Supplement 1 Complete Catalog of Small Craters Imaged by the Opportunity rover on her traverse from Eagle to Endurance crater arranged by 1a) the order of exploration and 1b) alphabetical order. Golombek, M. P., N. H. Warner, V. Ganti, M. P. Lamb, T. J. Parker, R. L. Fergason, and R. Sullivan (2014), Small crater modification on Meridiani Planum and implications for erosion rates and climate change on Mars, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JE004658. Table 1a: Catalog of craters imaged by Opportunity on Meridiani Planum (in order of exploration) Crater Sol Imaged DiamDepth Morphology eter (m) (m) Morphologic Class Estimated Age, Ma Degradation Rate m/Myr or m/yr Eagle1,2 1-60 22 2 5 4-10 0.34 Fram 83-85 10 <1 3 0.6-2 1 NW Endurance 93 <0.1 4 2-4 0.17 Endurance2 95-315 Cluster (>20) 1-5 150 Sandy interior, limited exposed outcrop mostly planned off along portion of interior wall, ripples cover slightly raised rim Blocky rim with eroded blocks, sandy interior, ejecta blocks planed off, ripples merge with elevated rim Sandy rimless3 depressions, ripples merge with rims 4 2-4 3 Argo 360 10 ~0.2 5 4-10 0.26 Alvin 379 11 <0.5 Scalloped uplifted rim, bedrock planned off, no ejecta on plains, sand dunes in interior Sandy depression, ripples form slightly elevated rim, planned off blocks Shallow rimless sandy depression, no outcrop, ripples form rim 5 4-10 0.24 21 Potato Furrow 379 1.7 0.1 Jason 381 12 <0.5 Trieste 383 12 <1 Naturaliste 389 8 <1 Géographe, Investigator 389 13 8 <1 Gauss 397 10 <0.5 Vostock1 399 40 <1 James Caird 408 15 ~1 Nina 414 6 ~<1 Vega1 414 8 >0.5 Viking1 421 15 3 Voyager1 423 18 1 Snoopy NW Beagle 616 878 9 11 <0.5 <1 Shallow, sandy depression, slightly elevated rim, small ripples in bottom, ripples modify rim Shallow rimless sandy depression, no outcrop, ripples form rim Sandy rimless depression, few planned off blocks, ripples encroach into crater Blocky & planned off interior wall, sandy floors, ripples form elevated rim, sparse planned off ejecta Blocky & planned off interior wall, sandy floors, ripples form elevated rim, sparse planned off ejecta Sandy rimless depression, no ejecta blocks, ripples overtake rim Ripple filled slight depression, rim defined by circular planned off ejecta blocks, ripples pervade interior Sandy rimless depression, no ejecta, ripples form rim Sandy rimmed depression, planned off blocks in portion of interior wall and ejecta Blocky interior wall, some rim & ejecta blocks planned off, ripples modify rim Blocky raised rim, dark sandy interior, ejecta blocks mostly planned off, ripples merge with rim Blocky interior wall, sandy interior, slightly elevated rim, ejecta blocks planed off, sandy interior Ripples make rim, flat outcrop floor Mostly planned off outcrop and sand form elevated rim, sandy interior, mostly planned off ejecta, some blocky, ripples merge with 4 2-4 0.08 5 4-10 0.27 5 4-10 0.2 4 2-4 0.2 4 2-4 0.53, 0.2 5 4-10 0.21 6 10-20 0.47 5 4-10 0.29 4 2-4 0.07 3 0.6-2 1.1 3 0.6-2 0 4 2-4 0.87 6 3 10-20 0.6-2 0.09 1.2 Beagle 898 30 <4 Emma Dean 931 16 1 Kitty Clyde’s Sister 943 46 <1 Victoria2 952 750 75 Granada 1160 3 0.3 Sputnik 1663 7 0.7 Chatam 1668 6 0.1 Scotia 1673 4 0.4 Kainan Maru 1686 5 0.5 Ranger 1776 15 <1 Surveyor 1782 11 <1 rim Mostly planned off outcrop in elevated rim, mostly planned off ejecta, sandy interior with ripples, ripples merge with rim Mostly sandy crater with elevated rim, scattered outcrop mostly planned off, ripples along rim Rimless3 