CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH ADULT INQUIRY INFORMATION For adults interested in receiving Sacraments of Initiation. PLEASE PRINT Today’s date: ______________________________________ CANDIDATE INFORMATION: Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Maiden if female Last Date of Birth:_________________ Place of Birth (City, State):___________________________________Age:_____ Father’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Mother’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Maiden Last Name Religious Affiliations: ____________________________________________________________________________ Of Father Of Mother CANDIDATE INFORMATION: CONTACT INFORMATION: Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________ State:______________ Zip:__________________ Cell phone: ____________________________________ Home phone: _______________________________ Work phone: ____________________________________ Occupation: _________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ RELIGIOUS HISTORY: What, if any, is your current religious affiliation? ______________________________________________________ Have you ever been Baptized? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure If you have been Baptized, please answer the following: Into what faith/denomination were you Baptized? What was your date of Baptism? _______________________________________________ ___________________________ How old were you? ____________ Name of Church where you were Baptized: ___________________________________________________ Address (city and state) of church where you were Baptized:_______ _____________________________________ Godfather’s name:___________________________________ His religion:_________________________________ Godmother’s name:____________________________________ Her religion:_______________________________ If you were Baptized Catholic, please check the sacraments you have received: ____ First Penance (Confession) ____ First Communion ____ Confirmation FAMILY INFORMATION: List the names of your children or other dependents. Relationship: ___________________Name: ____________________________________________Age: _________ If he or she was Baptized Catholic, please check the Sacraments that he or she has received. ___ First Penance (Confession) ___ First Eucharist (Communion) ___ Confirmation Relationship: ___________________Name: ____________________________________________Age: _________ If he or she was Baptized Catholic, please check the Sacraments that he or she has received. ___ First Penance (Confession) ___ First Eucharist (Communion) ___ Confirmation Relationship: ___________________Name: ____________________________________________Age: _________ If he or she was Baptized Catholic, please check the Sacraments that he or she has received. ___ First Penance (Confession) ___ First Eucharist (Communion) ___ Confirmation Relationship: ___________________Name: ____________________________________________Age: _________ If he or she was Baptized Catholic, please check the Sacraments that he or she has received. ___ First Penance (Confession) ___ First Eucharist (Communion) ___ Confirmation CURRENT MARITAL STATUS: _____ I have never been married. _____ I am engaged to be married. Your fiancés name is:____________________________ Religious affiliation of your fiancé:____________________ For you: _____ This will be my first marriage. For your fiancé: _____This will be his/her first marriage. _____I’m currently married. My spouse’s name is: _____________________. Rel. affiliation:__________________ Date/Place of marriage: ________________________________ Before whom?_____________________________ For you: _____ This is my first marriage. _____ I am married but am currently separated. _____ I am a widow/widower and have not remarried. _____ I am divorced and I have not remarried. _____ I’ve been married before. With whom?__________________________. Rel. affiliation:_________________ Date/Place of marriage: ________________________________ Before whom?_____________________________ Has this marriage been declared null by the Church? ____No. _____Yes. If so, when?_______________________ For your spouse: _____This is his/her first marriage. _____ He/she has been married before. If so, with whom?_____________________________. Religious affiliation:____________________ Date/Place of marriage: ________________________________ Before whom?_____________________________ Has this marriage been declared null by the Church? ____No. _____Yes. If so, when?_______________________ GENERAL QUESTIONS: What or who has led you to want to know more about the Catholic faith? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Please describe the religious education you have received both as a child and as an adult. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ To date, what contact have you had with the Catholic Church? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What are some of the questions or concerns you have about the Catholic faith? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Which of the following statements best describes your present feelings and thoughts about the possibility of joining the Catholic Church? A. I need more information about the Catholic Church before I would consider joining. B. I am considering joining the Catholic Church, but I’m still unsure about it. C. I’m fairly sure that I want to join the Catholic Church, but I still need some time to study and pray about it. D. I am certain that I want to join the Catholic Church. E. I’m Baptized Catholic. I want to receive: ___First Reconciliation ___First Communion ___Confirmation Return completed form and set an appointment to discuss placement into a class. Christ the King Catholic Church: Office of Religious Education Bill Woodard, Religious Education and RCIA Coordinator (for those wishing to become Catholic) 876-5841 ext 2245 Casey Kiser, Sacrament Coordinator (for those Catholics who wish to receive sacraments) 876-5841 ext 2248 Revised 5/27/2015