Fourth Grade Summer Reading Program

Fourth Grade Summer Reading Program
T. Clay Wood Elementary School
The purpose of the PWCS Summer Reading Program is to encourage students to enjoy quality literature and to continue
developing their independent reading skills. Student participation in the program is voluntary. Students who choose to
participate in the program are required to complete a minimum of three books.
Students in Fourth Grade who participate will complete a list of books read. The documentation is to include the name of
the author, the title of the book, and a parent or guardian statement that the student has completed the reading.
Fourth Grade students who participate in Prince William County Public Library's Summer Reading Program, the Public
Library documentation will apply. Students will receive an extra “A” (100) for each book completed, for a total of three. The
summer reading documentation will be submitted by the student by the end of the second week of school.
Lexile Levels
To help in choosing books that can promote reading growth, this year each child’s 2014 English SOL score will include a
Lexile Level. The Lexile Level is based on a student’s SOL score on the English portion of the SOL and approximates
his/her reading level. This means a child should be able to read and understand books in a Lexile range of approximately
100 points below to 50 points above the designated score.
Knowing a child’s Lexile range can help to locate books that he/she might enjoy reading. Student interest and motivation
for reading books that are age appropriate are critical factors to consider as book choices are made. Remember that
nothing replaces conversation with the student, his teachers, and librarians in making great choices.
It is important to note that the Lexile measure does not address the content or quality of the book. Many other factors
affect the relationship between a reader and a book, including its content, the age and interests of the reader, and the
design of the actual book. The Lexile measure is a good starting point in the book-selection process, but parents should
always consider these other factors when making a decision about which book to choose.
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PWCS Fourth Grade Summer Reading Program
Suggested Reading
The following titles are suggestions for summer reading. Other books selected by the student with guidance from a parent/guardian
and/or librarian are also acceptable. Participation in the PWC Public Library Summer Reading Program and its documentation are
also acceptable.
Abbott, Tony
Barrett, Tracy
The Battle Begins
The Underworlds series
100 Year Old Secret
Xena and Xander Holmes, an American brother and sister living in London for a year, discover
that Sherlock Holmes was their great-great-great grandfather when they are inducted into the
Society for the Preservation of Famous Detectives and given his unsolved casebook, from which
they attempt to solve the case of a famous missing painting.
Peter describes the highs and lows of life with his younger brother, Fudge.
Blume, Judy
Double Fudge
Buckley, Michael
The Fairy Tale Detectives
Cheng, Andrea
The Year of the Book
Cleary, Beverly
Ramona’s World
Clements, Andrew
Davies, Jacqueline
Lemonade War
Owen Brown, a fourth grader, watches his best friend Dana disappear through the floor of the
school, and he sets out with Jon and Sydney to find her.
His younger brother's obsession with money and the discovery of long-lost cousins Flora and
Fauna provide many embarrassing moments for twelve-year-old Peter.
In book one of this bestselling series, sisters Sabrina and Daphne are sent to live with their
mysterious grandmother, Relda Grimm. The sisters learn they are descendants of the Brothers
Grimm, whose famous book of fairy tales is actually a collection of case files. The girls are the
latest in a long line of fairy-tale detectives, and their new hometown is filled with Everafters (as
magical folks like to be called) some good and some very, very bad. When a mysterious Everafter
sets a giant loose on the town, its up to the Sisters Grimm to save the day.
Follows a young Chinese American girl, as she navigates relationships with family, friends, and
her fourth-grade classroom, and finds a true best friend.
Ramona Quimby expects fourth grade to be the best year of her life; and although things do not go
just as she had hoped, she still manages to have her share of adventures.
When he decides to turn his fifth-grade teacher's love of the dictionary around on her, clever Nick
Allen invents a new word and begins a chain of events that quickly moves beyond his control.
Evan and his younger sister, Jesse, react very differently to the news that they will be in the same
class for fourth grade and as the end of summer approaches, they battle it out through lemonade
stands, each trying to be the first to earn 100 dollars. Includes mathematical calculations and tips
for running a successful lemonade stand.
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Haddix, Margaret
McDonald, Megan
Among the Hidden
The Shadow Children
Lunch Lady and the
League of Librarians
other books in this series
Judy Moody
Mills, Claudia
Krosoczka, Jarrett
Government regulations limit families to two children each, so Luke, an illegal third-born, must
live his life in secret, hidden in his family's farmhouse. Then he joins Jen, another "shadow child,"
for a chance to come out into the light.
The school lunch lady, a secret crime fighter, sets out to stop a group of librarians bent
on destroying a shipment of video game systems, while a group of students known as
the Breakfast Bunch provides backup.
Third grader Judy Moody comes to school on the first day in a bad mood, but that all
changes when she gets an assignment to create a collage about herself.
Any other book in the
Judy Moody series
Mills, Claudia
Mason Dixon: Fourth
Grade Disaters
Mason Dixon is dreading starting the fourth grade, especially because all the fourth graders are
required to sing in the school choir and Mason cannot carry a tune, so Mason devises a foolproof
plan to keep himself out of the spotlight.
Pearson, Ridley
Disney After Dark
Of other books in the
Kingdom Keeper series
Big Nate: In a Class by
Knights of the Kitchen
Thirteen-year-old Finn Whitman and four other young teens have been transformed into
holograms to be guides for visitors to Disney World, but now they must do battle with the evil
witch, Maleficent, and her Overtakers to save Walt Disney World.
Supremely confident middle school student Nate Wright manages to make getting detention from
every one of his teachers in the same day seem like an achievement .
One minute they're looking at pictures of knights in the book, a birthday gift from Joe's magician
uncle, the next minute they're battling fire-breathing dragons. Will Joe, Fred, and Sam escape
The Sasquatch Escape
Spending the summer in his grandfather's rundown town, ten-year-old Ben meets an
adventurous local girl and together they learn that the town's veterinarian runs a secret
hospital for imaginary creatures.
Pierce, Lincoln
Scieska, Jon
Selfors, Suzanne
Sequel to: 7 x 9 = trouble! Wilson Williams does not want anyone to know his parents have hired
a tutor to help him with his math, but the secret could spell disaster for his friendship with Josh.
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Prince William County Public
Summer Reading 2014
Documentation Grade 4
Students in Grade 4 will receive an “A” (100) for each book completed, for a total of
three. Please include the name of the author, the title of the book, and a parent or
guardian signature stating that the student has completed the reading.
Book Title
My student has read the above list of books.
Parent or Guardian signature
**Please note students may also participate in the Prince William County Public Library
Summer Quest Program, and the Public Library documentation will apply.
Student’s Name
Classroom Teacher
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