shallow depression, rim defined by ripples, few planned off blocks, ripples pervade interior of crater Serrated uplifted outcrop rim, sandy interior with dunes, smooth sand annulus-resurfaced ejecta, rim erosionally widened to 150 m, infilled with 50 m sand [Grant et al., 2008] Blocky ejecta crater on Victoria annulus, small sandy interior, no uplifted rim, unusually large blocks, no ripples on annulus West interior wall blocky, raised sandy rim, planned off ejecta, sandy interior, adjacent to Victoria on annulus Rimless mostly sandy depression, blocky interior wall, some blocks planned off, no ejecta, on Victoria annulus Rimless mostly sandy depression, blocky interior wall, some blocks planned off, no ejecta, on Victoria annulus Sandy rimless depression, ripples along rim and interior Slightly elevated rim, sandy interior, partially blocky interior wall, ripple makes part of rim, planned off ejecta Very slightly elevated rim, sandy interior, partially blocky interior wall, ripple makes part of rim, planned off ejecta 3 0.6-2 2 4 2-4 0.73 6 20 0.55 5 4-10 6.4 3 0.6-2 0.3 4 2-4 0.23 4 2-4 0.37 4 2-4 0.13 5 4-10 0.07 4 2-4 0.67 4 2-4 0.4 Half Moon 1792 12 0.5 Resolution4 1821 5.25 0.5 Adventure4 1851 5 0.5 Rockingham4 1852 2 0.3 Rayleigh4 1852 2 0.2 Drake4 1852 1.7 0.2 Diligence3 1852 1 0.1 Discovery4 1854 5.5 0.6 Providence4 1854 4 Assistance4 1854 1.5 Granbee4 1854 5.8 Pembroke 1856 10 0.5 Kaikos4 1950 6 ~1 Nerius4 2011 9 ~2 Nautilus4 2011 6 ~1 0.16 Very slightly elevated rim, blocky interior wall, ripple makes part of rim, planned off ejecta Blocky rim, blocky ejecta, sandy interior, superposed on ripples Sandy uplifted rim, blocky interior wall, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples 4 2-4 0.63 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 Blocky rim and ejecta, sandy interior, superposed on ripples Sandy crater with some blocks, uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Sandy crater with uplifted rim, some ejecta blocks, superposed on ripples Slightly uplifted rim, sandy interior, blocky interior rim, planned off ejecta, ripples form part of rim Blocky uplifted rim and interior wall, blocky ejecta, some blocks planned off, sandy interior Blocky uplifted rim and interior wall, blocky ejecta, some blocks planned off, sandy interior Blocky uplifted rim and interior wall, blocky ejecta, some blocks planned off, sandy interior, ripples merge with rim 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 4 2-4 0.5 2 0.2-0.6 0.5 2 0.2-0.6 0 2 0.2-0.6 0.5 Gjoa 2014 4 0.6 Falcon 2020 2 0.1 Trinidad 2047 8 0.5 Concepción4 2139-2178 10 1 San Antonio W&E Kitty Hawk 2199 20 2 2324 6, 5, 3.5, 1.5 0.50.05 Lightening 2328 7 0.5 Aurora 7 2334 20 <0.5 Gabriel 2363 7 <0.2 Virginia 2401 8 <0.5 Southern Cross 2403 5 0.7 Paramore 2409 7, 5 0.3 Golden Hind 2410 7 0.3 Yankee Clipper 2410 10 1 Mostly sandy with uplifted rim, some interior blocks, some planned off, ripples overtake rim Blocky rim and ejecta, some planned off, sandy floor, slight rim Blocky rim and ejecta some planned off sandy floor, slight rim Very fresh rayed crater, ejecta blocks on top of ripples, some blocks etched and sand deposited between ejecta blocks, sandy interior Sandy & blocky uplifted rim, sandy interior, ejecta planned off, ripples form & modify rim Sandy depressions, rims formed by ripples, no ejecta Sandy depression, mostly planned off outcrop along portion of interior wall, rim formed by ripples, no ejecta Circular ring of planned off