Tony Fay and Grant Brooks Waterford Union High School United

Tony Fay and Grant Brooks
Waterford Union High School
United Kingdom
Historical Security Council (1973)
The Situation in Chile
The situation that is currently developing in Chile has brought to the attention of the
United Kingdom the necessity for efforts to be made in the areas of stable government and
human rights in Chile and all of Latin America. Due to the strong influence imposed on this
region by both the United States and the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom proposes a plan that
involves less foreign influence.
The United Kingdom believes that a stable government is the first step necessary in the
recovery of the Chilean nation. The recent coup performed by the Junta and shift of power to
Augusto Pinochet is only the first step towards a successful and peaceful shift in government.
Due to the severe violations of human rights as stated in The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, Articles 19 and 21, the United Kingdom believes that it is necessary for the United
Nations to step in only to protect those who are being prosecuted for their political beliefs.
The United Kingdom proposes a plan to end the violations of human rights in Chile by
exerting a necessary amount of influence upon the Chilean government. The United Nations
shall interfere with Chilean sovereignty only until the human rights violations have ended. Once
this problem has been eliminated, the United Nations shall withdraw all influence and allow the
Chilean government to stabilize itself, so long as this does not involve further violations of
human rights.
The United Kingdom believes that with minimal guidance, the country of Chile can
return to a peaceful and successful nation. The United Kingdom hopes that the United Nations
will take its proposal into serious consideration and will successfully fix the social and political
issues that currently hinder the great nation of Chile.
The Situation in the Middle East
Recognizing both the concerns of Israel and the Middle Eastern nations regarding Israeli
territory and PLO recognition, the United Kingdom proposes that the Security Council take
action towards stabilizing the Middle Eastern situation and retaining stability between other
organizations and nations allied or associated with the nations in this region.
The United Kingdom believes that Israel should retain its current possessions as a buffer
zone against further Middle Eastern attacks. The United Kingdom also believes that the United
Nations should work towards achieving peaceful relations between Middle Eastern nations in
this region. The United Kingdom disagrees with the amount financial aid being provided to the
region by both the United States and The Soviet Union. These contributions are not working
toward the peaceful relations that the United Nations Security Council is attempting to achieve.
The financial aid provided by these nations is only increasing strong tensions in the ongoing feud
between the Soviet Union and the United States. The result is not only increased tension, but
also sponsoring of futile fighting in the middle east for possible financial gain. The United
Kingdom recommends a course of action be taken to halt military contributions and for a treaty
to be signed to end fighting between the Arab League and Israel.
The United Kingdom believes that the Middle East needs to be an area of peace in our
constantly conflicting world. By eliminating military aid and creating peace in this region,
stability shall hopefully gain footing. With some effort, the United Nations can fix this problem
and promote and create peace in this region. The United Kingdom hopes that it’s ideas will be
The situation in Rhodesia
It has been brought to the United Kingdom’s attention through escalated fighting and
revolting that action must be taken in Rhodesia. The United Kingdom believes that it deserves
the rights to its land. Therefore, it will not fully abandon its holdings, but will take an offensive
front to assisting the Rhodesians in their fight for rights. It is hoped that Rhodesia can return to
successfully governing itself, redeem itself economically, and gain majority rule. The United
Kingdom will still enforce the rule: “No independence until majority rule”.
In order to assist in successful governing, The United Kingdom does not plan to
encourage groups supported by the Soviet Union. Once majority rule is reached, the United
Kingdom will grant Rhodesia independence in order to further assist in the promotion of a
successful government.
In the struggle for economic redemption, Rhodesia will need economic aid and funding.
This aid must be uncorrupted, as the aid from the Soviet Union is, and must promote the welfare
of the common good. For example, the United Kingdom will give Rhodesians parts of their land
to promote their welfare. The United Kingdom is willing to economically aid in positively
funding Rhodesia with predetermined boundaries.
Once the Rhodesian minority can prove itself administratively and economically, and
gain majority rule, Rhodesia will be granted its independence.
The United Kingdom holds a stance that Rhodesia must prove itself a respectable and
stable nation in order for it to receive further assistance.