HISD TEKS/SEs Road Map ELAR 3rd Six Weeks Bundle 1 (2 Weeks

ELAR 3rd Six Weeks
Bundle 1 (2 Weeks)- November 18-December 6
Reading Genre Focus: Informational and Persuasive
Informational and
Persuasive Text ~
Writing Genre Focus: Persuasive Essay (Letter format)
Big Idea/Enduring Understanding: Writers use techniques to
elicit an intended response from the reader.
Guiding Questions:
Knowledge and Skills
Why is it important to consider the way information is
What is the relationship between organization and
How can context help me identify the meaning of an
unknown word?
What techniques do writers and speakers us to
persuade others?
TEKS Integrations
7.2-Reading/Vocabulary Development.
Students understand new vocabulary and
use it when reading and writing.
7.2.B-use context (within a sentence and in
larger sections of text) to determine or
clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or
ambiguous words;
Specificities & Examples
Prefixes: ambiRoots: macro, tent
Suffixes: -rupt
Commonly confused words:
Question Stems 7.2(B)
In paragraph __, what does the word __
What (or which) words in paragraph __ help
the reader understand what __ means?
7.9-Reading/Comprehension of
Question Stems 7.9(A)
Informational Text/Culture and History.
What is the difference between the theme in
Students analyze, make inferences and
the story _____ and the author's purpose in
draw conclusions about the author's
the article _____?
purpose in cultural, historical, and
contemporary contexts and provide
Compare the author's purpose in _____ with
evidence from the text to support their
the overall theme in _____.
7.9.A-explain the difference between the
theme of a literary work and the author's
purpose in an expository text.
7.10-Reading/Comprehension of
Question Stems 7.10(A)
7.Fig.19.E - summarize, paraphrase,
Informational Text/Expository Text.
and synthesize texts in ways that maintain What important information is missing in the
Students analyze, make inferences and
meaning and logical order within a text and summary of the article?
draw conclusions about expository text and
across texts
provide evidence from text to support their
What misleading information is in the
ELPS.4.B - recognize directionality of
summary of _____?
7.10.A-evaluate a summary of the original English reading such as left to right and top
to bottom;
text for accuracy of the main ideas,
In comparing the summary and the original
supporting details, and overall meaning;
article, how does the meaning change in the
7.10.B-distinguish factual claims from
commonplace assertions and opinions;
Question Stems 7.10(B)
7.10.C-use different organizational patterns
What of the following lines from the article is
as guides for summarizing and forming an
an opinion?
overview of different kinds of expository
HISD (2013-2014)
ELAR 3rd Six Weeks
text; and
7.Fig.19-Reading/Comprehension Skills.
Students use a flexible range of
metacognitive reading skills in both
assigned and independent reading to
understand an author's message. Students
will continue to apply earlier standards with
greater depth in increasingly more complex
texts as they become self-directed, critical
readers. The student is expected to:
Which of the following lines from the article
is a fact?
An opinion expressed in this information is...
An assertion not based on facts in this
information is...
Question Stems 7.10(C)
How does the author's organization of ideas
help the reader to summarize this article?
What is a summary of this article?
Which of the following is the best summary
of this information? Why?
An accurate overview of this information
would be -A guide to developing a summary of this
information would be the author's
organization of --
7.11-Reading/Comprehension of
Informational Text/Persuasive Text.
Students analyze, make inferences and
draw conclusions about persuasive text
and provide evidence from text to support
their analysis.
7.11.A-analyze the structure of the central
argument in contemporary policy speeches
(e.g., argument by cause and effect,
analogy, authority) and identify the different
types of evidence used to support the
argument; and
7.11.B-identify such rhetorical fallacies as
ad hominem, exaggeration, stereotyping,
or categorical claims in persuasive texts.
Question Stems 7.11(A)
How does the author/speaker structure the
central argument in this speech?
How does the author/speaker present the
central argument in this speech?
What evidence does the author/speaker of
this speech use to support his/her
Question Stems 7.11(B)
What is a fallacy in the argument presented
in this article?
What is an exaggeration in this
How does the author of this advertisement
try to appeal to a reader personally without
7.13-Reading/Media Literacy. Students use
Question Stems 7.13(A)
7.Fig.19.F - make connections between
comprehension skills to analyze how
and across texts, including other media
How does the narrator of _____ feel about
words, images, graphics, and sounds work
(e.g., film, play), and provide textual
together in various forms to impact
meaning. Students will continue to apply
What can the reader tell about the person in
earlier standards with greater depth in
this story in the newspaper?
Use examples of speeches to show
increasingly more complex texts.
