Discussion and Applications of Single and Entangled Photon Sources David Cruz, Nelson Lee University of Rochester Institute of Optics October 21, 2013, revised December 4, 2013 Abstract: Single photon sources; such as quantum dots, nano-diamonds, and carbon nanotubes; and polarization entangled photons, are important in the field of quantum optics; more specifically for the roles they play in quantum encryption and quantum information. One of the obstacles with this technology is being able to efficiently produce single photons with antibunching characteristics. If this can be accomplished quantum communication would be very secure. New experiments are also showing that direct communication between entangled photons is impossible. If two particles cannot be factored into single particle states they are said to be entangled. If a measurement is performed on one particle, this will give you reliable information about the second particle regardless of how far apart they are. Creation of polarization entangled photons was done using spontaneous parametric down conversion by BBO crystals. With that being said, quantum entanglement is rare and difficult to observe. Keywords: quantum optics, single photon source, entangled photon source, quantum entanglement, The ability to efficiently produce single and entangled photons gives promise to the technologies and applications, such as quantum information and quantum communications, which rely on photons at this level. A single photon source produces photons that are all separated in time, exhibiting antibunching characteristics [2]. In the “Quantum and Nano Optics” course at the University of Rochester, students have learned two methods of producing single photon sources. One method involves attenuating a laser light source down to a single photon level using optical filters. Attenuation is determined by calculating how many orders of filtration are needed to achieve a desired transmittance. In order to do this you would need to know the desired distance between photons, power and wavelength of the light source to find how many photons per meter 1 are produced. This is a good approximation for single photon sources; however this method does not produce true single, antibunched photons. To produce true single photons we use single emitters. Examples of this include dye molecules, quantum dots, nano-diamonds, and single-walled carbon nanotubes to name a few. A laser beam is tightly focused onto a sample with a low concentration of these emitters in order to excite a single emitter. The return of this electron from the excited state to the ground state results in the release of a single antibunched photon magnitude attenuation is required. Such a highly attenuated beam is a very good approximation for a single-photon source, and some modern quantum-cryptography systems are based on propagating a faint, 1.55- m laser beam in optical fibers. Even wave-particle duality of photons in faint classical beams are observed starting from the first experiments of Vavilov and Brumberg in the 1930s 8. But in quantum cryptography systems, faint beams of laser or classical light are vulnerable to a beam-splitter attack by Eve, because such beams sometimes have doublets and triplets of photons as mentioned earlier. Figure 1, (a) shows the probability (Poisson distribution) for finding only one photon, no photons at all, and two, three and four photons together in a coherent light beam when the mean photon number equals 1. With light attenuation to the mean photon number 0.1, in 9 cases there will be no photons et al., and only in one case a single photon will appear [Figure 1, (b)]. For quantum cryptography a photon number state, the so-called Fock state [Figure 1, (c)], is preferred with mean photon number 1 with probability for one photon equal 1. For further reading see books2,3 Figure 1: Electron Excitation Leading to Single Photon Emitted [3] The University of Rochester Optics 453 course has involved students using quantum dots Figure 1. Probability distribution for the number of photons: (a) For mean photon number 1 in coherent state; (b) For mean photon for single emittance. A confocal fluorescent microscope was used to stage and to number 0.1 inphoton coherent state; (c) For Fock state. In 1956,a beam Hanbury and Twiss existence of correlation the outputs two photoelectric focus onBrown the sample of observed quantumthedots; and using either between a Hanbury Brownof and detectors illuminated by light from a thermal source9-10. In these experiments, using a beamsplitter, they measured Twiss set up we were able to observe fluorescence antibunching [4]. toInbe in bunches. intensity correlation, varying the delay betweenthe thepresence two arms. of They found that photons (bosons) tend This intensity interferometer (in difference with the ordinary amplitude interferometers) is now called a Hanbury Brown order to determine if these sources are indeed emitting single antibunched photons we and Twiss interferometer. needof to at the second-order correlation function, was Dagenais first proposed by (University One the look first experiments which started the era of quantum optics, which was Kimble, and Mandel’s 11 of Rochester) first observation of photon antibunching in 1977 which means separation of all photons in time. In