1 The Hebrew University in Jerusalem Givat Ram Campus Autumn Semester-2010 Modern Radio Communications Course # 67732 Professor I. Kalet 13 October 2010 Block Codes 2 BLOCK CODES In this file, we will try to give a very short introduction to Block Coding. First, all codes have the following properties listed below. Some of the terms, e.g., Eb,inf/N0, will be more clear after this week’s lesson. Codes improve detectability performance, i.e., for the same transmitted power and the same information bit rate (or same Eb,inf/N0), the Pr{} is decreased. Coding (Usually) Increases bandwidth Coding introduces some delay Complex implementation (especially the decoder) P Rb, info CELLULAR PHONE Eb, info=P Tb,info=P/Rb,info P =Eb, info Rb, info 3 BLOCK CODES The names of some typical block codes HAMMING GOLAY BCH REED-SOLOMON CONCATENATED CODES (inner and outer codes) The description, given in this file, is a very brief description of a simple block code. The important pages are pages 4-7, and 8-11. 4 5 Simple example of an (n,k) Block Code This (7,4) Hamming code is capable of detecting and correcting one error!! HAMMING CODE -(7,4) Information Bits in Block (7,4) Total Number of Bits in Block There are (7-4) = 3 parity or check bits in the block-These do not carry any new information and are redundant coding bits. In general (n,k) code (n-k) parity bits Coding usually increases the bandwidth UNCODED -Rinfo=2400 bps CODED- After Coding we transmit -R trans=2400(7/4)=4200 bps The bandwidth increases by a factor of 7/4! 6 Block Coding plus BPSK Modulation N0/2 watts/Hz Info Bits Coded Bits Block Coder BPSK MOD Demodulator Block Decoder Soft-Decision Decoding Hard-Decision Decoding Demodulator cos 2f0t T 0 7 Hamming (7,4) Code Information Bits a3=1 a5=0 a6=1 a7=1 Transmitted (Coded) Bits HAMMING CODER (7, 4) a1, a2 and a4 are the redundant bits, created by the equations below a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 Eb,info bit a7 a6 a5 a3 1 1 0 1 Info Bits Eb,transmitted= (4/7) Eb,info bit [(4/7)=-2.43 dB)] a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Pb,tr Transmitted Bit ENCODER a1=a3 a5 a7=0 a2=a3 a6 a7=1 a4=a5 a6 a7=0 (Eb,trans) 8 Binary Representation of Place Numbers in Block 4 2 1 an (n) 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 5 1 1 0 6 1 1 1 7 9 DECODER Will detect and correct one error. (can detect two (or more) errors but cannot correct them!) Demodulated Signal-After Receiver including one error 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 a4 a2 a1 Once again (at the receiver) we generate the parity bits, a1R, a2R, and a4R based on the received information bits. 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 a4R a2R a1R Then, we do modulo 2 additions between the received parity bits,a1 , a2 and a4 , and the parity bits a1R , a2R and a4R , which we generated at the receiver based on the received information bits. a1R=0 a2R=0 a4R=1 a1= 0 a2= 1 a4= 0 = = = 0 1 1 1 1 0 is equivalent to “6” There is an error in place number 6! 10 What is the Pr{} ? Prblock{}=Pr{two or more errors in block} Prblock{}=1-Pr{no errors or one error} 7 =1-[(1-Pb,tr) +( )Pb,tr(1-Pb,tr) 7 1 Pb,tr =Probability of error of a transmitted bit The Question is“Have “things” improved??" 6 11 PROBABILITY OF ERROR HAMMING (7,4) CODE Eb/N0,trans,dB Eb/N0,info,dB CODED CODED Pbit,trans CODED Pblock CODED P dec-info CODED +1.43 dB 10-1 .15 .08 +.5 dB +4.3 6.73 10-2 2*10-3 10-3 +6.8 +6.8 9.23 10-3 2.1*10-5 10-5 +9.6 +8.4 10.83 10-4 2.2*10-7 10-7 +11.2 -1 dB Eb/N0,info,dB UNCODED If we convert (4/7) into dB we get -2.43 dB Eb/N0, info, dB=Eb/N0, trans, dB + 2.43 dB Pdec=Pr{error in decoded bits} (1/2) Pblock 12 BLOCK CODE PERFORMANCE In general, the minimum Hamming distance, min dH, determines the Pr{} min dH=2t+1 The letter “t” represents the number of bit errors that we can detect and correct. 13 Block Codes Coding Performance B. Sklar, Digital Communications-Fundamentals and ApplicationsPrentice –Hall, New York, 1988 Hamming (7,4), t=1 Code 14 Soft Decision versus Hard Decision Detected Bits 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 cos 2f0t T 0 The BER performance of soft-decision decoding is about two and a half dB better than that of harddecision decoding (@ 10-5 ) but requires a lot of DSP. However, the Viterbi Algorithm makes soft-decoding possible for convolutional codes. 15 SOFT DECISION IS ABOUT 2.5 DB BETTER THAN HARD DECISION AT Probability of Error =10-5 16 Summary The description given in this file is a very brief description of a simple block code.The important pages are pages 4-7, and 8-11.