judges in person.
An awards ceremony will be held in August, 2014 which is open to all
entrants. The contact person listed on your entry form will be contacted
with the details of this event.
NOTE: If you are a school already participating in the Cleaner Greener
Schools Program run by Keep Queensland Beautiful and have submitted
your Action Plan, you are not required to submit an additional entry,
UNLESS you wish to nominate for the categories of Catchment Champion
or Litter Champion or you wish to provide further details on your
Community Action and Partnerships
In this category we are specifically looking for evidence of partnerships which are focused on creating sustainability within the community, improving
community spirit and improving the health of surrounding ecosystems. Great partnerships will incorporate multiple stakeholders, such as, council
representation, local businesses and community groups.
Guiding Questions
Projects Implemented
Achieved Outcomes
(Last 12 months)
Groups, Organisations
or Councils Involved
Documentation and
(Photographs, Policies, Project
Plan, Videos, Media)
Does your community
group or school engage in
partnerships which benefit
the local environment and
Are there a diverse range of
groups, councils and
organisations engaging in
Are your partnerships
producing valuable and
measurable outcomes?
Young Legends
This category is aimed at recognising the hard work of youth groups or individuals (ages 18 and under) demonstrating leadership through doing
environmental work in their communities.
Guiding Questions
Projects Implemented
Achieved Outcomes
(Last 12 months)
Supporting Documentation and
(Photographs, Policies, Project Plan, Videos,
Is this individual or group
demonstrating leadership
through participating in or
organising environmental
activities or programs?
(Cleanups, planting days
Does this person or group
support other young
people to become actively
engaged in environmental
activities or provide
environmental education?
(for example presenting on
school assembly or
organising a litter clean up
at school)
Have there been any
observable or measureable
outcomes associated with
this individual or group’s
actions? (reduction in
school litter, planting of a
certain number of trees
Litter Prevention
This category recognises efforts related to litter management, reduction and education initiatives. This may include, for example, installation of bins in,
education programs or litter clean-ups.
Guiding Questions
Projects Implemented
Achieved Outcomes
(Last 12 months)
Supporting Documentation and
(Photographs, Policies, Project Plan, Videos,
Does your community
group or school have litter
prevention education and
awareness programs in
Does your community
group or school engage in
litter clean-up activities?
Does your community
group or school have litter
prevention infrastructure in
place? (for example bins in
busy areas)
Litter Champion
This category recognises efforts by individuals or a small group to reduce litter levels in their community and surrounding environment. This might include
running educational sessions or doing regular litter clean-ups.
Guiding Questions
Projects Implemented
Achieved Outcomes
(Last 12 months)
Supporting Documentation and
(Photographs, Policies, Project Plan, Videos,
What have you done to
reduce litter levels in your
local community or
Has there been a
noticeable impact of your
Waste Management and Resource Recovery
This category recognises achievement in resource recovery and waste management including initiatives which conserve resources, recover and reuse
materials and the appropriate disposal of non-recyclable materials. Examples of projects which would fit into this category include recycling initiatives or repurposing used materials.
Efforts to transition the way energy and materials are used from a linear chain to a closed loop cycle will be scored highly. Strong entries will be able to
demonstrate evidence of changes to consumption behaviours and innovative approaches to waste management and resource recovery.
Guiding Questions
Projects Implemented
Achieved Outcomes
(Last 12 months)
Supporting Documentation
and Attachments
(Photographs, Policies, Project Plan,
Videos, Media)
Does your community
group or school have waste
reduction and resource
recovery education and
awareness programs in
Are there any resource
recovery or waste
management projects in
Have there been any
noticeable or measureable
outcomes associated with
the waste management or
resource recovery project?
Environmental Innovation and Protection
This category aims to recognise innovative principles and actions associated with developing sustainable communities. This category also recognises
protection of the natural environment focusing on the conservation of native flora and fauna in local communities.
Guiding Questions
Projects Implemented
Achieved Outcomes
(Last 12 months)
Supporting Documentation
and Attachments
(Photographs, Policies, Project Plan,
Videos, Media)
Are areas of high
biodiversity or ecosystem
value preserved and
Does your community
group or school
demonstrate innovative
solutions to problems
impacting upon the local
Is your community group or
school actively involved in
conservation activities?
(Tree planting,
revegetation, weeding etc)
Are there noticeable and
measureable benefits of
the conservation efforts
Catchment Champions
Recognises efforts made by local community groups or schools to improve the health of their local catchment. These activities might include water quality
monitoring, riparian revegetation or waterway litter clean-ups.
Strong entries will have evidence of large-scale, ongoing or long-term programmes that make good use of available resources to engage the community to
promote catchment care. These programmes should result in observable benefits to the catchment/waterway.
Guiding Questions
Projects Implemented
Achieved Outcomes
(Last 12 months)
Documentation and
(Photographs, Policies, Project
Plan, Videos, Media)
Does your community
group or school have any
educational programs or
activities designed to
promote the importance of
waterway health?
Does your school or
community group
undertake activities which
are aimed at improving the
health of the nearby
Have there been
measureable benefits to
the catchment/waterway
associated with the school
or community group’s
Supporting Images, Testimonials and Media
Please provide any additional information that you feel will support assessors – this can be submitted via email or by mailing us a USB.
Mail your USB to:
Brisbane Spotless Suburbs
Program Officer
PO Box 3260
South Brisbane Qld 4101
Email your supporting documents to:
Program Manager Contact Information:
Fiona McKeague
Ph: 3252 2886
Mob: 0427 763 245