BI12_LG_U06 - BC Learning Network


BCLN BIOLOGY 12 – Rev July 2014

Unit 6 ~ Learning Guide Name:________________


Complete the following notes and questions as you work through the related lessons.

You are required to have this package completed BEFORE you write your unit test. Do your best and ask questions about anything that you don't understand BEFORE you write the unit test.

U6L1 NOTES: INTRODUCTION (web notes and video)



Protein Synthesis

 DNA replication produces an ________________________________________ .

 Protein synthesis ___________________ to produce _____________________ .

 Do not confuse these 2 processes!!!!

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 DNA is the ___________________________ (or template) containing

________________________________ for the _______________________

__________________ (structural and functional).

 Proteins are put together in the ___________________ , but DNA never leaves the _________________ . A copy of the DNA must be made. This copy is called

_____________________________ (mRNA). Think of it this way, there has to be some mechanism to get the message from DNA that is confined in the nucleus to the site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm and this is done with the aid of a messenger molecule called messenger RNA or mRNA.

Only the genes for the specific required proteins are copied into ___________ .

The process of making the mRNA from a DNA template is called

__________________________ .

The newly synthesized mRNA molecule then travels into the cytoplasm where it is _____________________ into proteins.

DNA -------------------------> mRNA ------------------------------> Protein

Transcription Translation


1. ________________________ is the process of making an identical strand of

DNA and occurs in the nucleus. (1 mark)

2. Protein synthesis refers to the process of using the information encoded in DNA to make proteins and involves two steps: a. __________________________ where DNA is used as a template to make mRNA. (1 mark) b. __________________________ where mRNA is used to direct the synthesis of proteins. (1 mark)

3. Please state where in the cell the following processes occurs (3 marks): a. Replication: ___________________________ b. c.

Transcription: _________________________

Translation: __________________________

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U6L2 NOTES: PROTEIN SYNTHESIS (web notes and video)


 Nitrogenous bases in DNA contain the instructions for making proteins.

 ____________________________________


 Many amino acids make up a protein.

 The code for protein synthesis is transcribed from a DNA _________________ into a molecule called _______________________

________________ (mRNA).

 Once the code is transcribed each set of 3 bases on the ____________________ is

 called a ______________ .

There are ______ possible combinations/codons o o there are 4 possible bases read in groups of three…4 3 = 64

However, we only have about ____ amino acids therefore, most amino acids have more than 1 codon. Often the codons only differ in the last base.

Example: the codons CAA and CAG both code for the amino acid

known as glutamine

 Duplicate codons may be a way of _________________/

________________________ the effects of mutations. The duplication of

 codons is called _____________________________ .

The genetic code is basically " _______________________ " where the same codons stand for the same A.A. in all living things. This suggest that all living things ______________________________________________ .

 AUG which is Methionine is a ______________ , whereas UAA and UAG are

_______________________ . At the end of each mRNA strand there are long chains of ____________________ bases (Adenine Tail). This is so the body can detect that the mRNA is still functional. When enough protein is created the

Adenine tail ________________ . This tells the body that this particular mRNA is

__________________________________ to produce its protein. The cell will then ________________ the no longer functional mRNA (lysosomes will be involved in this process)

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A. The gene in _________ is selected, isolated and uncoiled by the enzymes

_______________ . The gene codes for the ___________________ that will eventually be produced. The Hydrogen bonds between the complimentary base pairs are broken to provide the DNA template.

B. Free-floating ___________________ join complementary to the selected gene on the DNA template. The enzyme RNA

__________________ assists with this.

Remember these two important points:

-The DNA strand is called the _______________

- *** Uracil always joins to Adenine when forming the ________ . There is

no __________ in RNA.

Thymine is only found in


C. The enzyme ___________ glues the alternating sugar-phosphate backbone together.

D. Enzymes break the

_____________ bond that is temporarily formed between the newly synthesized mRNA molecule and the DNA template and then the mRNA is released from the

DNA template. We now have an _________ strand.

E. The __________________ joins back together and the mRNA passes through the nuclear envelope through the nuclear pores into the cytoplasm.

