MEDSTAR HEALTH RESEARCH INSTITUTE INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE Annual Continuation/Termination Form: Recombinant DNA and Biohazardous Agent Research Principal Investigator: Department: Phone: E-mail: Project Title (if applicable): Funding Agency (if applicable): Identify Biohazardous Material(s): IBC approval number: Please check the appropriate response. I request continued IRB approval of my use/possession of biohazardous material(s) described above (Complete sections A-C below, as appropriate) OR I request termination of IBC approval (Complete Section C below). Describe when and how biohazardous material(s) identified above were disposed of: A. GENERAL INFORMATION The proposed research is continuing without modification. The proposed research is continuing with minor modification If so, please explain briefly below. Will the principal investigator change? □ Yes □ No Will the Risk Group change? □ Yes □ No Will the Biosafety Level (BSL) change? □ Yes □ No Will the type or amount of biohazardous material(s) change? □ Yes □ No IBC Continuing Review Form, Version 1, 1/23/2012 Will the biohazardous material(s) be moved to another laboratory? □ Yes □ No Will the use of the biohazardous material(s) change? □ Yes □ No NOTE: Please be aware that substantial modifications require a new application. If the answer to any of the above questions is YES, you must submit an amended IBC application to the IBC for approval before making these changes. B. ADVERSE EVENTS Have any adverse events occurred since the IBC approval or last request for continuation? □ Yes □ No If so, was an adverse event form submitted and appropriate federal agencies notified, as □ required under the NIH Guidelines? Yes Please attach a copy of all AE reports submitted. □ No C. Certification I certify that the above information accurately describes the current status of biohazardous materials that were previously approved by the IBC. I understand that I must resubmit a new IBC Application form in the event my use of or amount of biohazardous material(s) changes or is I wish to being using biohazardous materials again. ____________________________________________ Signature of Principal Investigator _______________ Date ____________________________________________ Signature of Department Chair ______________ Date Continuation Number: ____________ Biosafety Level: ______________ Signature of IBC Chair: ___________________________ IBC Continuing Review Form, Version 1, 1/23/2012 Date: ________________