GIS-BASED VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS AND MULTI-CRITERIA EVALUATION FOR AN URBAN PLANNING CASE: THE STUDY OF CAMPUS DO VALE – UFRGS, SOUTHERN BRAZIL Tatiana S. da Silva Flávia C. Farina Ricardo N. Ayup-Zouain Institute of Geosciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Agronomia, Porto Alegre, CEP 91509-900, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Abstract The pace, magnitude and spatial reach of human activities make the society increasingly dependent on environmental and urban planning solutions, in order to minimize its vulnerability to natural disasters and extreme events. Urbanization and population migration toward urban centers are among the most drastic drivers of human-induced alterations of the ecological systems. Porto Alegre, the capital of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil, and neighboring cities have experienced an intense urbanization process, leading to drainage problems, congested traffic, unsuitable housing, and a lack of water treatment facilities and other amenities. Therefore, the environmental vulnerability of this area is highly controlled by rainfall and urban flood risk. The social and economic consequences of environmental incidents are particularly damaging in the area, due to the great amount of inhabitants and the concentration of economic outputs. Then, the goal of the present study is to build integrated spatial decision support tools based on geographic information systems (GIS) and multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) to objectively identify priority locations for flood risk management and urban planning in the surrounding basin of the Campus do Vale (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) and related micro watersheds. The GIS-based hydrological model used to spatially define the relative flood risk incorporates a digital elevation model and also rainfall and soil infiltration potential data to calculate flow direction and accumulation. The flood risk image joins flow accumulation and distance from watercourses data. The urban suitability, in the other hand, is based on a multi-criteria evaluation. Urban suitability is considered inversely proportional to flood risk, in a linear fashion. Absolute constraints to urban development comprise the occurrence of environmental preservation areas, water bodies, urban areas, and slopes higher than 30%. The resulting image is a map showing the relative suitability to urban development, excluding the areas legally forbidden or impossible to develop. The flood risk model gives us a hint about what areas should be the focus of concern in the case of extreme rainfall events. It also can be used as a scenario generation tool, prospecting the effect of land use and climate changes on hydrological vulnerability. The urban suitability model merges flood risk elements with urban constraints. Additional criteria, if necessary, can be included to the model. The resulting maps of urban suitability are intended to support environmental management and development planning of the surrounding micro basin of the Campus do Vale and related micro watersheds. Introduction The pace, magnitude and spatial reach of human activities make the society increasingly dependent on environmental and urban planning solutions, in order to minimize its vulnerability to natural disasters and extreme events. Urbanization and population migration toward urban centers are a global phenomenon (Jain e Subbaiah, 2007). They are one of the most drastic drivers of human-induced alterations of the ecological systems. Porto Alegre, the capital of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil, comprises almost one million and a half inhabitants, corresponding to 13% of the state population. We find the same concentration process regarding production: the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Porto Alegre was about 37% billion of Brazilian Real in 2008, corresponding to 18% of the state production in the same period (FEE, 2011). Porto Alegre lies by the Guaíba Lake. The geological/geomorphologic evolution of the region resulted in two different landscapes: one is characterized by a rough relief, and the other consists in a coastal plain, resulting from the sea level variations during the Holocene. Drainage problems, caused by the intense urbanization together with unsuitable land use and extreme meteorological events, increase the environmental vulnerability in certain locations and, consequently, the flood risk and incident rate. Therefore, the environmental vulnerability of Porto Alegre and surrounding cities is highly controlled by rainfall and urban flood risk. The social and economic consequences of environmental incidents are particularly damaging in the area, due to the great amount of inhabitants and the concentration of economic outputs. Thus, the definition of high-risk areas in these cities is fundamental in adapting to global changes and planning development. The Campus do Vale (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) and associated micro watersheds is a diverse area in terms of geomorphology, soils, and land use (figure 1). As a result, different levels of hydrological risk and urban suitability are expected. The rapid population increase and associated economic changes apply an ever-increasing pressure to the urban environment, leading to drainage problems, congested traffic, unsuitable housing, and a lack of water treatment facilities and other amenities. In spite of a number of efforts made by hydrological modelers in the region, there is a lack of a decision support framework, integrating multi-source spatial data, providing visual tools for stakeholders to better understand how flood risk and urban suitability can affect decision policy. In this context, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has excelled in the development of hydrological models. Beyond the conventional models of flow direction and accumulation, GIS is capable of generate vulnerability and suitability indexes, based on map algebra and spatial modeling, point areas at high-risk of flooding or highly suitable for development. GIS, remote sensing and numerical modeling techniques have been proved to be efficient tools to assess urban development suitability (Dong et al., 2008). Whereas Remote Sensing is an unique data source, GIS spatial modeling allows to establish multiple analytical approaches to assess local suitability. Thus, the goal of the present work is to assess flood vulnerability and urban suitability of the Campus do Vale and associated micro watersheds based on GIS and Remote Sensing in order to support the decision making process of the University. Figure 1. Study area. Methodology A flood risk and urban suitability models were built to support the planning process of the UFRGS Campus do Vale and surrounding areas. The GIS hydrologic model (Idrisi Taiga) used to define areas at flood risk was based in the algorithm proposed by Jenson and Domingue (1988). Unlike other GIS hydrologic models, based only on elevation data, water infiltration rates are also included to calculate flow direction and accumulation. Hydrologic soil groups, or HSGs, along with land use, management practices, and hydrologic conditions, determine a soil's associated runoff curve number. A HSG is a group of soils having