blocks, large ripples through crater, sandy interior, no ejecta Slight depression surrounded by circular ring of mostly planned off blocks, sandy interior ripple forms portion of rim, no ejecta Slight sandy depression surrounded by circular ring of mostly planned off blocks, no ejecta Partially blocky and sandy depression, blocks mostly planned off, no ejecta, ripples form part of rim Doublet sandy depressions, slightly elevated rim, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim Shallow almost rimless sandy depression, slightly elevated rim, ripples merge with rim, no ejecta Sandy depression with elevated rim, few mostly planned off blocks, ripples merge with rim 4 2-4 0.07 4 2-4 0.1 4 2-4 0.37 1 ~0.1 10 4 2-4 0.67 5 4-10 0.06, 0.1, 0.13 5 4-10 0.13 6 10-20 0.18 5 4-10 0.17 5 4-10 0.16 5 4-10 0.04 4 2-4 0.37, 0.23 5 4-10 0.16 4 2-4 0.33 Intrepid 2416 18 1-2 Hecla 2429 8 0.2 Fury 2433 7 0.3 Vanguard 2437 5, 6, 9 <0.5 Voskhod 2441 15 0.6 Salyut 2442 9 0.5 Santa Maria 2453 93 16 Antarctic 2558 6, 6 ~0.5 Casper 2569 5 0.4 Joliba 2579 20 Faith 7 2584 8 <1 Sigma 7 2583 6 0.5 Friendship 7 2585 10 1 Blocky elevated rim, blocks in rim and ejecta mostly planed off, ripples merge with rim, sandy interior Shallow sandy depression with slightly elevated rim, planned off blocks on portion of interior wall, ripple form rim, no ejecta Shallow sandy depression with slight rim, ejecta and interior wall blocks planned off, ripples modify rim Shallow sandy depressions without elevated rims, planned off blocks in interior wall, ripples merge and modify rims, no ejecta Sandy depression with slightly elevated rim, few planned off blocks in small portion of rim, ripples form part of rim, no ejecta Shallow rimless sandy depression, ripples modify and form rim, no ejecta Elevated rim, sandy interior with dunes, mostly planned off ejecta blocks in rim and adjacent, blocks in rays are planned off within 1 crater diameter, secondaries outside 1 crater diameter, ripples overlie rays Shallow sandy depressions, slight rims, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim Shallow rimless depression, planned off blocks along interior wall and rim, no ejecta, ripples make up part of rim Blocky elevated rim that have been planed off, sandy interior, no ejecta Sandy rimless depression, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim Sandy depression with elevated rim, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim Blocky raised rim and ejecta mostly planned 3 0.6-2 2.1 5 4-10 0.2 5 4-10 0.16 5 4-10 0.07, 0.1, 0.19 5 4-10 0.34 5 6-9 0.09 3 0.6-2 2.6 4 2-4 0.23 5 4-10 0.09 5 4-10 5 4-10 0.09 4 2-4 0.23 4 2-4 0.33 Freedom 7 2585 30 1 Molly Brown 2589 6 ~1 Skylab 2594 9 0.6 Aquarius 2600 8 0.2 Apollo 7 2602 3 0.1 Gumdrop 2606 3.2 0.3 Gemini 4 2614 19 ~2 Gemini 5 2621 19 ~2 Gemini 7 2627 12 0.9 Gemini 9 2628 23 <1 Mariner 9 2663 25 1 Mariner 9W 2661 10 ~0.5 Mariner 9S 2663 9 ~0.3 off, blocky interior wall, sandy interior, ripples modify rim Blocky raised rim and ejecta mostly planned off, sandy interior, ripples merge with rim Sandy depression, slightly elevated rim, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim Blocky ejecta and rim, blocks have relief, but have been etched and weathered, with abundant sand filling between, sandy interior Shallow rimless sandy depression, ripples form rim, no ejecta 4 2-4 1.7 4 2-4 0.07 2 0.2-0.6 3 6 10-20 0.2 Shallow rimless sandy depression, planned off blocks along part of rim, no ejecta 6 10-20 Sandy