Multi-Genre Ancestry Project English 3 Honors Assignment: Create a website to showcase different products that reveal your family ancestry. Pick one name/side of the family to follow to see how far in history you can trace. You will be creating products based on this original ancestral country and time period. Objective: Students will be able to effectively research through various methods and use many modes of technology to express knowledge of a cultural history. Assigned: Tuesday, Sept. 8 Rough Draft Deadlines: Sept. 22nd & Oct. 5th (looking for completed work & progress) Final Product and Presentation Due: Friday, October 16th Requirements You must complete assignments 1-8. Detailed instructions are provided for each genre on my website. Doing additional work is optional for additional points. 1. Travel Brochure or Video highlighting the modern day or historical period of your ancestral homeland (country) 2. Poetry Corner: Double Voice Poem, The Six-Room Poem, The List, with a blog for comments 3. The News Article(s) Information Page (history from the time of your earliest ancestor) 4. Dear Ancestor Letters (scanned, links, or narrated and viewed through video) 5. Recipes (family recipes passed down and researched recipes that are traditional to your country of origin) 6. Artifact Presentations (images photographed, scanned, inserted on any of the pages) Final Product: You will be presenting your multi-genre writing pieces through a website of you own design. Be sure to include the following requirements. You may wish to complete these items at any time. You will be presenting to your peers by discussing your project process and selecting your favorite piece to read out loud. Be sure to name and label your website with the appropriate titles to indicate your ancestry or heritage Create an “About” page where you provide information about yourself, introduces your project, and describes your process. Be sure to include any information that the reader might need to understand your ancestry and information provided in the project. Insert a photo of yourself (alone or with your immediate family) Document all of your sources from the entire project in a Works Cited page which can be in the form of credits or sources Present your final product by simply putting up your website for your class members to peruse. Be sure to proofread and revise each piece. See me or your peers for help as needed. Have fun! Take your time and really shine with your writing, your creativity, and your voice. Resources Free Ancestor Search Find your surname Find the meaning of your first name Death records Immigration History All Kinds of Information: go to the “geneology” section You have access to more if you have a library card. Technology Tools Creating Your Website Weebly: Google: Moonfruit: Project Makers (these are either free or you can have a free trial) Homework! Have your parent or guardian sign his/her name by the due dates, take a photo of this, and then email to me at If this process doesn’t work, turn in this packet and I can return it to you.