the same runoff potential under similar storm and cover conditions. The A group consists in soils with low runoff potential, having high infiltration rates (higher than 7.6 mm/hour) even when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of deep, well drained to excessively well-drained sands or gravels. The B group has moderate infiltration rates (between 3.8 to 7.6 mm/hour) even when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well drained to well drained soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. The C group has slow infiltration rates (between 1.3 to 3.8 mm/hour) and consists in chiefly of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water, or soils with moderately fine to fine textures. The D group has a high runoff potential, very slow infiltration rates (lower than 1.3 mm/hour) and consists in chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and shallow soils over nearly impervious material. The average infiltration rates were used to build the flood risk model, in combination to the soil map (produced by EMBRAPA, 1999). The initial absorption values were based on the runoff curve numbers (adapted from Tucci, 2007) and the land use and cover map built by Buffon et al. (2011). Urban areas were assumed to be impermeable, that means, a null infiltration rate. The same is assumed for water bodies. The maximum 24-h rainfall value of 149,6 mm was used as precipitation input, based on historical data recorded by INMET – 8° DISME. The resulting flow accumulation image was reclassified by equal intervals in five classes (very low to very high flow accumulation). Each class was isolated in a Boolean image and the Euclidian distance from the related water courses were calculated. The flood risk due to flow accumulation was considered inversely related to the multiplication between the distance images of each flow accumulation class and the digital elevation model (obtained from SRTM images), based on a linear function. Weights from 5 to 1 were assigned to the flow accumulation classes proportionally to the amount of water accumulation. The urban suitability, on the other hand, depends on multiple criteria following different mathematical relationships with the object of analysis. A geographic information system (GIS) is capable of modeling and analyzing various types of spatial data and provides options to assess site suitability of multi-criteria nature for developmental purposes (Aly, 2005). The flood risk and the preservation areas occurrence are among the most important factors that enhance or detract urban suitability. Porto Alegre master plan also poses legal constraints on urban development. A multi-criteria evaluation of these factors together was undertaken to assess the urban suitability of the Campus do Vale and surrounding basin. Flood risk is a fuzzy factor in our decision support frame. Urban suitability is inversely related to flood risk based on a linear function. The occurrence of preservation areas, on the other hand, is a constraint, so these areas are excluded from consideration. Besides, the Porto Alegre master plan states that no development may proceed on slopes exceeding a 30% gradient. Thus the water bodies, urban areas, slopes higher than 30%, and preservation areas area not available for development. They are constraints in our decision support frame. Therefore, the urban suitability model is based on one factor (flood risk) and four constraints (high slopes, preservation areas, urban areas, and water bodies). The slope image was created from a digital elevation model (DEM) using a context operator. DEM was derived from a SRTM image (Suttle Radar Topography Mission), obtained from the Global Land Cover Facility ( The source of the preservation areas, water bodies, and urban areas data sets is the mapping work of Buffon (2011). The decision rule was defined by an inverse linear relationship to flood risk, and the exclusion of areas designed as constraints. The lasts, excluded from consideration, are coded with a zero. Those areas opened for consideration are coded with a suitability score. The result is a map of relative suitability of an area for urban development, excluded the areas legally forbidden or impossible to develop. Results The flood risk image (figure 2) is the result of a 24h simulation, considering the spatial variation of water infiltration rates and the worst scenario of rainfall (maximum 24-h rainfall value of historical records). Note that higher values of risk are found in built-up areas, which decreased soil permeability. The urban suitability is a continuous index, varying from 0 to 1. However, the urban suitability image was classified in very low, moderate, high and very high risk for a better understanding of the results (Figure 3). A considerable part of the study area has a high urban suitability. Low suitability values are restricted to the west part of the study area, highly urbanized, and to those near the entrance of the Campus do Vale. The rest of the area, without overlaid maps, is unsuitable to urban development. It is worthy to mention that the constraints do not include the occurrence of native woods, which cover significantly suitable areas for development according to our urban suitability model. Native wood suppression is only admitted with the environmental agency authorization, if necessary to provide public facilities or to develop projects of social interest. Figure 2. Flood risk map. Figure 3. Urban suitability map. Conclusion The control and prediction of flooding is one of the greatest challenges of humanity today, given the current scenario of global changes and human intervention on environment. The surrounding basin of Campus do Vale is increasingly urbanized, altering the hydrological patterns. In this scenario, flood incidents are expected to become oftener and more severe. Urban areas comprise about 2900 ha of the study area. Only 100 ha of these belong to the Campus do Vale. As new land changes or development plans take place, or even if historical rainfall values change, the flood risk model can be updated so that the hydrological impact of new land use patterns can be assessed. The urban suitability model combines flood susceptibility and urban development constraints. New criteria can be included and the inputs updated, if necessary. The model was built to help the decisionmaking process of the Campus do Vale and its areas of environmental influence, defined by micro watersheds. Besides, both GIS-based models are highly applicable to the environmental policy in Brazil. These are local examples that can be replicated on other scales and contribute to information systems, environmental plans, and environmental zoning, among others instruments. Besides, they can be useful in building and adapting master plans as well as municipal environmental plans. Bibliography Aly, M., J.R. Giardino, and A.G. Klein. 2005. A GIS approach to model geohazards for suitability assessment of New Minia City, Egypt. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience XI:259-269. Buffon, P., Farina, F., Ayup-Zouain, R.N., Silva, T.S. 2011. Aplicação de técnicas de geoprocessamento na delimitação e avaliação da qualidade ambiental das Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) no entorno do Campus do Vale da UFRGS. 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