REASONS FOR DECISION TO EXERCISE POWER OF INTERVENTION UNDER SECTION 20(4) OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 GLEN EIRA PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C110 The Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act), the Heritage Act 1995 and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 provide for the intervention of the Minister for Planning in planning and heritage processes. In exercising my powers of intervention, I have agreed to: Make publicly available written reasons for each decision; and Provide a report to Parliament at least every twelve months detailing the nature of each intervention. REQUEST FOR INTERVENTION 1. The Glen Eira City Council has requested that I prepare, adopt and approve Amendment C110 to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme, with exemption from the notice requirements under section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act). WHAT POWER OF INTERVENTION IS BEING USED? 2. I have decided to exercise my powers to exempt myself from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and the regulations in respect to Amendment C110 to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. 3. Section 20(4) of the Act enables the Minister for Planning to exempt an amendment which the Minister prepares from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act or the regulations. 4. In seeking to exercise this power, section 20(4) of the Act requires that the Minister must consider that compliance with any of those requirements is not warranted or that the interests of Victoria or any part of Victoria make such an exemption appropriate. BACKGROUND 5. Amendment V8 was gazetted on 1 July 2013 and introduced the Residential Growth Zone, General Residential Zone and Neighbourhood Residential Zone into the Victoria Planning Provisions. The new residential zones have been reformed to simplify requirements, allow a broader range of activities to be considered and better manage housing growth. 6. The new zoning tools enable planning authorities to better specify strategic locations where increased densities should be provided and to limit residential change in areas where they wish to protect neighbourhood character, environmental and other characteristics. Being able to specify areas that should be protected from increased residential development mean that attributes that are highly valued by the community for specific areas and supported by strategic work undertaken by planning authorities can be given statutory effect in Victorian planning schemes. 7. Planning authorities are now responsible for applying the new zones into their planning schemes through a local amendment. The Glen Eira City Council is the first planning authority to initiate a planning scheme amendment which proposes to apply the new zones to its municipality. 8. The Glen Eira City Council gave effect to its Housing and Residential Development Strategy (Strategy) with the introduction in 2004 of Amendment C25. Work on the Strategy commenced in October 2000, and included a community notification and consultation process. Nine community workshops attended by approximately 50 people also contributed to the development and refinement of the Strategy. The Strategy was adopted by the Council in 2002. 9. Amendment C25, was introduced to reflect the outcomes of the Strategy, providing guidance within the planning scheme as to how residential development in the area would be planned and managed over the next 20 years. Amongst other things, it introduced two new local policies (Clause 22.07 – Housing Diversity Area policy and Clause 22.08 – Minimal Change Areas policy). 10. Amendment C25 was placed on public exhibition over six weeks in June and July 2002. 11. A total of 189 submissions were received in response to the exhibition of the amendment. An independent Panel held in October 2002, delivered its report in December 2002. The amendment was gazetted on 28 October 2004. 12. The policies provide clear spatial direction as to the preferred location and density of new residential development. As a result, approximately 78% of the municipality is included in a Minimal Change Area with a preferred density of no more than two dwellings per lot. Medium and higher density developments are encouraged in Housing Diversity Areas, which are located in neighbourhood centres and along major transport routes. 13. Amendment C110 proposes to implement the new residential zones into the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. The amendment will apply the Neighbourhood Residential Zone to the Minimal Change areas, the Residential Growth Zone to the Housing Diversity areas of Elsternwick, Carnegie and Bentleigh and the General Residential Zone to the smaller activities areas, around the periphery of the above major centres and along the transport routes within the Housing Diversity areas. The Explanatory Report provides further detail regarding the amendment. BENEFITS OF EXEMPTION 14. Exemption of the amendment under section 20(4) will enable a prompt decision on the adoption and approval of the amendment and will allow for the orderly application of residential zoning controls for this planning scheme, based on previous strategic work. It will avoid the need for a further notification, exhibition and consultation process, which is considered unnecessary given the strategic basis for applying the new zones can be found within the existing planning scheme. EFFECTS OF EXEMPTION ON THIRD PARTIES 15. The effect of exempting this amendment from the usual notice requirements will remove the opportunity for potentially affected parties to be formally notified of the amendment and to have their submissions considered by a Panel. 16. As the Glen Eira City Council has requested the amendment, the support of the Council for the amendment is evident. ASSESSMENT AS TO WHETHER BENEFITS OF EXEMPTIONS OUTWEIGH EFFECTS ON THIRD PARTIES 17. I consider that any effect of my decision to exempt myself from giving notice of the amendment is outweighed by the benefits of the exemption. 18. The Glen Eira City Council undertook extensive community consultation in developing its Housing and Residential Development Strategy and in introducing Amendment C25. The panel report for Amendment C25 considers various issues associated with the strategy of focussing higher density development in Housing Diversity Areas and potential effects of limiting development in Minimal Change Areas. The local policies (Clause 22.07 – Housing Diversity Area policy and Clause 22.08 – Minimal Change Area policy) have guided the application of the new residential zones. 19. Accordingly I consider that the benefits of exempting myself from sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act outweigh any effects of the exemption on third parties. DECISION 20. I have decided to exercise my power to exempt myself from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and the regulations in respect of Amendment C110 to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. REASONS FOR INTERVENTION 21. I provide the following reasons for my decision to exercise my power under section 20(4) of the Act. 22. I am satisfied that Compliance with any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and the regulations is not warranted because: I consider that further notification through the formal statutory process is unnecessary. Consultation has been conducted during the development of the Housing and Residential Development Strategy and in relation to Amendment C25, which introduced the local policies upon which the application of the new residential zones is based. Signed by the Minister MATTHEW GUY MLC Minister for Planning Date: 5 August 2013