7.13.A-interpret both explicit and implicit
inflection, etc.)
messages in various forms of media;
Question Stems 7.13(C)
7.13.C-evaluate various ways media
Was the news reporter's strategy for using a
influences and informs audiences; and
story line from a famous novel successful in
7.13.D-assess the correct level of formality
positively influencing the audience?
and tone for successful participation in
various digital media.
What technique did the television announcer
use to impact the audience with his/her point
of view?
7.17-Writing/Expository and Procedural
Persuasive Essay in letter format,
7.14 - Writing/Writing Process. Students
Texts. Students write expository and
including counter-argument
use elements of the writing process
procedural or work-related texts to
(planning, drafting, revising, editing, and
communicate ideas and information to
NOTE: Encourage students to find an
publishing) to compose text.
specific audiences for specific purposes.
authentic persuasive topic and audience for
7.14.A - plan a first draft by selecting a
Students are expected to:
the letter.
HISD (2013-2014)
ELAR 3rd Six Weeks
7.17.B-write a letter that reflects an
genre appropriate for conveying the
opinion, registers a complaint, or requests intended meaning to an audience,
information in a business or friendly
determining appropriate topics through a
range of strategies (e.g., discussion,
7.18-Writing/Persuasive Texts. Students background reading, personal interests,
write persuasive texts to influence the
interviews), and developing a thesis or
attitudes or actions of a specific audience controlling idea;
on specific issues. Students are expected
7.14.B - develop drafts by choosing an
to write a persuasive essay to the
appropriate organizational strategy (e.g.,
appropriate audience that:
sequence of events, cause-effect,
7.18.A-establishes a clear thesis or
compare-contrast) and building on ideas to
create a focused, organized, and coherent
7.18.B-considers and responds to the
piece of writing;
views of others and anticipates and
7.14.C - revise drafts to ensure precise
answers reader concerns and counterword choice and vivid images; consistent
arguments; and
7.18.C-includes evidence that is logically point of view; use of simple, compound,
organized to support the author's viewpoint and complex sentences; internal and
external coherence; and the use of
and that differentiates between fact and
effective transitions after rethinking how
well questions of purpose, audience, and
genre have been addressed;
7.19-Oral and Written
Conventions/Conventions. Students
understand the function of and use the
conventions of academic language when
speaking and writing. Students will
continue to apply earlier standards with
greater complexity. Students are expected
7.19.A-identify, use, and understand the
function of the following parts of speech in
the context of reading, writing, and
7.19.A.vii-subordinating conjunctions (e.g.,
because, since);
7.19.B-write complex sentences and
differentiate between main versus
subordinate clauses; and
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ELAR 3rd Six Weeks
7.26-Listening and Speaking/Listening.
ELPS.1.B - monitor oral and written
Students will use comprehension skills to
language production and employ selflisten attentively to others in formal and
corrective techniques or other resources
informal settings. Students will continue to
apply earlier standards with greater
complexity. Students are expected to:
7.26.A-listen to and interpret a speaker's
purpose by explaining the content,
evaluating the delivery of the presentation,
and asking questions or making comments
about the evidence that supports a
speaker's claims;
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Teacher Note: focus on "asking
questions or making comments about the
evidence that supports a speaker's claims"
ELAR 3rd Six Weeks
Bundle 2 (2 weeks)- December 9-December 20
Literary Text - Fiction ~
Reading Genre Focus: Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Writing Genre Focus: Literary Response
Big Idea/Enduring Understanding: Strong readers use textual evidence to support inferences and
interpretations about a text.
Guiding Questions:
How do your personal and cultural experiences affect your interpretation of literary works?
How do an author’s use of style, tone and mood affect the reader’s experience?
What are the elements of style?
What textual evidence supports my interpretation of a text?
Knowledge and Skills
TEKS Integrations
7.2.A-determine the meaning of gradelevel academic English words derived from
Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and
7.2-Reading/Vocabulary Development.
Students understand new vocabulary and
use it when reading and writing.
7.4-Reading/Comprehension of Literary
Text/Poetry. Students understand, make
inferences and draw conclusions about the
structure and elements of poetry and
provide evidence from text to support their
7.4.A-analyze the importance of graphical
elements (e.g., capital letters, line length,
word position) on the meaning of a poem.
7.5-Reading/Comprehension of Literary
Text/Drama. Students understand, make
inferences and draw conclusions about the
structure and elements of drama and
provide evidence from text to support their
7.5.A-explain a playwright's use of
dialogue and stage directions.
Specificities & Examples
Question Stems 7.2(A)
What is the root word for the word in
paragraph __ help the reader understand
what __ means?
