Physics 2007 work program checklist

Physics 2007
Work program review checklist — Revised July 2014
Panel code:
Subject code:
School code:
Reviewer name:
Compiled by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
This form is used by panellists when reviewing work programs. It can also be useful for schools to use as
a checklist to ensure that all work program requirements have been met.
Instructions: Indicate Yes or No to the following statements. If your answer is No, please give specific
examples of the problem in the Comments section.
1. Course organisation
The course organisation shows:
 the relationship between proposed units of work,
key concepts and key ideas
 a sequence of between 6 and 12 units of work
 that all key concepts have been addressed
 that each key concept has been addressed in at
least two different units
 an indication of scope by the range of key ideas
used in the units, over the two years
 any additional key ideas used in the course
 the time allocation for units, ensuring the
minimum of 220 timetabled hours, with a
minimum of 55 hours per semester
 that at least two units, one in Year 11 and one in
Year 12, use a contextualised approach
 that a contextualised approach is used for at least
20 hours of work in Year 11 and 20 hours of work
in Year 12
 a sequential development of concepts and key
The information you provide on this form will be used for reviewing work programs for quality assurance purposes as part of
legislative functions described in Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014 (s.14). Personal
information will be accessed by authorised QCAA staff, including panel staff, and handled in accordance with the Information
Privacy Act 2009.
r1901 Rebranded July 2014
ideas facilitating the development of complexity
and rigour over the two-year course
2. Outline of intended student learning
The scope and depth of the student learning
experiences in two sample units of work is
demonstrated in that:
 the units are contextualised
 neither unit is introductory and is indicative of
typical depth and scope
 the units are integrated with specified
assessment and associated techniques
 each contextual unit is a substantial component
of the course (i.e. more than 20 hours)
 units demonstrate an understanding of ‘context’
consistent with the description in the syllabus
 units provide evidence of opportunities for the
development of the general objectives
 coverage of the key concepts and key ideas is
appropriate to the units
 units provide evidence of the ‘hands-on’ nature of
 a variety of learning opportunities is evident
 a range of opportunities that encourage
increasing levels of complexity and challenge
over each year and across the two-year course
are included
3. Assessment plan
The assessment plan indicates that:
 the program conforms to the principles of
assessment in that it:
 is continuous over the two years with
opportunities to sample in Year 11 each
assessment instrument category/technique that
is used in Year 12
 is still occurring through to the end of the
 shows balance across criteria (each exit
criterion is assessed at least once in each
 shows balance across techniques
 shows balance across conditions
 allows judgment on fullest and latest evidence
 mandatory aspects of the course are covered:
 the general objectives of Knowledge and
conceptual understanding, Investigative
processes and Evaluating and concluding
 the key concepts
 the conditions of assessment have been provided
and are consistent with syllabus guidelines for
each assessment category
Physics 2007
Work program review checklist — Revised July 2014
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
Page 2 of 3
 the requirements of the verification folio can be
met, by the inclusion of:
 at least one supervised assessment
 at least one extended experimental
 at least one assessment instrument derived
from a Year 12 contextualised unit of work
 a minimum of four and a maximum of six
 no more than two assessment instruments that
use the same assessment technique and have
similar types of items at verification
 assessment takes place after verification
The student profile:
 is provided
 is consistent with the assessment plan
 identifies each assessment instrument
 allows for clear recording of:
 judgments of student achievement in each exit
criterion for each task
 decisions of interim and exit levels of
Additional comments
Recommendation for approval
Not approved
Action to be taken:
Physics 2007
Work program review checklist — Revised July 2014
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
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