depression, slightly elevated rim, planned off blocks along part of rim, no ejecta Slightly elevated rim sandy depression, blocky interior wall, planed off blocks on rim, no ejecta, ripple forms part of rim, Slightly elevated rim, blocky interior wall, blocks on rim and ejecta in rays planed off, ejecta in rays, ripples modify rim and ejecta Rimless, shallow depression, sandy interior, ripple forms part of rim, planned off blocks forms part of rim, no ejecta Almost rimless shallow depression, planned off blocks form rim, sandy interior, ripples merge with part of rim Elevated rim, some planned off blocks in rim, sandy interior, no ejecta Shallow sandy depression with slightly elevated rim, ripples merge with rim Mostly sandy depression with slightly elevated 3 0.6-2 0.34 5 4-10 0.26 4 2-4 0.6 6 10-20 0.1 6 10-20 0.24 4 2-4 1.3 4 2-4 0.5 4 2-4 0.5 0.03 Mariner 10 2663 2 0.1 Chikyu 2664 15 ~1 Spider 2668 5 <0.1 Pathfinder 2670 39 0.1 1 rim, some planned off blocks along part of rim, no ejecta Blocky rim and ejecta that is weathered but not planed off, sandy interior Shallow rimless depression, mostly sandy, some planned off blocks along interior wall, no ejecta Shallow rimless depression in planned off outcrop, sandy interior, no ejecta Ripple filled shallow depression, large sand dune to SW, no ejecta 3 0.6-2 0.3 5 4-10 0.29 5 4-10 0.13 6 10-20 0.51 Included in Golombek et al. [2006a] Included in Grant et al. [2006a, 2008] 3 Use of the term, rimless, is to indicate no positive relief rim is present. 4 Included in Golombek et al. [2010] 3 Use of the term, rimless, is to indicate no positive relief rim is present. Erebus (330 m), Terra Nova (500 m, just east of Erebus), and Nimrod (600 m) not included because rover observations did not define their morphometry. Endeavour (22 km) not included because it is older than the Burns Formation. 2 Table 1b: Catalog of craters imaged by Opportunity on Meridiani Planum (alphabetical order) Crater Sol Imaged DiamDepth Morphology eter (m) (m) Morphologic Class Estimated Age, Ma Degradation Rate m/Myr or m/yr Adventure4 1851 5 0.5 1 <0.05-0.2 0 Alvin 379 11 <0.5 5 4-10 0.24 Antarctic 2558 6, 6 ~0.5 4 2-4 0.23 Apollo 7 2602 3 0.1 6 10-20 0.03 Aquarius 2600 8 0.2 6 10-20 0.2 Argo 360 10 ~0.2 5 4-10 0.26 Assistance4 1854 1.5 0.16 1 <0.05-0.2 0 Aurora 7 2334 20 <0.5 6 10-20 0.18 Beagle 898 30 <4 3 0.6-2 2 Casper 2569 5 0.4 5 4-10 0.09 Chatam 1668 6 0.1 4 2-4 0.37 Sandy uplifted rim, blocky interior wall, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Shallow rimless sandy depression, no outcrop, ripples form rim Shallow sandy depressions, slight rims, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim Shallow rimless sandy depression, planned off blocks along part of rim, no ejecta Shallow rimless sandy depression, ripples form rim, no ejecta Sandy depression, ripples form slightly elevated rim, planned off blocks Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Circular ring of planned off blocks, large ripples through crater, sandy interior, no ejecta Mostly planned off outcrop in elevated rim, mostly planned off ejecta, sandy interior with ripples, ripples merge with rim Shallow rimless depression, planned off blocks along interior wall and rim, no ejecta, ripples make up part of rim Rimless mostly sandy depression, blocky interior wall, some blocks planned off, no ejecta, on Victoria annulus Chikyu 2664 15 Concepción4 2139-2178 10 Diligence3 1852 1 Discovery4 1854 5.5 Drake4 1852 1.7 Eagle1,2 