Question Stems 7.4(A)
Why is line __ presented differently by the
author of this poem?
How does the poet demonstrate to the
reader that lines __ through __ are
Question Stems 7.5(A)
In paragraph _____ of this play, how does
the playwright use the dialogue of _____ to
enhance the reader's understanding?
How will the overall message of the play
change if the playwright's specific stage
directions are not followed?
7.8-Reading/Comprehension of Literary
Question Stems 7.8(A)
ELPS.4.C - develop basic sight
Text/Sensory Language. Students
vocabulary, derive meaning of
When the author used the words "_____",
understand, make inferences and draw
environmental print, and comprehend
what was the intended impact on the
conclusions about how an author's
English vocabulary and language
sensory language creates imagery in
structures used routinely in written
literary text and provide evidence from text
classroom materials;
What did the author mean by the phrase,
to support their understanding.
"_____" in paragraph _____?
7.Fig.19.C - reflect on understanding to
7.8.A-determine the figurative meaning of
phrases and analyze how an author's use monitor comprehension (e.g., summarizing
What does the phrase _____ mean in this
of language creates imagery, appeals to and synthesizing; making textual, personal,
and world connections; creating sensory
the senses, and suggests mood.
Question Stems 7.Fig 19(C)
7.Fig.19-Reading/Comprehension Skills. images)
What part of this story should I reread to
Students use a flexible range of
7.Fig.19.D - make complex inferences
HISD (2013-2014)
ELAR 3rd Six Weeks
metacognitive reading skills in both
about text and use textual evidence to
assigned and independent reading to
support understanding
understand an author's message. Students
will continue to apply earlier standards with
greater depth in increasingly more
complex texts as they become selfdirected, critical readers. The student is
expected to:
gain a deeper understanding in this
informative article?
What images are created in my mind when I
read paragraph _____?
Question Stems 7.Fig 19(D)
What can you conclude about _____?
(Fiction & literary NF)
What did ____ (character) mean when
he/she said, "_____"? (Drama)
An important inference that the reader can
make about _____ is... (Fiction & literary
What inference can be made from this
7.17-Writing/Expository and Procedural
Texts. Students write expository and
procedural or work-related texts to
communicate ideas and information to
specific audiences for specific purposes.
Students are expected to:
7.17.C-write responses to literary or
expository texts that demonstrate the
writing skills for multi-paragraph essays
and provide sustained evidence from the
text using quotations when appropriate;
7.19-Oral and Written
Conventions/Conventions. Students
understand the function of and use the
conventions of academic language when
speaking and writing. Students will
continue to apply earlier standards with
greater complexity. Students are expected
7.19.C-use a variety of complete
sentences (e.g., simple, compound,
complex) that include properly placed
modifiers, correctly identified antecedents,
parallel structures, and consistent tenses.
7.20-Oral and Written
Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization,
and Punctuation. Students write legibly
and use appropriate capitalization and
punctuation conventions in their
compositions. Students are expected to:
7.20.B-recognize and use punctuation
marks including:
7.20.B.ii-semicolons, colons, and hyphens.
7.26-Listening and Speaking/Listening.
Students will use comprehension skills to
listen attentively to others in formal and
informal settings. Students will continue to
apply earlier standards with greater
complexity. Students are expected to:
7.26.B-follow and give complex oral
instructions to perform specific tasks,
answer questions, or solve problems; and
HISD (2013-2014)
ELAR 3rd Six Weeks
Bundle 3 (2 weeks) -
January 7- January 17
Exploring Ideas
Across Genres ~
Reading Genre Focus: Emphasize Genres indicated by assessment data
Writing Genre Focus: Multi-Paragraph Essay (Revisit expository essay and
personal narrative as needed for STAAR)
Big Idea/Enduring Understanding Writers share what they know from
experiences in narrative and expository forms.
Guiding Questions :
Knowledge and Skills
7.2-Reading/Vocabulary Development.
Students understand new vocabulary and
use it when reading and writing.
7.2.A-determine the meaning of gradelevel academic English words derived
from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots
and affixes;
7.2.B-use context (within a sentence and
in larger sections of text) to determine or
clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or
ambiguous words;
7.2.E-use a dictionary, a glossary, or a
thesaurus (printed or electronic) to
determine the meanings, syllabication,
pronunciations, alternate word choices,
and parts of speech of words.
What kinds of information are better suited for narrative vs.
How does the form of the writing shape the effect it has on the
How can a writer’s use of conventions influence the effectiveness of
the writing?
