Writing Project 3

Tera Mart
Engl 2010
Writing Project 3: Public Profile
“Team Bacci for Bunnies”
When you see tortured animals on television, billboards, or in your ever day life you are
always appalled. You are disgusted with the people that do this to these poor defenseless
animals, but you never really know where you start to help to correct the problem. You see that
the tigers need help, the dogs need help, there are millions of animals across the world that
need our help, but again, where do you start? The answer lies within you. We all have different
motivations, drives, values, etc. Things that inspire us to change, to make a change, and to do
what we do every day. It is within ourselves that we will find the answer to what animal needs
our help the most. In my case it is the rabbits at the Animal Sanctuary.
These are animals that spend the entire life time in a cage that isn’t even big enough for
them to turn around in like, Agnes and Angus who are currently at the Animal Sanctuary
waiting to be adopted out. Or like Ellie and Hawkeye who had to fight for space, food, and
everything else in order to even survive because their old home how too many rabbits in it and
there wasn’t enough to go around. One is now missing an eye and the other has premature
arthritis. Rocky was found alone and without any toes. Many of these animals have been
through such suffering that we cannot even imagine how they feel.
If you picture a rabbit in your mind, what do you see? I see a quiet, furry, little critter
that just likes to hop around and nibble on carrots. I know this is not entirely correct, but for
domesticated rabbits it is pretty close. I could never imagine a domesticated rabbit that has to
fight with other rabbits for food, a rabbit that eats younger rabbits in order to knock off some
mouths that need to be feed and future completion when it comes to fighting for a meal. I
cannot imagine an animal that is kept in a cage and not taken out to let play and run around
and enjoy the feeling of grass underneath it. These animals are friendly, and sweet in nature
and need to be cared for properly, not abused and neglected.
I have never in my life up until this point found any information to lead me to believe
that rabbits have needed our help until now. They are neglected and abused just like all other
animals can be given that the person caring for them is off their rocker and is a cruel person.
This is where places like the Animal Sanctuary come in.
Employees at Best Friends came together and decided on running a half marathon.
Three veterinarians Dr. Patti Lampietro, Dr Deb Nicholson, and Dr. Tara Timpson committed
themselves to run in the half marathon and got together the necessary application to go ahead
and do it. After winning the “marathon lottery” and being able to actually set up the half
marathon they set out to gather all of the raised money and donate it to the rabbits at the
Animal Sanctuary.
It was a vet tech Ann Wlshko who came up with the idea of where to establish the
reason for running. She named the team: “Team Bacci for Bunnies”, taking the name Bacci from
her pet dog and bunnies to focus the funds on. Bunnies don’t get a lot of attention in the public
spotlight and are more times than not short changed when it comes to receiving valuable
Bestfriends.org has thousands of ways that you can help, not just the bunnies, but all of
the animals. Whether it’s donating some of your time, money, or by giving an animal a home, it
all helps. This is just one example of how one person gave light to an idea that made a
difference. Not only within themselves, but within me and I’m hoping within you.
You cannot always help everyone, but you can at least help someone. Whether it’s
participating in a marathon and giving your time, energy, and physical strength to help support
what you believe in. Or simply making a small donation to a cause that you care about, it’s
making a difference. Showing that you care is the first step to making an impact. Always look
around and don’t forget the little guy. Tomorrow when the sun rises they will set off to
accomplish their goal, help the bunnies. What’s your goal?
Works Cited
“Running for Rabbits” Utah Best Friends. 2010. Web. March 5,2010.
“Sponser a bunny” Best Friends Sponsorships. 2010. Web. March 19, 2010.