Coach practice profile

Practice Profile
Foundations of Math
Name: MI^2 / Kate Fanelli Date: June 2015
Focused Practice: Support ongoing implementation and improvement of practices learned in Foundations of Math, including using
number sense to communicate about, and build understanding of, mathematics in a coherent manner.
Clearly Defined Outcome/s for this Practice:
Consistent and sustained implementation of new practices with fidelity at the classroom level.
Instruction aligned with implementation goals.
Teachers using data and self-reflection to inform instructional decisions.
participation in the
Ideal “Gold Standard” of
the Critical Component
Participates in the full training
(five full days and satisfactory
scores on all assignments)
whenever coachees go through
the training.
Emerging Practice
(Acceptable Variation) of
the Critical Component
Participates in the full training (five
full days and satisfactory scores
on all assignments) whenever 3 or
more of their coachees are going
through the training.
Unacceptable Variation of
the Critical Component
Does not participate in the full
Does not receive satisfactory scores
on all assignments.
Sends groups of 3 or more teachers
to the training on their own.
All coaches are part of the
implementation team.
One or more coach is part of the
implementation team.
There are no coaches on the
implementation team.
Coaches on the implementation
team attend 100% of the
meetings and contribute to 100%
of the implementation team
Coaches on the implementation
team attend 100% of the
imeetings and contribute to at
least 80% of the meetings, and
when they cannot attend, make
sure there is at least one coach (if
applicable) who can attend.
Coaches on the implementation
team attend fewer than 80% of the
implementation team meetings,
and/or contribute to fewer than 80%
of the meetings.
In settings where some coaches
are not on the implementation
team, coaches not on the team
communicate with the coach on
the team to make sure all
perspectives are being included.
Uses course content to engage
in reflective and collegial
conversations during and after
Uses course content to engage in
reflective and collegial
conversations during and after the
Uses course content to engage in
reflective and collegial
conversations inconsistently or in
the training, including 100% of
coaching sessions.
Assist in goal setting
and progress
monitoring regarding
instruction and how
it relates to student
outcomes and
teacher behavior
Ideal “Gold Standard” of
the Critical Component
Assists teachers in setting goals
informed by data and that
support school improvement or
personal professional goals
100% of the time.
Keeps discussion objective and
non-judgmental 100% of the time
(e.g. “I noticed that 2 students
were not participating,” or “Every
pair of students had something
to share during the discussion.”)
training, including 90% of
coaching sessions.
Emerging Practice
(Acceptable Variation) of
the Critical Component
Assists teachers in setting goals
informed by data and that support
school improvement or personal
professional goals 80% of the
Keeps discussion objective and
non-judgmental 80% of the time,
with up to 20% of subjective
conversation focused on the work,
not the person. (e.g. “I thought the
subtraction unit was confusing,” or
“I like how the students stay
less than 90% of coaching
Unacceptable Variation of
the Critical Component
Allows teachers to set goals without
considering data, evidence, school
improvement goals, or personal
professional goals or does not
utilize goal setting for coaching.
Uses judgments or subjectivity more
than 80% of the time when
discussing goal setting and
progress toward goals.
Possesses strong mathematical
understanding, and/or, when
uncertain about mathematical
authority, seeks to learn more.
Offers feedback regarding math that
is inaccurate.
When mathematical errors, on
the part of the teacher of student,
are identified, corrections occur
100% of the time.
Is unable to provide feedback
related to The Components of
Number Sense.
Engages in difficult discussions
Informs the teacher that he/she is
not a math person and will not be
able to comment on anything
Engages in difficult discussions
Avoids or does not have difficult
when conflict arises with the
coachee 100% of the time.
Utilize the
Partnership Principle
in interactions with
Impact, Jim Knight,
2011, Chapter 2)
Stay focused on
fidelity of
around practices
learned through new
confidentiality in the
Ideal “Gold Standard” of
the Critical Component
Utilizes Partnership Principles
100% of the time.
Ideal “Gold Standard” of
the Critical Component
Utilizes and/or refers to
information, techniques, tools
established and learned in the
training during debriefs with
coachee 100% of the time.
Ideal “Gold Standard” of
the Critical Component
Coach maintains confidentiality,
per the coaching agreement,
100% of the time, but may
occasionally ask coachee’s
permission to share information
with others for educational
when conflict arises with the
coachee 90% of the time.
Emerging Practice
(Acceptable Variation) of
the Critical Component
Utilizes Partnership Principles
90% of the time.
