Canty Network 30 May notes

National Dementia Cooperative
Canterbury Dementia Network
Meeting 30 May 2013
Following introduction of those present (see attendance and apology lists below), a brief overview of the National Dementia Cooperative and
the Wellington Dementia Network, it was felt that a Christchurch Network would be valuable. ElderCare Canterbury (ECC) is a good model. This
Network would be a dementia specific version of ECC. Discussion covered:
What relevant networks and resources exist now?
Canterbury Clinical Network – Aged Care Workstream, ElderCare Canterbury, Outpatient Health provider forum, Cognitive Impairment
Pathway (on HealthPathways), HealthInfo website, WebHealth, Community Information Christchurch (CINCH), Eldernet, Alzheimers, NZ Aged
Care Association (NZACA)
Who should be invited?
Rather than be a Christchurch network, it will be a Canterbury network and cover the CDHB area. The Westcoast DHB might also want to be
invited (Marja to follow up with Jo Gilsenan). Services invited will include clinical, social, community, NGOs, assistive technology, city council…
How often will the network meet?
Every two months. There was discussion about how to link in with ECC, whether to have the meetings on the same day. It was decided to have
the Dementia Network meetings in the months that ECC does not meet. For the rest of this year that would be July, September and November
Where shall we meet?
The seminar room at Presbyterian Support may be available; Marg Miller will organise and circulate some options.
What would be the purpose of the Dementia Network meetings?
Enhance patient-centred care by increasing awareness of other services. Share best practice. Run ideas past each other. Advocate for patients.
Work together towards new developments. Build on/extend services that already exist. Encourage each other. Issues mentioned included:
legal issues, carer support, family support, adequate support in the early stages, ensuring patients get information in a way they can
understand (health literacy), more services that meet the needs of younger people with dementia, awareness and early identification for
National Dementia Cooperative
workers who come into contact with people who are showing early signs of dementia. Please send through any other ideas. Meeting notes will
be forwarded to ECC.
Who will facilitate?
A facilitation team was felt to be a good idea. The following people volunteered: Marg Miller, Chris Webster, Gillian Robinson, Darral Campbell,
and Jane Rollings or Caroline van Tulder.
Next meeting
A Tuesday in July, from 3 to 4.30. Marg will email some options. Facilitation team will set the agenda. The group is interested in presentations
from Medication Management Service; Cognitive Impairment Pathway (Michael Thwaites); NZ Dementia Care Pathway Framework; projects in
other areas.
Name and position
Adrienne Taylor
HealthCare NZ
Caroline van Tulder, Clinical Nurse Manager Homecare Services
Nurse Maude
Catherine Smithson, Fall prevention
Presbyterian Support
Chris Webster, manager
Anglican Living Fitzgerald
Christine Fraser, Area Manager
IDEA services
Donna Hahn, Primary care liaison
Canterbury Clinical Network
Elizabeth Hamilton, Social Worker, Ward K1, TPMH,
Esther Perriam, Operations manager
Eldernet and care publications
Evelyn Mackenzie, unit manager
Anglican Living Fitzgerald
Gillian Robinson
Healthcare Compliance
Canterbury Medication
Gareth Frew, Mobile Pharmacist
Management Service
Ginny Brailsford, Primary care liaison
Jane Rollings, Residential and Hospice Palliative Service Manager
Katrina Aitken, Speech-Language Therapist, PSE
Lara Hitchcock, RN Memory Clinic
Canterbury Clinical Network
Nurse Maude
National Dementia Cooperative
Lisa Giles, Clinical Facilitator
Canterbury Medication
Management Service
Maree McGovern, Social Worker
Marg Miller, Day Programmes Manager
Margaret Schwass
Marja Steur, national coordinator
Melissa Westerink, Care liaison officer
Michael Thwaites, Primary care liaison
Nicky Jonker, Pharmacist
Sarah Sharp, social worker PSE
Sheryl Haywood, Gerontology Nurse Specialist
Trish Williams, Clinical adviser
Vicky Jones, Strategy and Organisational Development Manager
Vivienne Boyd, Education coordinator
Caring for Carers Inc
Presbyterian Support
IDEA services
National Dementia
Care on Call
Canterbury Clinical Network
HealthCare NZ
Dementia Care NZ
Alzheimers Canterbury
Name and position
Alan Beasley, Dementia Educator
Anne Morgan, Practice Advisor
Annette Howard, Professional Leader Speech Language Therapy
Chris Sinclair, Nurse specialist, SixtyFive ALIVE Seniors AOD Service
Hospice NZ
Christine Wyles, Clinical Educator
Donya Nee, Vision Development Coordinator, Management Team
Gill Odell, National manager Learning & Development
Gillian Pearce, Facilitator HOPSLA
Canterbury University
Dementia Care NZ
Henrietta Trip, RN, lecturer
Odyssey House Trust
IDEA Services
South Island Alliance Programme
Centre for postgraduate nursing
National Dementia Cooperative
Jackie Cooper, Care Coordinator
Burwood Integrated Family
Health Centre
Jenny Keightley, Clinical leader primary care
Canterbury Clinical Network
Radius Care St Winifreds
Kathy Toumazou, manager
Kaye Gilhooley, Education manager
Kiri McKenzie, North Island Regional manager
Lois Thomas, Manager
HealthEd Trust
Ryman Health care
Lincoln & Districts Community
Rosewood Resthome &
Lucie Kaal, General manager
Matthew Croucher, Psychiatrist of old age
Nic McKenzie
Robyn Bayly, Primary Care Liaison
Rose Blair, Care manager
Susan Bowness, Village Mgr Anthony Wilding
Susan Gee, Lead Researcher, Psychiatric Services for the Elderly
Academic Unit
Vicky Lucas, Community Services Manager
Ryman Healthcare
Canterbury Clinical Network
Strathallan Life Care Timaru
Enliven Presbyterian Support
Expressed an interest
Caroline Downey, Local Service Manager senior services
Claire Tovey, nurse manager
Lisa Cowie, Teamleader Community Programmes
Melissa Stanley
Regan Jackson, Local Service Manager senior services
Ministry of Social
Adriel Resthome Amberley
St John
Vaka Tautua
Ministry of Social
National Dementia Cooperative