Course Number: NUR 216 -

College of Health & Human Services
School of Nursing
Course Number:
Course Title:
Semester Offered:
Credit/Clock Hours:
NUR 216
Psychiatric/ Mental Health Nursing
Fall & Spring
5 credit hours
Theory: 3 cr. hrs. (45 clock hours)
Clinical/Lab: 2 cr. Hrs. (90 clock hours)
Mary LuAnne Lilly, PhD RN MSN APRN, BC
Office: Flagstaff, AZ; Office hours by appointment
E-mail: Use Course E-mail
Clinical Faculty:
Lorraine Bartlett-Sung
Jason Bradley
Laura M Karnitschnig
Abbe King
Elizabeth Kinsworthy
Enid Rossi
NUR 208
NUR 212
Emphasis on nursing strategies for promoting, maintaining, and restoring mental health
utilizing therapeutic nursing interventions for clients along the mental health/ disorder
Following completion of Nursing 216 didactic, the student will be prepared to:
Clinical Practice and Prevention
 Explores the role of the nurse caring for patients experiencing alterations in
mental health.
 Examines the role of the nurse in promoting optimum level of mental health.
Explores the use and application of therapeutic communication with patients
having complex communication difficulties.
Critical Reasoning
 Synthesizes knowledge of neurobiology, psychological theory, and nursing
theories in order to plan and prioritize nursing care for patients with alterations in
mental health.
 Describes the specialty practice standards for psychiatric nursing care.
Professionalism and Professional Values
 Explores cultural beliefs, practices, and stigmas related to patients suffering from
alterations in mental health
Global Health
 Examines the impact of health equity and social justice on nursing and health
care in a variety of settings.
Following completion of Nursing 216 clinical, the student will be prepared to:
Clinical Practice and Prevention
 Provides safe, effective nursing care for patients, family, and groups.
 Implements nursing care using psychiatric nursing body of knowledge, theory
and evidence-based research.
 Integrates psychiatric nursing theories of communication into practice through
engaging in clinical interactions with patients having complex communication
 Evaluates patient’s mental health status using therapeutic communication
individualized to the clinical circumstances.
Critical Reasoning
 Synthesizes knowledge of neurobiology, psychological theory, and nursing theories
in order to plan and prioritize nursing care for patients with alterations in mental
health status.
 Collaborates with the members of the interdisciplinary mental health care team to
plan for and manage patient care through supervision, delegation, coordination,
and procurement of available resources.
Professionalism and Professional Values
 Assumes accountability for self by practicing according to the legal and ethical
principles of nursing in various clinical and community settings, and by
incorporating psychiatric nursing standards into practice.
 Integrates empathy and therapeutic use of self in the comprehensive care of
patients along the mental health/mental disorder continuum.
NUR 216 will utilize a variety of approaches to support the student’s meeting the course
objectives. These instructional methods include, but are not limited to:
Discussion & Blogging (Clinical and Online)
Reading assignments
Written assignments, including quizzes
Web pages and web-based learning modules
Power Points of Chapter Questions with Answers and Rationale
Clinical assignments
Required Text:
Kneisl, C., & Trigoboff, E. (2013). Contemporary psychiatric-mental health nursing 3rd
ed. San Francisco, CA: Pearson. ISBN VP 10: 0133056589; VP 13: 9780133056587
(These ISBN numbers indicate a package that includes both the Kneisl & Trigoboff text
and “The Neighborhood” online learning environment.)
