Northern Ireland Support Group News March 2014 If you are

Northern Ireland Support Group News
March 2014
If you are interested in peer support from adopters, in getting ready for placement or in finding out
more about adoption, then why not join us at one or more of the support group meetings below.
These groups are for anyone on the adoption journey, just starting out or with many years of
experience. They are informal and confidential. New-comers are always made welcome. Hope to see
you there!
Sharing Adoption Stories
Speakers Oonagh & Paula
Wed 19th March 8-10pm
Sandel Centre, Knocklynn Rd. Coleraine
Education & Transition
Speaker Sheila Lavery
Thurs. 20th March 7.30-9.30pm
Dunsilly Hotel BT41 2JH (off A26)
Fiona Campbell
Children’s Law Centre Speaker
Wed. 2nd April 7.30-9.30pm
Belfast Office 545 Antrim Rd. BT15 3BU
Anne Lakin
North Down
Education & Transition
Speaker Sheila Lavery
Tues. 1st April 7.30-9.30pm
Culloden Hotel
South Down
Social/ Meal
The Plough
Thurs 27th March 7.30-9.30pm
The Plough Hillsborough.
Judith Linton
Social/ Meal
Art Bar Funkels
Wed. 26th March 7.30-9.30pm
Art Bar Funkels Monaghan St. Newry BT35 6BB
Anne Lakin
Sharing Adoption Stories
Sharon & Sandra
Tues 25th March 7.30-9.30pm
Moy Methodist Hall
Anne Lakin
Family Fun Time
Sat. 26th April 12-3.00pm
Cultural Identity
Sharon & Louise
Monday 7th April 2014 7.30-9.30pm
Clooney Hall Derry LD.
Anne Lakin
Wesley Graham
Jonny Rocco’s 35 Main St. Irvinestown BT94 1GJ
Mandy Mc Quade
Coleraine Two adopters from Foyle Support Group, Oonagh and Paula, will speak about their
adoption journey. (We may also have a visit from very recent adopters whose priority is settling in
their new little girl so that’s a maybe!) Hearing other people’s adoption stories is both interesting
and helpful to people at every stage of the adoption journey, from thinking about it to living it!
Come along and hear Adoption UK members tell it as it is.
Antrim Whether local or intercountry, our adopted children face many challenges and changes at
school. They often change from one school to the other, one language to another, from primary to
secondary and much more. How can we help? Sheila Lavery, author of ‘Let’s Learn Together’, a guide
for parents and teachers, presents, takes questions and offers strategies to help get us all through!
Belfast Need legal advice regarding services your child may be entitled to in education, mental
health etc.? A rep from the Children’s Law Centre talks about the work they do, giving examples
from adoption and foster care. Come and ask questions - Centre staff will direct you to find out
what you need to know or how to find a solution.
North Down When times get tough at school for our kids what can we do? When primary school is
small and manageable but ‘Big School’ looms how can we take our children through this transition?
Sheila Lavery author of ‘Lets Learn Together’, a guide for parents and teachers of adopted children in
primary school, talks and takes questions. Come along and voice your concerns and hear about
others experiences. Learn about strategies and ideas that have helped and could help you.
South Down We are heading for a fun evening with a meal and a drink at ‘The Plough’ in
Hillsborough. Come along and join us for a relaxing evening and share some ideas/plans for future
meetings. Please let us know in advance so we can reserve you a place.
Moy Two adopters tell their story and take questions. Sharon and Gary adopted a child from Russia.
Sharon will share images and information about their trips to Russia to arrange and collect their
daughter. Sandra and George adopted two children locally from a sibling group; whilst a third sibling
was adopted by another member couple. Find out about Sandra’s story and how both these families
have worked together.
Omagh/ Enniskillen Something different for the spring, Jonny Rocco’s in Irvinestown! We plan to
have a family event. Arrive just before 12pm and we will either go to the play area or get into
groups for bowling about 12o’clock. Afterwards there will be plenty of time to meet and get to
know each other a little more over some lunch. Please let us know if you are coming so we can plan
and reserve places. Also Adoption UK will cover the cost of activities so what could be better!
Foyle Cultural identity plays a part in all our lives although most of us don’t give it a thought! But
what if your child has a different cultural background from you? What if that child had a different
first language? What if they have memories of life in another country? How can we help our children
feel comfortable about who they are in a world where they may feel difference or even hostility?
Sharon Davidson and Louise Doherty will talk about their experiences of supporting their children’s
cultural identity.
Teens Group Families with secondary school age kids and older - our next social event is on Sun April 27th
What's happening? Right now that's a mystery.... but soon, all will be revealed! If you have never been
before and would like to know more about this group please get in touch with Elizabeth on 02890775211.