TEKS Integrations
ELPS.4.A - learn relationships between
sounds and letters of the English language
and decode (sound out) words using a
combination of skills such as recognizing
sound-letter relationships and identifying
cognates, affixes, roots, and base words;
Specificities & Examples
Question Stems 7.2(A)
What is the root word for the word in
paragraph __ help the reader understand
what __ means?
Question Stems 7.2(B)
What (or which) words in paragraph __
help the reader understand what __
Question Stems 7.2(E)
Read the dictionary entry for the word __.
Which definition represents the meaning of
the word __ as used on paragrpah __?
(Dictionary entry with four definitions is
shown and students must use context
clues to determine the meaning of the
word as it is used in the passage.)
7.3-Reading/Comprehension of Literary
Text/Theme and Genre. Students
analyze, make inferences and draw
conclusions about theme and genre in
different cultural, historical, and
contemporary contexts and provide
evidence from the text to support their
7.3.A-describe multiple themes in a work
of fiction;
7.3.B-describe conventions in myths and
epic tales (e.g., extended simile, the
quest, the hero's tasks, circle stories); and
7.3.C-analyze how place and time
influence the theme or message of a
literary work.
Question Stems 7.3(A)
A description of a theme in this story is__?
Descriptions of two themes in this story are
__amd __.
The two themes in the story are __ and __.
This story has mulitple themes including
__ and__.
HISD (2013-2014)
ELAR 3rd Six Weeks
7.6-Reading/Comprehension of Literary
Text/Fiction. Students understand, make
inferences and draw conclusions about
the structure and elements of fiction and
provide evidence from text to support their
understanding. Students are expected to:
7.6.B-analyze the development of the plot
through the internal and external
responses of the characters, including
their motivations and conflicts; and
Question Stems 7.6(B)
Why did _____ respond to _____ the way
he/she did in paragraph _____?
What does paragraph _____ demonstrate
about the internal conflict in _____?
What is paragraph _____ important in
understanding the motives of _____?
What is inferred about _____'s thinking in
this selection?
7.8-Reading/Comprehension of Literary
Text/Sensory Language. Students
understand, make inferences and draw
conclusions about how an author's
sensory language creates imagery in
literary text and provide evidence from
text to support their understanding.
7.8.A-determine the figurative meaning of
phrases and analyze how an author's use
of language creates imagery, appeals to
the senses, and suggests mood.
Question Stems 7.8(A)
When the author used the words "_____",
what was the intended impact on the
What did the author mean by the phrase,
"_____" in paragraph _____?
What mood was the author trying to create
by the wording of the phrase, "_____"?
What does the phrase "_____" mean in
this passage?
7.9-Reading/Comprehension of
Informational Text/Culture and History.
Students analyze, make inferences and
draw conclusions about the author's
purpose in cultural, historical, and
contemporary contexts and provide
evidence from the text to support their
7.9.A-explain the difference between the
theme of a literary work and the author's
purpose in an expository text.
7.10-Reading/Comprehension of
Informational Text/Expository Text.
Students analyze, make inferences and
draw conclusions about expository text
and provide evidence from text to support
their understanding.
7.10.C-use different organizational
patterns as guides for summarizing and
forming an overview of different kinds of
expository text; and
7.10.D-synthesize and make logical
connections between ideas within a text
and across two or three texts representing
similar or different genres, and support
those findings with textual evidence.
7.Fig.19-Reading/Comprehension Skills.
Students use a flexible range of
metacognitive reading skills in both
assigned and independent reading to
understand an author's message.
Students will continue to apply earlier
standards with greater depth in
increasingly more complex texts as they
become self-directed, critical readers. The
student is expected to:
Question Stems 7.9(A)
What is the difference between the theme
in the story _____ and the author's
purpose in the article _____?
Compare the author's purpose in _____
with the overall theme in _____.
7.Fig.19 - Reading/Comprehension
Skills. Students use a flexible range of
metacognitive reading skills in both
assigned and independent reading to
understand an author's message. Students
will continue to apply earlier standards with
greater depth in increasingly more complex
texts as they become self-directed, critical
readers. The student is expected to:
7.Fig.19.D - make complex inferences
about text and use textual evidence to
support understanding
7.Fig.19.E - summarize, paraphrase,
and synthesize texts in ways that maintain
meaning and logical order within a text and
across texts
Question Stems 7.10(C)
How does the author's organization of
ideas help the reader to summarize this
What is a summary of this article?
Which of the following is the best summary
of this information? Why?
An accurate overview of this information
would be -A guide to developing a summary of this
information would be the author's
organization of -Question Stems 7.Fig 19(D)
What inference can be made from this
What is a conclusion the reader can draw
about _____?
Which sentence in this informative article
(textual evidence) provides the proof for
the inference _____?
HISD (2013-2014)