HRSA Learning Module: Unified Health Communication 101: Addressing Health
Literacy, Cultural Competency, and Limited English Proficiency to be accessed at
An up-to-date Nurse's Drug Guide
Journal articles may be used as resources
Web Sites may also be used as resources
Course Outline
August 27th
Week 1/Lesson 1
September 3rd
Week 2/Lesson 2
Welcome, Introduction to
Psychiatric Mental Health
Nursing, Therapeutic
Relationships &
Introduction to the
Neighborhood & Theory
Read and review course
materials on BbLearn
Text: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4,
10, Complete registration,
viewing, exam for HRSA
Unified Health
Communications; submit
certificate by end of day
August 31, 2012
Text: 5, 9, 24, 25, 29
Quiz #1 over Neighborhood
and Concept: Family &
and Lesson 2 Chapters
Sept 10th and Sept 17th
Week 3-4/Lesson 3
Concept: Anxiety &
Dissociative Disorders,
Stress, Bio, & Pharm
Sept 24th and October 1st
Week 5-6/Lesson 4
Concept: Mood Disorders
Suicide, Assessment
October 8th and October
Week 7-8/Lesson 5
Concept: Psychosis,
Delirium, Dementia &
October 22nd
Week 9/Lesson 6
Concept: Interventions
(Crisis, Group,
Cognitive/Behavioral &
Concept: Substance Abuse
& Personality DO, Anger
Text 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 31
Neighborhood Blog opens
9/10/2012, closes 9/14/12
QUIZ #2 over Lesson 3
Text: 11, 13, 17, 23
Neighborhood Blog opens
9/24/12, closes 9/28/12
Quiz #3: Lesson 4
Text: 14, 16, 27, 32
Neighborhood Blog opens
10/8/12, closes 10/12/12
QUIZ #4: Lesson 5
Text: 28, 30, 33, 34
October 29th
Week 10/Lesson 7
November 5th
Week 11: Lesson 8
November 12th
Week 12
Week 13
November 26th Week 14
December 3rd through 7th
December 10th through
Grading Scale:
Concept: Eating Disorders
& Adolescence;
Kaplan Practice Exams 1 &
2: Cumulative to Week 11
Thanksgiving Break
Kaplan Practice Exams 3:
Cumulative to Week 11
End of Term Week
Finals Week
All the Best Wishes
Text: 15, 22, 35
Neighborhood Blog opens
10/29/12, closes 11/2/12
Text: 20, 21, 26, 12
Quiz #5: Lesson 6, 7, 8
Neighborhood Blog opens
11/12/12, closes 11/16/12
Kaplan Practice Exams 1 &
2 required by Nov 20th
Rest, Relax, Recover
Kaplan Practice Exam 3
required by Nov. 30th
Study hard!
You must have a 78% on quizzes/exams to pass the course. Below 78% cannot
A (93-100%) 93-100 points
B (84-92%) 84-92 points
C (78-83%) 78-83 points
Anything below 78% on either quizzes alone (this means the averaged scores on the
quizzes), or the entire course, cannot progress in nursing courses, must repeat NUR
Required Assignments and Grading Points
1. HRSA Learning Module: 20 points (you must score a passing grade and submit a
certificate of completion to earn these points)
2. Online Small Group blogging (5 topics) at 2 points each for a total of 10 points
3. Chapter Quizzes (5) at 2 points each for total of 10 points
4. Kaplan Practice Tests (3) at 3 points each for total of 9 points. You must achieve
78% or more on each practice test to earn the 3 points associated with each test.
5. Psych Kaplan: 5 points (In order to receive these points, you must achieve a passing
score on the Kaplan. Passing score is established by national standards, to be
determined and announced at time of exam)
6. Final Exam: 10 points (50 questions)
7. Clinical Discussions: P/ F (graded by your clinical instructor)
8. Clinical Case Studies (3): 12 points each for total of 36 points (graded by your
clinical instructor)
9. Clinical requirements: In addition to the clinical discussions and clinical case studies,
five additional required pass/fail clinical assignments are as follows: Process
Recording (pass/fail); clinical rotations (pass/fail); attending two 12-Step meetings
(pass/fail); and selected required assignments in your clinical area
TOTAL: 100 points
NUR 216 is one 5 cr. hr. course that includes theory/content and clinical/lab
components. When the term NUR 216 is used, we are referring to the entire course.
When the term NUR 216L (lab) is used, we are referring to the clinical/lab component of
the overall course. The letter grade you will receive in NUR 216 is covered in the
“Evaluation Methods” section. It is important to remember that you MUST PASS ALL
COMPONENTS of this course in order to pass NUR 216. In other words, you must get a
“Pass” in the NUR 216L component AND at least a “C” in the theory/lecture component
in order to pass NUR 216 (For example, if you get an A in theory/lecture but a “No
Pass” in clinical/lab, you do not pass NUR 216. Likewise, if you get a “Pass” in
clinical/lab but a D or F in theory/lecture, you do not pass NUR 216.)
Retests/makeup tests:
You have the opportunity to retake one quiz to raise your grade to the passing level of
78%. In order to achieve at least 78% you must earn no less than 8 points on the
quizzes (8/10 = 80%). After taking the last quiz, if you have less than 8 points when you
add your quiz points together, then you must make a request to retake a quiz prior to
the end of Week 12.
Under NAU Policy, students are expected to attend every session of class in which they
are enrolled. Active participation in online learning activities is considered to be
essential to the learning process, as the faculty believes that such engagement
facilitates learning. As you will be responsible for the content presented in the course, it
is to your advantage to participate fully.