F. DNA recoils back up into its _____________________ with the help of enzymes.



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STEP 1: ___________________ - mRNA becomes associated with a ________________ in the cytoplasm which is made up of ribosomal RNA

(rRNA) and proteins. When the mRNA comes near the two ribosomal subunits, the large subunit

__________________ to the mRNA. The first tRNA's anticodon* then __________________ and binds to the mRNA before the small subunit can attach. Once both subunits are attached a functional complex is formed. Note that each tRNA


__________________________ that is determined based on its anticodon.

* anticodon = a set of 3 nucleotides at the "base" of the tRNA that will bind to a complimentary mRNA codon


STEP 2: _______________________ - A second tRNA comes in, compliments and binds to the second mRNA codon. The ribosome then assists in transferring the amino acid from the ____________________________________________

__________________ , forming a peptide bond between the amino acids in the process. The ribosome then moves down the mRNA by

_____________________ , the first (now empty tRNA) is released and recycled such that it can pick up another amino acid. Meanwhile, a third complimentary tRNA binds to the third mRNA codon and the amino acid transfer, peptidebonding, chain elongation process is continued so on and so forth.


STEP 3: __________________________ - The ribosome continues to read/translate the mRNA strand and a _______________________ chain grows until a _____________________________ is reached. Once the terminator codon is reached the finished polypeptide (protein) is released. The mRNA will then be read by more ribosomes (mass production of identical proteins) or

___________________ . Many ribosomes may be found together,

____________________________ . This group of ribosomes is called a

____________________________ .



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Codon Charts

Please use the codon chart provided to answer the following where the template

DNA strand is: TTA TGC TCC TAA

1. What is the complimentary DNA sequence to the above template sequence?

2. What is the complimentary mRNA sequence to the above template sequence?

3. What amino acid sequence does the above template sequence code for?

4. In order, what would be the sequences of the tRNA anticodons necessary to translate the above template sequence?

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Mutations: Any change in the DNA of an Organism .

Truths about Mutations:

 Most are minor

 Many are harmful

 Some are lethal

 Very few are helpful

 Which types of mutations are these?

Types of Mutations:

 Germ Mutation - occurs in gametes (egg or sperm cells)

 Somatic Mutation - occur in body cells

 Chromosomal Mutations:

1. ___________________________________________________________


2. ________________ ___________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ .

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Gene Mutations:

5. Point mutations - a change in a single nitrogen base in DNA.

6. Frame-shift mutation - the addition or deletion of a nitrogen base, causing the gene sequence to read out of sequence.

Causes of Mutation

Can arise _________________ (due to an unknown cause) or they may be caused by an ______________.

A factor that increases the chance of a mutation is called a ________________

Environmental Mutagens

1. Chemical - food additives


 _______________________________________________


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Radiation - ( __________________________________

____________________________________________ )

 The greater the exposure the greater the risk.

 Suspected mutagens are tested on bacteria and other organisms such as Fruit Flies, and then mammals (rats, mice). If mutations (such as cancer)

 develop, the government restricts its use.

Mutagens that lead to an increased chance of cancer are called _____________________ .

Examples of Mutations

1. DOWN' SYNDROME - A chromosomal translocation

 part of chromosome #21 becomes attached to another chromosome (#'s 12, 14, 15, or 22)

 also have 2 normal chromosome #21


 substitution of a base to produce a different amino

 acid.

 results in abnormal hemoglobin molecules.

 prevalent in African American (10% carry the trait)

 causes decreased ability for the blood to carry oxygen

2 chromosomes: 1 normal and 1 sickle actually protects from Malaria if both chromosomes are sickle, the condition is fatal

3. CANCER - a somatic mutation (affects an individual's body cells)

 results in uncontrolled growth of abnormal body cells that fail to stay in the organ where they arose.

4. HEMOPHILIA - a germ cell mutation (a mutation of the original sex cells)

 passed on to the individual from a previous generation.

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1. Why is the genetic code considered "universal"? (1 mark)

2. Please complete the following table. Replication has been filled out as an example. (8 marks)



Transcription Translation

Overall Process


Key Enzymes nucleus helicase,

DNA polymerase, ligase

Additional Notes involves making a new copy of the entire genome for the purposes of cell division

3. Please list the steps of translation and provide a brief description of each step. (6 marks)

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4. If an enzyme is composed of 687 amino acids, how many bases would the mature mRNA that encoded for it have? (1 mark)

5. The codon table allows you to determine the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide based on the________________ sequence. (1 mark)

6. Use a codon table to determine the amino acid sequence encoded for by the following mRNA sequence. (2 marks) mRNA: AUG GAA GCU ACG

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7. Use a codon table to determine the amino acid sequence encoded for by the following DNA sequence. (3 marks)


8. What would be the sequence of the 4 tRNAs' anticodons, in order, that would be used to translate the following DNA sequence into a protein? (2 marks)


9. A mutagen causes a base pair to be removed from a gene that codes for a protein within a cell. Name the type of mutation and the likely effect of this mutation on protein synthesis. (3 marks)

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10. Choose ONE of the following topics to research and write a paragraph about. (10 marks)

A. Some theories state that mutations are involved in the evolution of life on

Earth. Assuming this is true, describing the difference that a somatic mutation versus a germ mutation would have on future generations.

