Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support Crandon School District Elementary RtI Team Functions, Members, and Meeting Schedule Team DLT (District K-12) BLT (Universal Academic/ Behavior Classroom Expectations) Universal Team (Academic/ Behavior Maintenance) Family Engagement Team DATA Team Function Members Meeting Schedule This team meets to discuss and plan staff trainings/in-service, school goals, fidelity of systems in all buildings, and make district improvements when needed. All Levels of Administration Bi-Weekly District Level Employees School Counselors School Psychologist This team meets to discuss and problem solve concerns that arise at the universal level based on data that is shared by the principal, district RtI coach, and/or PBIS internal coach as it relates to the systems in which we operate. Principal Grade Level Reps District RtI Coach Interventionist PBIS Coach SPED Rep This team meets to do fidelity checks on classroom implementation for both academic and behavior, acknowledgment system, and planning for new staff - as well as support at the universal level within the elementary school. Principal Three Grade-Level Teachers District RtI Coach/ Interventionist PBIS Internal Coach External Coach (when available) Paraprofessional This team meets to plan activities throughout the school year that embrace the teachers, parents as well as the community. Principal Grade-Level Teachers Building-Level Coach Paraprofessional This team meets to look at data, including: Analyzing academic and behavioral data (at universal as well as the tier levels and compile for designated teams). Identifying areas/students needing additional support. Inputting/tracking students that are receiving intervention with online data tools. Principal Weekly District RtI Coach Building-Level Coaches (academic and behavior) *K-12 Coaches meet monthly External Coach (when available) Used with permission for Selected/Intensive Level Review Training Bi-Weekly (Held on same weeks as staff meeting for informational reasons) Monthly Bi-Weekly Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support Crandon School District Elementary RtI Team Functions, Members, and Meeting Schedule Team Function Members Meeting Schedule This team meets to discuss and make decisions based on data that is shared from the DATA Team. This team’s function is to: Principal Bi-Weekly District RtI Coach Building-Level Interventionists SPED Rep K-2 Reps 3-5 Reps Behavior Coordinators Principal District RtI Coach Title I Interventionist Student’s Teacher School Psychologist (if needed) SPED Teacher (if needed) Parents School Counselor Tier II/III Intervention Team SAT (Student Assistance Team) Problem-Solving Team Meeting with all K-12 coaches and look at data systemically across the district. * Decide whether to continue, discontinue, modify, and/or add to the current intervention based on academic and behavior data on groups of students. Decide to develop new interventions for different groups of students based on data. Do fidelity checks on group interventions to see if interventions are working. This team meets to look at individual students based on tier II data, classroom (universal) data, and/or any other documentation that has been collected for both academic and behavior concerns. This team membership changes. The people invited to these meetings are based on the student’s need. Used with permission for Selected/Intensive Level Review Training As needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:308:00 am.