1-60 22 Emma Dean 931 16 Endurance2 95-315 150 Faith 7 2584 8 Falcon 2020 2 Fram 83-85 10 Freedom 7 2585 30 Friendship 7 2585 10 ~1 Shallow rimless depression, mostly sandy, some planned off blocks along interior wall, no ejecta 1 Very fresh rayed crater, ejecta blocks on top of ripples, some blocks etched and sand deposited between ejecta blocks, sandy interior 0.1 Blocky rim and ejecta, sandy inteior, superposed on ripples 0.6 Sandy crater with some blocks, uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples 0.2 Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples 2 Sandy interior, limited exposed outcrop mostly pla n planned off along portion of interior wall, ripples cover slightly raised rim 1 Mostly sandy crater with elevated rim, scattered outcrop mostly planned off, ripples along rim 21 Scalloped uplifted rim, bedrock planned off, no ejecta on plains, sand dunes in interior <1 Sandy rimless depression, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim 0.1 Blocky rim and ejecta, some planned off, sandy floor, slight rim <1 Blocky rim with eroded blocks, sandy interior, ejecta blocks planed off, ripples merge with elevated rim 1 Blocky raised rim and ejecta mostly planned off, sandy interior, ripples merge with rim 1 Blocky raised rim and ejecta mostly planned off, blocky interior wall, sandy interior, ripples modify rim 5 4-10 0.29 1 ~0.1 10 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 1 <0.05-0.2 0 5 4-10 0.34 4 2-4 0.73 4 2-4 3 5 4-10 0.09 4 2-4 0.1 3 0.6-2 1 4 2-4 1.7 4 2-4 0.33 Fury 2433 7 0.3 Gabriel 2363 7 <0.2 Gauss 397 10 <0.5 Gemini 4 2614 19 ~2 Gemini 5 2621 19 ~2 Gemini 7 2627 12 0.9 Gemini 9 2628 23 <1 Géographe, Investigator 389 13 8 <1 Gjoa 2014 4 0.6 Golden Hind 2410 7 0.3 Granada 1160 3 0.3 Granbee4 1854 5.8 Gumdrop 2606 3.2 0.3 Shallow sandy depression with slight rim, ejecta and interior wall blocks planned off, ripples modify rim Slight depression surrounded by circular ring of mostly planned off blocks, sandy interior ripple forms portion of rim, no ejecta Sandy rimless depression, no ejecta blocks, ripples overtake rim Slightly elevated rim sandy depression, blocky interior wall, planed off blocks on rim, no ejecta, ripple forms part of rim, Slightly elevated rim, blocky interior wall, blocks on rim and ejecta in rays planed off, ejecta in rays, ripples modify rim and ejecta Rimless, shallow depression, sandy interior, ripple forms part of rim, planned off blocks forms part of rim, no ejecta Almost rimless shallow depression, planned off blocks form rim, sandy interior, ripples merge with part of rim Blocky & planned off interior wall, sandy floors, ripples form elevated rim, sparse planned off ejecta Mostly sandy with uplifted rim, some interior blocks, some planned off, ripples overtake rim Shallow almost rimless sandy depression, slightly elevated rim, ripples merge with rim, no ejecta Blocky ejecta crater on Victoria annulus, small sandy interior, no uplifted rim, unusually large blocks, no ripples on annulus Sandy crater with uplifted rim, some ejecta blocks, superposed on ripples 5 4-10 0.16 5 4-10 0.17 5 4-10 0.21 5 4-10 0.26 4 2-4 0.6 6 10-20 0.1 6 10-20 0.24 4 2-4 0.53, 0.2 4 2-4 0.07 5 4-10 0.16 3 0.6-2 0.3 1 <0.05-0.2 0 Sandy depression, slightly elevated rim, planned off blocks along part of rim, no ejecta 3 0.6-2 0.34 Half Moon 1792 12 0.5 Hecla 2429 8 0.2 Intrepid 2416 18 interior 1-2 James Caird 408 15 ~1 Jason 381 12 <0.5 Joliba 2579 20 Kaikos4 1950 6 ~1 Kainan