Argument Unit -

Argument Unit
Objectives: At the end of the unit students should be able to create a solid argument using
research and rhetorical devices to enable them to enter the scholarly conversation. They
will also be able to understand the usage if argument in everyday life and ways to
construct a solid stance on a given issue
Learning Schedule:
Day 1: Getting in to it
 Learning objectives: Students will understand the usage of argument in scholarly
arenas. They will able be able to analyze arguments effectively using information
from class.
o At the end of this session students should be able to…
 Student Activities:
o Reading: Pages 49-66 The Call to Write
o Discuss the parts of argument, why argument is important and the basic
rhetorical moves of argument
 Evaluation:
o Group work: Read “Abortion is Too Complex” on page 79 The Call to
Write and answer questions about the argument.
o In class writing: Respond to questions about smoking argument, free write
about a potential topic that you are interested in writing about for your
project. Think of what you want to learn about it.
Day 2: The Proposal and other devices
 Learning objectives: Students will be able to compose a research proposal as it
relates to their argument essay. Students will understand how proposals can help
to frame research, start critical thinking, and outline the writing process. Further
students will learn ways to examine arguments using Gerald Graff’s They Say/ I
Say tactics.
 Student Activities:
o Reading: Pages 97-116 in The Little Brown and article on debate topic
 Evaluation:
o Group work: Summarize arguments using tactics discussed
o Free write on an argument topic, proposing questions to spark research
Day 3:How to enter a scholarly conversation!
 Learning objectives: Students will understand how to make scholarly moves to
integrate themselves in to a current scholarly conversation. They will use these
methods in the production of their final argument essay.
 Student Activities:
o Reading: Articles
o Discuss how to enter into a scholarly conversation
 Evaluation:
o Students will work with the articles to summarize the articles and then
enter into the text.
o In class writing: Students will be asked to enter into the text of another
text by themselves.
Day 4:Library Day
 Learning Objectives: Students will learn research strategies for finding sound
scholarly articles, journals and websites about their issue. They will also be able
verbally identify library resources they can use to assist their research.
o Student Activities:
 Meet in Library
o Evaluation:
 Activity: Students must leave class with at least two books,
journals, or articles on their topic.
Day 5:The Debate: Research/knowledge/ I say
 Learning objectives: Students will learn how to analyze arguments and move to
enter into the conversation using the rhetorical moves from our reading. We will
seek to research and understand a controversial issue and then seek to enter into
that conversation.
 Student Activities:
o Reading: Articles on topic
o At the end of the lesson students will asked to bring in an article for and
one against lowering the drinking age. As homework they have to
summarize each argument, point out evidence, and argue the opposite.
These will be used as your research for the debate!
 Evaluation:
o Group work: Students break up in to groups to discuss the readings
o In class writing: Students will use the information they have gained to
respond to an in class writing on the topic given.
Day 6:The Debate: The Full on
 Learning objectives: Students will learn how to actively synthesize information,
analyze arguments, and create a stance. Students will also be able to demonstrate
knowledge on the debate topic and use of strong rhetorical devices.
 Student Activities:
o Reading: Pages
 Evaluation:
o Group work: Students will be divided in to groups and given a stance on
the debate topic. They will have several minutes to construct an argument
and then engage in a debate. They will use the work they gathered the
night before and the articles we have gone over in class.
o In class writing: Students will write briefly about their experiences in the
debate and reflect on what could have been done differently or what went
Day 7:Workshop day
 Learning Objectives:
o Students will learn how to revise and edit argument essay papers looking
specifically at how an argument is constructed and represented.
 Student Activities:
o Students bring 4 copies of their paper to class.
 Evaluation:
o Group Work:
 Round table peer review
o In class writing:
 Peer Review worksheet and questions