Plagiarism: All forms of student academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication,
facilitating academic dishonesty and plagiarism are prohibited and subject to disciplinary
action. Cheating means intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials,
information or study aids in any academic exercise. Fabrication means intentional and
unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic
exercise. Plagiarism means intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas
of another, as one's own in any academic exercise. For further explanation of academic
dishonesty refer to the Department of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook
and Northern Arizona University Student Handbook.
NAU policies:
There is also included a Classroom Civility Statement:
Membership in the academic community places a special obligation on all members to
preserve an atmosphere conducive to the freedom to teach and to learn. Part of that
obligation implies the responsibility of each member of the NAU community to maintain
a positive learning environment in which the behavior of any individual does not disrupt
the classes of teachers or learners.
It is the responsibility of the individual faculty member to determine, maintain and
enforce the standards of behavior acceptable to preserving an atmosphere appropriate
for teaching and learning. Students will be warned if their behavior is evaluated by the
faculty member as disruptive.
Sanctions may include a range of responses from immediate removal from class to
referral to the appropriate academic unit and/or the Office of Student Life to review
pertinent alleged university violations of ethical and behavioral standards. Significant
and/or continued violations may result in administrative withdrawal from the class.
University policies: Please review the following policies available on the Northern
Arizona University Policy Statement website
1. Safe Environment Policy
2. Students with Disabilities Policy
3. Institutional Review Board Policy
4. Academic Contact Hour Policy
5. Sensitive Course Materials Policy
School of Nursing
Course Number:
Course Title:
Semester Offered:
Credit/Clock Hours:
NUR 216
Psychiatric/ Mental Health Nursing
Fall & Spring
3 credit hours/45 clock hours (online)
Mary LuAnne Lilly, PhD RN MSN APRN, BC
Office: Flagstaff, AZ; Office hours by appointment
E-mail: Use Course E-mail
Course Prerequisites:
NUR 208, NUR 208L & NUR 390W
NUR 216L, NUR 212 & NUR 212L
Course Description:
Emphasis on nursing strategies for promoting, maintaining, and restoring mental health
utilizing therapeutic nursing interventions for clients along the mental health/ disorder
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the successful student:
Clinical Practice and Prevention
 Explores the role of the nurse caring for patients experiencing alterations in
mental health.
 Examines the role of the nurse in promoting optimum level of mental health.
 Explores the use and application of therapeutic communication with patients
having complex communication difficulties.
Critical Reasoning
 Synthesizes knowledge of neurobiology, psychological theory, and nursing
theories in order to plan and prioritize nursing care for patients with alterations in
mental health.
 Describes the specialty practice standards for psychiatric nursing care.
Professionalism and Professional Values
 Explores cultural beliefs, practices, and stigmas related to patients suffering from
alterations in mental health
Global Health
 Examines the impact of health equity and social justice on nursing and health
care in a variety of settings.
Course Approach:
NUR 216 will utilize a variety of approaches to meet the course outcomes. These
instructional methods may include but are not limited to the following: online discussion,
audio-visual material, case studies, group work, presentations and written assignments.
While the faculty will provide guidance and consultation, the student is responsible for
identification of learning needs, self-direction, seeking consultation and demonstration
of course and clinical objectives. A required concurrent clinical provides opportunity for
the students to apply learning in actual and simulated patient care settings.
Required Text:
Kneisl, C., & Trigoboff, E. (2013). Contemporary psychiatric-mental health nursing 3rd
ed. San Francisco, CA: Pearson. ISBN VP 10: 0133056589; VP 13: 9780133056587
(These ISBN numbers indicate a package that includes both the Kneisl & Trigoboff text
and “The Neighborhood” online learning environment.)