Emerging Practice
(Acceptable Variation) of
the Critical Component
Utilizes and/or refers to
information, techniques, tools
established and learned in the
training during debriefs with
coachee 80% of the time.
Emerging Practice
(Acceptable Variation) of
the Critical Component
conversations when conflict arises
with the coachee.
Unacceptable Variation of
the Critical Component
Utilizes Partnership Principles less
than 90% of the time.
Unacceptable Variation of
the Critical Component
Utilizes and/or refers to information,
techniques, tools established and
learned in the training during
debriefs with coachee less than
80% of the time.
Unacceptable Variation of
the Critical Component
Coach does not maintain
confidentiality, per the coaching
agreement, 100% of the time.
Meets regularly with
the principals
Ideal “Gold Standard” of
the Critical Component
Meets regularly (minimally once
a month) with the building
administrator to see where
coach(es) and staff may need
support and make sure the
partnership agreement is being
Emerging Practice
(Acceptable Variation) of
the Critical Component
Meets regularly (minimally every
other month) with the building
administrator to see where
coach(es) and staff may need
support and make sure the
partnership agreement is being
Unacceptable Variation of
the Critical Component
Principal is coach
Makes a standing appointment with
the building administrator but does
not always keep them, or cuts them
Uses the appointment to evaluate
Signs a coaching agreement with Signs a coaching agreement with
the building administrator and
the building administrator and
meets the conditions in it 100%
meets the conditions in it 90%.
of the time.
Regularly meets with
Emerging Practice
(Acceptable Variation) of
the Critical Component
Coaches engage in coaching
Coaches engage in coaching
sessions twice a month for
sessions once a month for
approximately 80 minutes
approximately 80 minutes
including pre-conference (20
including pre-conference (20
minutes), observation (full
minutes), observation (full lesson,
lesson, times will vary), and post- times will vary), and postconference (20 minutes).
conference (20 minutes).
Ideal “Gold Standard” of
the Critical Component
Is assigned to a building
administrator but either does not
sign, or does not meet conditions in,
a coaching agreement.
Unacceptable Variation of
the Critical Component
Coaches meet less than once a
month and/or for less than 80
Meetings do not include a preconference, observation, and postconference.
100% of the teachers are
engaged in the coaching
Maintains clearly
defined roles with
coachees and
Ideal “Gold Standard” of
the Critical Component
Establishes roles before
coaching begins and maintains
roles throughout the coaching.
80% of the teachers are engaged
in the coaching process.
Emerging Practice
(Acceptable Variation) of
the Critical Component
Establishes and maintains roles
by the end of the first coaching
session and maintains roles
throughout the coaching.
Coach works with fewer than 80%
of the participants.
Unacceptable Variation of
the Critical Component
Establishes and maintains roles
informally, or does not define the
Collects necessary signatures on Collects necessary signatures on
the Coaching Agreement before the Coaching Agreement by the
coaching begins.
end of the first coaching session.
May distribute the Coaching
Agreement, but does not collect
necessary signatures on it.
Always engages in difficult
conversations when roles
deviate from the coaching
agreement (does so 100% of the
Usually engages in difficult
conversations when roles deviate
from the coaching agreement
(does so 80% of the time), but
maintains professionalism and
adheres to the Coaching
Agreement 100% of the time.
Rarely engages in difficult
conversations when roles deviate
from the coaching agreement (does
so less than 80% of the time),
and/or maintains professionalism
and adheres to the Coaching
Agreement less than 100% of the
Ideal “Gold Standard” of
the Critical Component
Participates in
Attends 100% of (Mi)2 coaching
ongoing training with events.
(Mi)^2 to receive and
Reflects on professional practice
Emerging Practice
(Acceptable Variation) of
the Critical Component
Attends 90% of (Mi)2 coaching
Attends fewer than 90% of (Mi)2
coaching events.
Reflects on professional practice
Reflects on professional practice
Unacceptable Variation of
the Critical Component
and contributes to a community
of learners via the Coaches
Network monthly.
and contributes to a community of
learners via the Coaches Network
and contributes to a community of
learners via the Coaches Network
less than bi-monthly.
Receives feedback on his/her
coaching in a constructive
manner, including adjusting
practice where applicable, 100%
of the time.
Receives feedback on his/her
coaching in a constructive
manner, including adjusting
practice where applicable, 90%,
or more, of the time.
Receives feedback on his/her
coaching in a constructive manner,
including adjusting practice where
applicable, less than 90% of the