First Parish Portland Governing Board Minutes 12/12/12 6:30 – 8:30 pm Members present: (6) President Anna Allocco, Clerk Carolyn Barschow; At-Large Representatives Tom Rogers, Greg Dismore, Anne Heminway; Minister Rev. Christina Sillari Members not present: (3) Vice-President Celine McFarquhar, At-Large Representative Richard van Bergen, Youth Representative Eleanor Dow Meeting begins 6:40pm Light chalice (5) Greg lights Read Covenant (2) Anna reads Check in (8) Issues for Discussion Great things happening at church (10) o Greg, Christina, Anna share that people expressed gratitude for the thank you notes that the GB wrote last month o Greg heard appreciation for his Stone Soup piece o Santa Lucia service = so much powerful positive praise o Rev. Christina shares that staff members are doing well o Collaborations between people on the board have been strong o Asking for help has been met with great assistance o Role of Youth Representative on the Board (not on agenda) o Tom inquires about the issue, short discussion follows o ACTION: Anna follows up with Eleanor Stewardship and $ (15) o Does the Governing Board want to host a fundraiser? Yes, we need time to plan: a separate meeting outside of GB meeting: tentative dates Sunday, 1/6 3-5pm Wednesday, January 2 6-8pm Our Goal: challenge ourselves to be leaders in fundraising and raise money for the stewardship campaign ACTION: Anna sends out poll regarding meeting date o Need for an Auction Chair: who do you know? ACTION: Anna will follow up with some church members Committee Parameters Policy discussion (10) o What does a Committee Mean? o How can we support new activities/committees? Congregational momentum is necessary We can draw from Faith in Action policy for guideline ideas 3 people needed to start a new endeavor Must be In concert with mission, goals 1 Make a set of guidelines for whole church Address how to plan events New projects will be known as teams rather than committees ACTION: Anne and Carolyn will write a draft of policy Strategic Plan Outreach (5) o “Strategic Plans Wins” article items: Lynne Beasley and church building upgrades o ACTION: Anne will write article for Stone Soup Supporting Committees with no chair/Carolyn’s email and suggestion concerning umbrella committees (10) o Regarding umbrella councils versus committees The current by-laws have umbrella councils which Carolyn suggests could be a way to organize programs of the church in a more cohesive, understandable way Are umbrella councils working as intended? Do we wish to continue this model into the future as we adopt new by-laws? (the new draft does not include council structure) ACTION: Anna will Invite Worship Council to next GB meeting to check-in about how the Council/Committee structure is going, whether we should keep this in place or move to a different system o How do we inform members about the programs of the church and facilitate involvement in current programs? Idea: Start an ad-hoc team with the mission to explore and document how people get involved in First Parish This group will meet 4 times to develop this model over next few months ACTION: Anna has a list of people to invite, Greg will serve on team Ideas for Desired Outcomes: An understanding of all of the programs of the church and how they are in relationship with each other and how they COULD be in relationship with each other More leaders to share the work of committees Internal “membership” document for committees and leaders o Strengths of the committees o Concrete ideas for each committee to draw new members An external document for whole congregation/new visitors/general public A list of programs in the church Articulating what the programs are and how they are related are in simple words 2 Action Items Organize Welcome & Announcements and Ushers for rest of year (5) o Split among the GB, COM and Trustees o Welcome and Announcements Who would excel at this task: Jeane Handy, Randall Weil, Anna Allocco, Linda Blue, Tony Potter or Greg Dismore ACTION: Anna asks Kitty for list of other lay-leaders who like to do this o ACTION: ANNA will split up the Sundays among GB, COM and Trustees o Farming out Goals Alignment collation (10) moved to next meeting Divide up the committees by GB member (look at roadmap carefully, engage, etcetera) (15) o Short discussion o ACTION: Anna will divide up committees for each GB members to communicate with for the rest of the year, send out via email o Confirm times of GB meetings for next year (10) o See tentative dates below o Homeless Shelter Overflow at Church (5) o Christina shares letter from Doug Gardiner from City of Portland HHS reaching out for our support, noting that we would be a 3rd overflow shelter for the city, which has been used only 2 or 3 times per month in the past o Governing Board recommends that we move forward with a Trial Period of 1 month. Invite GB rep, Trustee and Staff member to assess the trial at the end of the month o GB will seek recommendation of Trustees before moving forward ACTION: Anne will contact Steve Jenks from the Trustees to set up a time/ Anne and either Richard or Celine will attend Trustees meeting ADDENDUM: A few days after 12/12 GB meeting, the City of Portland found another space to use for a 3rd overflow shelter. Next Month’s Agenda (5) Items Budget: need to raise $50,000 more next year (33% increase) How do we achieve this? How to plan for all outcomes of fundraising? New proposals in By-Laws Youth Representative Discussion Tentative Date: Friday, January 11 4-6pm Save the Date: Friday, February 8, 4-6pm Meeting Evaluation (5) Mood Map 3 Closing (2) One thing to improve, one thing that worked well 4