HRSA Learning Module: Unified Health Communication 101: Addressing Health
Literacy, Cultural Competency, and Limited English Proficiency to be accessed at
Recommended Readings and Other Materials:
An up-to-date Nurse's Drug Guide
Journal articles may be used as resources
Web Sites may also be used as resources
NUR-216 Tentative Spring 2013 Course Outline
Week 1/Lesson 1
Welcome, Introduction to
Psychiatric Mental Health
Nursing, Therapeutic
Relationships &
Week 2/Lesson 2
Introduction to the
Read and review course
materials on BbLearn
Text: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4,
10, Complete registration,
viewing, exam for HRSA
Unified Health
Communications; submit
certificate by end of day
August 31, 2012
Text: 5, 9, 24, 25, 29
Neighborhood & Theory
and Concept: Family &
Quiz #1 over Neighborhood
and Lesson 2 Chapters
Week 3-4/Lesson 3
Concept: Anxiety &
Dissociative Disorders,
Stress, Bio, & Pharm
Week 5-6/Lesson 4
Concept: Mood Disorders
Suicide, Assessment
Week 7-8/Lesson 5
Concept: Psychosis,
Delirium, Dementia &
Week 9/Lesson 6
Concept: Interventions
(Crisis, Group,
Cognitive/Behavioral &
Concept: Substance Abuse
& Personality DO, Anger
Text 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 31
Neighborhood Blog opens
9/10/2012, closes 9/14/12
QUIZ #2 over Lesson 3
Text: 11, 13, 17, 23
Neighborhood Blog opens
9/24/12, closes 9/28/12
Quiz #3: Lesson 4
Text: 14, 16, 27, 32
Neighborhood Blog opens
10/8/12, closes 10/12/12
QUIZ #4: Lesson 5
Text: 28, 30, 33, 34
Week 10/Lesson 7
Week 11: Lesson 8
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Concept: Eating Disorders
& Adolescence;
Eating DO Continued
Kaplan Practice Exams 1 &
2: Cumulative to Week 11
Spring Break
Kaplan Practice Exams 3:
Cumulative to Week 11
End of Term Week
Finals Week
All the Best Wishes
Text: 15, 22, 35
Neighborhood Blog opens
10/29/12, closes 11/2/12
Text: 20, 21, 26, 12
Quiz #5: Lesson 6, 7, 8
Neighborhood Blog opens
11/12/12, closes 11/16/12
Kaplan Practice Exams 1, 2
Rest, Relax, Recover
Kaplan Practice Exam 3
Study hard!
Evaluation Methods:
Required Assignments and Grading Points
1. HRSA Learning Module: 15 points (you must score a passing grade and submit a
certificate of completion to earn these points)
2. Online Small Group blogging (5 topics) at 3 points each for a total of 15 points
3. Chapter Quizzes (5) at 5 points each for total of 25 points
4. Kaplan Practice Tests (3) at 5 points each for total of 15 points. You must achieve
78% or more on each practice test to earn the 5 points associated with each test.
5. Psych Kaplan: 5 points (In order to receive these points, you must achieve a passing
score on the Kaplan. Passing score is established by national standards, to be
determined and announced at time of exam)
6. Final Exam: 25 points (50 questions)
TOTAL: 100 points
Grading System:
You must have a 78% on quizzes/exams to pass the course. Below 78% cannot
A (93-100%) 93-100 points
B (84-92%) 84-92 points
C (78-83%) 78-83 points
Anything below 78% on either quizzes alone (this means the averaged scores on the
quizzes), or the entire course, cannot progress in nursing courses, must repeat NUR
216. You have the opportunity to retake one quiz to raise your grade to the passing
level of 78%.
NUR 216 is a 3 cr. hr. course with a separate clinical lab (2 cr. hr.). The letter grade you
will receive in NUR 216 is determined by your performance on the Required
Assignments and Grading Points. You will receive a separate grade for the clinical lab,
determined by the required assignments in that course. It is important to remember that
you MUST PASS BOTH COMPONENTS in order to progress in the program.
Course Policies:
Retests/makeup tests:
Quizzes and exams will be available only on the date and time scheduled; however,
arranging for an alternate/extended time to access a quiz or exam will be provided only
in extraordinary circumstances and require arrangements with faculty prior to
scheduled test date. One quiz may be re-taken in the semester, and arrangements for
the re-test of the quiz must be made in writing prior to the scheduled date for the Kaplan
exam in any given semester (usually in End of the Semester week that precedes finals
Under NAU Policy, students are expected to attend every session of class in which they
are enrolled. Active participation in online learning activities is considered to be
essential to the learning process, as the faculty believes that such engagement
facilitates learning. As you will be responsible for the content presented in the course, it
is to your advantage to participate fully.
Plagiarism, cheating, academic dishonesty:
Please refer to Appendix G of the NAU Student Handbook
for definitions, policies, penalties, and procedures related to various forms of academic
University policies: Please review the following policies available on the Northern
Arizona University Policy Statement website
1. Safe Environment Policy
2. Students with Disabilities Policy
3. Institutional Review Board Policy
4. Academic Contact Hour Policy
5. Sensitive Course Materials Policy