Text Questions

6TQ: Electronic Structure of Atoms
Name: ________________________
Text Questions from Brown, et. al.
1. Why did quantum mechanics have to be developed?
2. What have we analyzed in order to learn about the electronic structure of the atom?
3. Why is electromagnetic radiation also called radiant energy?
4. What is the value of the speed of light?
5. What causes the wave characteristics of electromagnetic radiation?
6. How are the speed of light, the wavelength, and the frequency related?
7. What is the approximate range of wavelengths for visible light?
8. Write four different ways to express the quantity 820 kilohertz.
9. List one phenomenon that the wave model of light fails to explain.
10. Write the equation for calculating the energy of radiation and define the terms (with units).
11. What does it mean to say that energies are quantized?
12. In the photoelectric effect, a metal must be struck with light of a minimum frequency in order for…
13. What two things possess both wavelike and particle-like properties?
14. What is a line spectrum?
15. What did Bohr assume about electrons as they orbit the nucleus?
16. What two things will an electron in an allowed energy state NOT do?
17. In Bohr’s equation involving the Rydberg constant, what do E and n stand for?
18. The lower (i.e., more negative) an electron’s energy…
19. As n approaches infinity, the energy approaches _______.
20. According to Bohr, what must an electron do in order to jump between allowed energy states?
21. The existence of discrete spectral lines can be attributed to what?
22. Although it was limited, Bohr’s model introduces what two important ideas?
23. Radiation appears to have either wavelike or particle-like properties, depending on…
24. de Broglie proposed that matter might sometimes behave as a ________.
25. Write the equation for finding the de Broglie wavelength and define the terms (with units).
26. Why can’t we observe the wavelengths of ordinary objects?
27. What device takes advantage of the wave characteristics of electrons?
28. Why can’t we determine where an electron is located at a specific time?
29. What does Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle state?
30. Write the equation for the uncertainty principle and define the terms (with units).
31. The quantum mechanical model precisely describes the _________ of the electron while describing its
location in terms of ___________________.
32. Schrodinger’s wave equation incorporates what two things?
33. How did Schrodinger treat the electron?
34. In Figure 6.17, what does the density of the dots represent?
35. According to Schrodinger’s equation, what are orbitals?
36. Why does the quantum mechanical model NOT refer to orbits?
37. The principal quantum number, n – corresponding to the energy level – can have possible values of…
38. The angular momentum quantum number, l, defines…
39. What value of l is assigned to s orbitals?
40. What does the magnetic quantum number, ml, describe?
41. What is the difference between an electron shell and a subshell?
42. In geometric terms, all s orbitals are _________________ ___________________.
43. What happens to the size of the orbitals as n increases?
44. The two parts of a p orbital are called _______.
45. For a given n, the three p orbitals have the same ______ and _______, but different ______________.
46. For a given n, there are ___ d orbitals and ___ f orbitals.
47. In a many-electron atom – unlike in a hydrogen atom – what do electron-electron repulsions cause?
48. What are degenerate orbitals?
49. What once-puzzling observation did scientists notice when studying line spectra?
50. The two allowable values for the spin magnetic quantum number are ____ and ____.
51. What does the Pauli exclusion principle state?
52. An orbital can hold a maximum of _____ electrons and they must have…
53. What does an electron configuration describe?
54. In an orbital diagram, each orbital is denoted by a ______ and each electron by a…
55. In orbital diagrams having orbitals with lone electrons, the choice of orienting the electrons in a spin-up
fashion is ______________; however, it is ______________ to do so.
56. What does Hund’s rule state?
57. Why are the outermost electrons specified in condensed electron configurations?
58. What is the difference between core and valence electrons?
59. For a given value of n, the total number of orbitals in each shell is equal to ____.
60. Together, the s and p blocks are called either of the following names:
61. Electrons in either of which two types of orbitals are NEVER considered to be valence electrons?
62. Anomalies in electron configurations are due to orbitals in different subshells being very ________ in
63. Anomalies often occur under what two sets of conditions?