Maru 1686 5 0.5 Kitty Clyde’s Sister 943 46 <1 Kitty Hawk 2324 Lightening 2328 6, 5, 3.5, 1.5 7 0.50.05 0.5 Mariner 10 2663 2 0.1 Mariner 9 2663 25 1 Mariner 9S 2663 9 ~0.3 Very slightly elevated rim, blocky interior wall, ripple makes part of rim, planned off ejecta Shallow sandy depression with slightly elevated rim, planned off blocks on portion of wall, ripple form rim, no ejecta Blocky elevated rim, blocks in rim and ejecta mostly planed off, ripples merge with rim, sandy interior Sandy rimless depression, no ejecta, ripples form rim Shallow rimless sandy depression, no outcrop, ripples form rim Blocky elevated rim that have been planed off, sandy interior, no ejecta Blocky uplifted rim and interior wall, blocky ejecta, some blocks planned off, sandy interior Sandy rimless depression, ripples along rim and interior Rimless3 shallow depression, rim defined by few planned off blocks, ripples pervade interior of crater Sandy depressions, rims formed by ripples, no ejecta Sandy depression, mostly planned off outcrop along portion of interior wall, rim formed by ripples, no ejecta Blocky rim and ejecta that is weathered but not planed off, sandy interior Elevated rim, some planned off blocks in rim, sandy interior, no ejecta Mostly sandy depression with slightly elevated rim, some planned off blocks along part of rim, no ejecta 4 2-4 0.63 5 4-10 0.2 3 0.6-2 2.1 5 4-10 0.29 5 4-10 0.27 5 4-10 2 0.2-0.6 0.5 5 4-10 0.07 6 20 0.55 5 4-10 0.06, 0.1, 0.13 5 4-10 0.13 3 0.6-2 0.3 4 2-4 1.3 4 2-4 0.5 Mariner 9W 2661 10 ~0.5 Molly Brown 2589 6 ~1 Naturaliste 389 8 <1 Nautilus4 2011 6 ~1 Nerius4 2011 9 ~2 Nina 414 6 ~<1 NW Beagle 878 11 <1 NW Endurance 93 <0.1 Paramore 2409 Cluster (>20) 1-5 7, 5 Pathfinder 2670 39 0.1 Pembroke 1856 10 0.5 Potato Furrow 379 1.7 0.1 Providence4 1854 4 0.3 Shallow sandy depression with slightly elevated rim, ripples merge with rim 4 2-4 Sandy depression, slightly elevated rim, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim Blocky & planned off interior wall, sandy floors, ripples form elevated rim, sparse planned off ejecta Blocky uplifted rim and interior wall, blocky ejecta, some blocks planned off, sandy interior, ripples merge with rim Blocky uplifted rim and interior wall, blocky ejecta, some blocks planned off, sandy interior Sandy rimmed depression, planned off blocks in portion of interior wall and ejecta Mostly planned off outcrop and sand form elevated rim, sandy interior, mostly planned off ejecta, some blocky, ripples merge with rim Sandy rimless3 depressions, ripples merge with rims 4 2-4 0.07 4 2-4 0.2 2 0.2-0.6 0.5 2 0.2-0.6 0 4 2-4 0.07 3 0.6-2 1.2 4 2-4 0.17 Doublet sandy depressions, slightly elevated rim, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim Ripple filled shallow depression, large sand dune to SW, no ejecta Slightly uplifted rim, sandy interior, blocky interior rim, planned off ejecta, ripples form part of rim Shallow, sandy depression, slightly elevated rim, small ripples in bottom, ripples modify rim Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples 4 2-4 0.37, 0.23 6 10-20 0.51 4 2-4 0.5 4 2-4 0.08 1 <0.05-0.2 0 0.5 Ranger 1776 15 <1 Slightly elevated rim, sandy interior, partially blocky interior wall, ripple makes part of rim, planned off ejecta 4 2-4 0.67 Rayleigh4 1852 2 0.2 1 <0.05-0.2 0 Resolution4 1821 5.25 0.5 1 <0.05-0.2 0 Rockingham4 1852 2 0.3 1 <0.05-0.2 0 Salyut 2442 9 0.5 5 6-9 0.09 San Antonio W&E Santa Maria 2199 20 2 4 2-4 0.67 2453 93 16 3 0.6-2 