Nomination Form for IEEE Malaysia ComSoc/VTS Joint Chapter Best Paper Award Section A: Nominator’s Details (the person making the nomination, can also be one of the authors) Name Address Mobile No. Email Section B: Nominated Paper Main/Corresponding Author’s Details (the main/corresponding author of the paper for whom an award is recommended) Address Name Mobile No. Email Section C: IEEE ComSoc/VTS Publication (please refer to the Eligibility Section of the corresponding Call for Nomination) Paper Publication [Please tick (√) one] IEEE Communications Letters IEEE Wireless Communications Letters IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking IEEE Transactions on Communications IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking IEEE Communications Magazine IEEE Network: The Magazine of Global Internetworking IEEE Wireless Communications China Communications IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 1 Section D: Nominated Paper Details (as per the published paper) Paper Title Authors Affiliation (for each author) Volume Issue Month Year Section E: Nomination Statement (a short statement of 200-300 words explaining why the nominee deserves the award) 2 Section F: Submission Notes & Checklist (Incomplete form or missing documents will not be entertained) Important Notes: Please type in all the information required in the form. Incomplete forms will not be considered. Please submit one softcopy (PDF format) of the completed form and support documents to IEEE Malaysia ComSoc/VTS Joint Chapter via email to Dr. Ayman Abd El-Saleh at The deadline to receive the nomination materials is by 11:59 pm, December 25, 2015. The following support documents MUST be attached with the completed nomination form: [Please tick (√) if you have already attached the respective document] Soft copy of nominated paper Curriculum vitae (CV) of the corresponding author Copy of IC/passport of the main/corresponding author Section G: Award Committee Comments (for Award Committee’s use only) Section H: Award Committee Final Decision (for Award Committee’s use only) Recommended Not Recommended 3