High Crags Happenings Issue 2 – Friday 26th June

High Crags Happenings
Issue 2 – Friday 26th June
This week, Year 6 went on a residential to Scarborough for three days and two nights. We were lucky enough to stay at the
Travel Lodge and Hotel on Valley Road, just a few minutes walk from the beach. We went to all the exciting places, such as
the castle, the beach, the funfair near the harbour, the Rotunda Museum and the amusement arcades. We even walked up
the cliff!
Scarborough’s castle was mind-blowing; the tall, gravel buildings told us much about its history and story and they were all
unique. The beach was refreshing, after the hot walk up to the castle, and the air was crisp cold, so we splashed and swam in
the sea all day. The fun fair was full of thrills and excitement; one ride, called the ‘Dance Zone’, threw us so high into the sky,
we screamed with delight! The museum was full of prehistoric facts and figures, as well as fossils found locally on the
Scarborough coast. Our hotel even had a visit from a Viking, who made us and the teachers do silly things as he told his
We enjoyed Scarborough so much we would love to visit again!
Sara Butt and Lauren Tomlinson.
Message from Mr Campbell - Executive Head teacher
I just say wanted to say a huge thank you to all those parents and carers who completed an online Parent View questionnaire
as part of our recent Ofsted inspection. There were 46 responses and that is more than most schools receive. To me, it is a
sign of your commitment to and support of the school.
The report is likely to be published very close to the end of term. It will come to school first; we will send you a copy home
and then a few days later it will be published on the Ofsted website. It will outline the strengths of the school and the areas
for improvement. If time allows we will also hold a meeting for parents to ask questions or discuss any concerns and to
explain what our next steps will be.
I want to assure you that we are working extremely hard on the areas for improvement already and were doing so before the
inspection. What the report is likely to identify are the same issues that myself, Mr. Harris, the Senior Leadership team and
the Governing Body had already identified and, with the staff, are striving to improve. The school has been working with the
local authority this year to really step up the pace of improvement.
Last week Mrs. Cornelius, the new head teacher from September 2015, was in school for three days working alongside Mr.
Harris and myself. We are working together so the recent changes and improvements to classrooms, the school environment,
teaching and approaches to promoting good learning behaviours, continue uninterrupted in September.
The children at High Crags Primary school deserve the very best teaching and learning experience we can provide. Standards
when children leave us for secondary school need to be higher so they have every chance of succeeding in life and the
children are more than capable of that. We have lots of hard work ahead but are determined, with your continued support
and encouragement, to make the school one of the very best.
Well done this week to: Daniel Barber RHK, Juliet Battensby RMC, Millee Hughe 1FB, Tianna Ives 1CC, Jamie Kirkham,
Phoebe Reynolds, Angela Salu 3DW, Firdous Ali 3SP, Connor Wilkinson 4LB, Maverick Walsh 4RP, Dylan Walsh 5CB, Tia
Holdsworth 5RS, Sara Butt 6BL, Lee Hoggarth 6DM, Kacper Makarewicz 1CC,Joshua Saunders 4RP, Spencer Chandler 1CC. This
is for good concentration. Well done!
Some dates for your diary:
w/b 29/06/15 – Reception transition week
01/07/15 – Sports Day for EYFS/KS1
02/07/15 – Sports Day for KS2
8th/9th July – transition days
For up to date information about any aspect of school life, please visit the website at www.highcrags.bradford.sch.uk
and follow us on twitter @HighCragsSchool.