2.6 Scotia 1673 4 0.4 4 2-4 0.13 Sigma 7 2583 6 0.5 4 2-4 0.23 Skylab 2594 9 0.6 2 0.2-0.6 3 Snoopy Southern Cross 616 2403 9 5 <0.5 0.7 6 5 10-20 4-10 0.09 Spider 2668 5 <0.1 5 4-10 0.13 Sputnik 1663 7 0.7 Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Blocky rim, blocky ejecta, sandy interior, superposed on ripples Sandy crater with uplifted rim, no ejecta, superposed on ripples Shallow rimless sandy depression, ripples modify and form rim, no ejecta Sandy & blocky uplifted rim, sandy interior, ejecta planned off, ripples form & modify rim Elevated rim, sandy interior with dunes, mostly planned off ejecta blocks in rim and adjacent, blocks in rays are planned off within 1 crater diameter, secondaries outside 2 crater diameters, ripples overlie rays Rimless mostly sandy depression, blocky interior wall, some blocks planned off, no ejecta, on Victoria annulus Sandy depression with elevated rim, no ejecta, ripples merge with rim Blocky ejecta and rim, blocks have relief, but have been etched and weathered, with abundant sand filling between, sandy interior Ripples make rim, flat outcrop floor Partially blocky and sandy depression, blocks mostly planned off, no ejecta, ripples form part of rim Shallow rimless depression in planned off outcrop, sandy interior, no ejecta West interior wall blocky, raised sandy rim, 4 2-4 0.23 0.04 planned off ejecta, sandy interior, adjacent to Victoria on annulus Surveyor 1782 11 <1 Trieste 383 12 <1 Trinidad 2047 8 0.5 Vanguard 2437 5, 6, 9 <0.5 Vega1 414 8 >0.5 Victoria2 952 750 75 Viking1 421 15 3 Virginia 2401 8 <0.5 Voskhod 2441 15 0.6 Vostock1 399 40 <1 Voyager1 423 18 1 Very slightly elevated rim, sandy interior, partially blocky interior wall, ripple makes part of rim, planned off ejecta Sandy rimless depression, few planned off blocks, ripples encroach into crater Blocky rim and ejecta some planned off sandy floor, slight rim Shallow sandy depressions without elevated rims, planned off blocks in interior wall, ripples merge and modify rims, no ejecta Blocky interior wall, some rim & ejecta blocks planned off, ripples modify rim Serrated uplifted outcrop rim, sandy interior with dunes, smooth sand annulus-resurfaced ejecta, rim erosionally widened to 150 m, infilled with 50 m sand [Grant et al., 2008] Blocky raised rim, dark sandy interior, ejecta blocks mostly planned off, ripples merge with rim Slight sandy depression surrounded by circular ring of mostly planned off blocks, no ejecta Sandy depression with slightly elevated rim, few planned off blocks in small portion of rim, ripples form part of rim, no ejecta Ripple filled slight depression, rim defined by circular planned off ejecta blocks, ripples pervade interior Blocky interior wall, sandy interior, slightly elevated rim, ejecta blocks planed off, sandy interior 4 2-4 5 4-10 0.2 4 2-4 0.37 5 4-10 0.07, 0.1, 0.19 3 0.6-2 1.1 5 4-10 6.4 3 0.6-2 0 5 4-10 0.16 5 4-10 0.34 6 10-20 0.47 4 2-4 0.87 0.4 Yankee Clipper 1 2410 10 1 Sandy depression with elevated rim, few mostly planned off blocks, ripples merge with rim 4 2-4 0.33 Included in Golombek et al. [2006a] Included in Grant et al. [2006a, 2008] 3 Use of the term, rimless, is to indicate no positive relief rim is present. 4 Included in Golombek et al. [2010] Erebus (330 m), Terra Nova (500 m, just east of Erebus), and Nimrod (600 m) not included because rover observations did not define their morphometry. Endeavour (22 km) not included because it is older than the Burns Formation. 2