B. Using internet resources, research one disorder in animals caused by a mutation. Include:

 name of disorder

 description of symptoms/effects of disorder

 specifics of the type of mutation that causes the disorder a diagram/picture of the effects of the disorder

C. Using internet resources, research gene therapy. Include:

 a basic description of what gene therapy is

 some examples of disorders that may be treated by gene therapy

 a description of some of the challenges/limitations face by the field of gene therapy


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1. ________________________ is the process of making an identical strand of DNA and occurs in the nucleus. (1 mark)

2. Protein synthesis refers to the process of using the information encoded in DNA to make proteins and involves two steps: a. __________________________ where DNA is used as a template to make mRNA. (1 mark) b. __________________________ where mRNA is used to direct the synthesis of proteins.

(1 mark)

3. Please state where in the cell the following processes occurs (3 marks): a. Replication: ___________________________ b. Transcription: _________________________ c. Translation: __________________________


1. Why is the genetic code considered "universal"? (1 mark)

= because the same codons code for the same amino acids in all living things

2. Please complete the following table. Replication has been filled out as an example. (8 marks)





Translation mRNA  protein

Overall Process

Location nucleus nucleus cytosol helicase,

DNA polymerase, ligase

RNA polymerase ribosomes

Key Enzymes

Additional Notes involves making a new copy of the entire genome for the purposes of cell division forms immature mRNA that must then be processed to become mature and exit to cytosol requires additional assistance from rRNA (part of the ribosome) and tRNAs which transfer amino acids to the growing aa chain

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3. Please list the steps of translation and provide a brief description of each step. (6 marks)

Step 1. = Initiation where small ribosome subunit binds to start codon of mRNA, the initiator tRNA binds complimentary to the mRNA's start codon and then the large ribosomal subunit binds to the complex such that the initiator tRNA is located in the P site of the ribosome.

Step 2. = Elongation where a second tRNA binds complimentary to the mRNA's second codon such that the second tRNA is located in the A site of the ribosome.

The ribosome catalyzes the transfer of the amino acid from the tRNA in the P site to the tRNA in the A site, forming a peptide bond between the two amino acids.

The ribosome then shifts down the mRNA by a single codon such that the empty tRNA is now in the E site of the ribosome and the tRNA with the growing amino acid chain is now in the P site of the ribosome and the A site is now open and available for a new complimentary tRNA. The empty tRNA exits the E site to be recycled while a new, complimentary tRNA comes into the A site and the entire process is repeated.

Step 3. = Termination where the ribosome encounters a termination codon (stop codon) on the mRNA. A release factor will complimentary bind to the mRNA stop codon such that it is in the A site of the ribosome, when the ribosome goes to transfer the amino acid changing to this release factor it cannot do so and the amino acid chain polypeptide/protein) is released from the ribosomal complex. All other components are released from the complex and may be recycled and used again to produce more copies of the protein.

4. If an enzyme is composed of 687 amino acids, how many bases would the mature mRNA that encoded for it have? (1 mark)

= each codon is coded for by 3 bases so…3 x 687 = 2061 bases

5. The codon table allows you to determine the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide based on the________________ sequence. (1 mark)

6. Use a codon table to determine the amino acid sequence encoded for by the following mRNA sequence. (2 marks) mRNA: AUG GAA GCU ACG

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7. Use a codon table to determine the amino acid sequence encoded for by the following DNA sequence. (3 marks)


8. What would be the sequence of the 4 tRNAs' anticodons, in order, that would be used to translate the following DNA sequence into a protein? (2 marks)


9. A mutagen causes a base pair to be removed from a gene that codes for a protein within a cell.

Name the type of mutation and the likely effect of this mutation on protein synthesis. (3 marks)

= If a single base pair from a gene is removed it is known as a deletion and a frame shift mutation. As the entire reading frame of the gene is shifted, the entire code downstream of the mutation will be translated incorrectly likely leading to a completely non-functional protein. If this protein is essential for cellular function the cell and potentially the organism will die.

10. Choose ONE of the following topics to research and write a paragraph about. (10 marks)

Answers will vary.

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