Hanbury Brownphoton and Twiss. This function, g(2)in , expressed by the following equation: these experiments, antibunching was observed resonance fluorescence from sodium atoms. Photon antibunching4 can be expressed by the value of the second-order correlation function g(2): g(2) I ( )I ( t I( ) I(t , (1) (1) Where I(τ) is light intensity, and time intervals. g(2)(0) g(2)1;can be defined where is the light intensity , τand t +t+τ areare time intervals, and Foris antibunched time averaging.light In practice, from measurements g(2)max (τ) = 1. [2] of coincidence counts, c(t), and intensities I1 and I2 in each arm of a Hanbury-Brown and Twiss interferometer: g(2) (t) = c(t)/I1I2 where is the time resolution, and and T is the total acquisition time. For antibunched light g(2)(0) < 1, in ideal case g(2)(0) = 0, g(2)max (t) = 1. For coherent light g(2)(t) = 1 for all values of t 2 including t = 0. For bunched light g(2)(0) > 1 and g(2)(0) > g(2)(t). In a modern experimental implementation, single (antibunched) photons are produced by focusing a laser beam tightly into a sample area containing a very low concentration of emitters, so that only a single emitter becomes excited (See Since the discovery of the "spooky action from a distance", quantum entanglement has been able to be reproduced experimentally, and holds much promise for the advancement of securer communication or sends a message that can't be intercepted. Polarization entangled states of two photons can be obtained by using "spontaneous parametric down conversion" in two type I phase matching BBO crystals. Beta Barium Borate or BBO crystals are nonlinear optical crystals with a broad phase matching range and transparency region [5]. Spontaneous parametric down conversion or SPDC is the process in which the nonlinear crystal is used to split photons into pairs of photons (signal and idler photon). The pair of photons must have the same energy and momentum as the original photon and are phase matched with correlated polarizations. The use of SPDC and BBO crystals result in quantum entangled pairs. The set up includes a pump laser, two BBO crystals, quartz plate, two avalanche photodiodes (APDs), a collecting system, interference filters, two polarizers (See figure below) [6], and a computer card counter/timer. Polarizer BBO Crystal Mirror APD APD Polarizer Quartz Plate Pump Laser Figure 2: Experimental Setup to Produce Quantum Entanglement Polarization entangled photons can be represented by the mathematically, , where H is the horizontal polarized photon and V is the vertical polarized photon. The subscript "s" stands for the "signal" photon and the "i" subscript stands for the "idler" photon. Δ is the phase difference of the photons that result after the down converted polarizations (See figure below). [7] 3 John Bell showed "locality principle" with hidden variables violates quantum mechanics principles. This can be seen in the above experiment for arbitrary angles of the polarizer [2]. Figure 3: Type I Spontaneous parametric down conversions. Left image is the down conversion of horizontal photon. Right image is the down conversion of the vertical photon. The result recorded by APDs and coincidences are detected by a counter card inside the computer. John Bell showed "locality principle" with hidden variables violates quantum mechanics principles. This can be seen in the above experiment for arbitrary angles of the polarizer [6]. An application of quantum entanglement deals with quantum cryptography. In 1991, Artur Ekert proposed a quantum key distribution protocol that can be made using quantum states. properties. The structure of the quantum key distribution depended on two One is that the quantum states are perfectly correlated or have 100% probability that if sender and the recipient measure the outcomes to measure if the photon has horizontal or vertical polarization, their conclusions will be the same. The second property is that any attempt to intercept the message results in the destruction of the correlation in a way that the sender and recipient can detect. 4 Contributions: Nelson Lee wrote the Abstract and the section regarding entangled photons. David Cruz wrote the section regarding single emitters, and also applied corrections and rewrote the Abstract for resubmission. References: 1. http://www.nature.com/news/quantum-teleportation-achieved-over-record-distances1.11163 2. Lukishova, Svetlana. Lab 3 lecture 1, Web. Fall 2013. http://www.optics.rochester.edu/workgroups/lukishova/QuantumOpticsLab/homepage/SP S_Lecture_1.pdf 3. “University of Tokyo, Fujitsu and NEC Succeed in Quantum Cryptographic Key Distribution from Single-Photon Emitter at World-Record Distance of 50 km” University of Tokyo Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. NEC Corporation. September 2010. http://www.fujitsu.com/global/news/pr/archives/month/2010/20100910-02.html 4. Lukishova, Svetlana. Lab 3-4 Manual. Web. Fall 2013 http://www.optics.rochester.edu/workgroups/lukishova/QuantumOpticsLab/homepage/op t253_labs_3_4_manual_08.pdf 5. http://eksmaoptics.com/nonlinear-and-laser-crystals/nonlinear-crystals/beta-bariumborate-bbo-crystals/ 6. http://www.optics.rochester.edu/workgroups/lukishova/QuantumOpticsLab/homepage/En tangl_Bell_Inequal_OPT_253_10_28_09.pdf 7. SPS_Proceed_SPIE_Lukishova_revised 5