St. Teresa Ministry Pamphlet - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Ministries
Adoration Eucharistic - Adoration is held every Wed from 12 noon
ending at 5:40 pm with Benediction. Adoration is our Eucharistic devotion
in which we acknowledge God’s sacramental presence among us.
Everyone is welcomed & encouraged to come during Adoration for
personal quite prayer, spiritual reading, or meditation before the Most
Blessed Sacrament. If you are able to commit to an hour Adoration every
week, please contact Bob to be added to the schedule at 812-637-1657
Altar Servers - Servers assist the priest at Mass and help to make the
liturgy more beautiful. A person needs to have received their first
communion to serve at Mass. Normally, servers are elementary and
high school students, but this is not a hard and fast rule. Servers are
scheduled for weekend Masses and Holy days, but are welcome to ask
to serve at any Mass. They also assist at funerals, weddings, and at
Adoration/Benediction. Specific training is required. Contact: Mike
Lienesch at, 812-656-8700
Bereavement Committee -When there is a funeral / calling at church,
we help by guiding the line along, answering question, have people
sign in, give out remembrance cards and whatever the funeral director
needs us to do. We clean up church when they are finished and help at
the parish center when the wake is there. After the funeral, we stay in
touch with the family by phone calls or sending cards. We try to be
there for the family in whatever way they may need. Contact: Ursula
Eckstein at, 812-637-5601
Boy Scouts - Any young man in 6-12 grade is welcome to join Boy
Scout Troop 692. Scouts will learn responsible citizenship, character
development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range
of outdoor activities, educational, and career-oriented programs. The
Scout program instills the values such as trustworthiness, reverence,
good citizenship, and outdoor skills, through a variety of activities.
We are active at St. Teresa parish community and our Eagle Scout
projects have benefited North Dearborn Conservation Club, Bright
Elementary, ND Food Pantry, Hidden Valley and Bright Meadows
Park. Meetings are Thu 6:30PM-8:00PM in the PCC. Contact:
Scoutmaster KC Witte at 812-537-2484 or
Bridges - A contemplative living group based on some of the writings
of Thomas Merton who was a Trapist monk and priest from a
Gethsemane Abbey in Kentucky. This is open to anyone who wants to
deepen their spiritual journey, by sharing their faith. There are
currently 4 groups, and one group has been meeting for 8 years. The
groups meet at various times. Contact: Mary Jean Wethington at 513706-0565
Children’s Rosary - The Children’s Rosary is a lay prayer movement
for children. It is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups
composed of children and led by children. We meet the first Tuesday
of the month after 6:00 Mass. Contact: Catherine Dehne at, 812-637-0462
Choir / Cantor / Liturgical Musician - Music plays a vital role in
the Mass. Through its beauty in words and sound we are drawn
deeper into the mystery of God. Our cantors and choir lead the
congregation in song and prayer. A brief meeting with the Music
Director is required to help determine your best role in this ministry.
Contact: Mike Lienesch at, 812-656-8700
Church Greeters - Greeters are stationed at each door to welcome
and assist people entering and leaving the church. This ministry can
be done by individuals or as a family. There are no specific
requirements for this ministry other than the person needs to be
mature enough to genuinely help and greet people when they enter
and leave the church.Contact: Mike Lienesch at,
Cub Scouts - Helping boys to become useful and stable individuals
who are aware of their own potential. Helping a boy to learn the
value of his own worth is the greatest gift we can give him. Cub
scouting doesn't emphasize winning as an end result, but rather the far
more demanding task of doing one's best. Contact: Ed Harrill at 859-816-2441
Daughters of Isabella - We are composed of Catholic women from
the parishes of St. Lawrence, St. Mary and St. Teresa that meets the
second Monday of every month at 7:15PM at St. Lawrence Church
Undercroft. The St. Florentine Circle # 267 supports the following
organizations and projects locally: St. Lawrence School Scholarship
Program, The Pregnancy Care Center, The YES Home, We Care
Packages, Warm The Children, and Annual Christmas Project.
Contact: Jennifer Hughes at 812-637-2317
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers - Extraordinary Eucharistic
ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. They are
trained ministers who are scheduled for various Masses. To serve as a
Eucharistic minister you must have received the sacraments of first
communion and confirmation and also be a member of the Catholic
Church in good standing. Specific training is required. Contact:
Michelle Aston or Mike Lienesch at Phone:
Festival Committee - A great directed interaction of the entire parish to
bring about financial assistance and service to and for St. Teresa Benedicta
Parish. Contact: Margie Metz at, 513-202-1354
Food Pantry - The pantry provides food & clothing for adults &
children, holiday food distribution, “Giving Tree” program at
Christmas, Back to School backpacks, help in locating furniture &
appliances and a “pamper day” for female patrons. We are in need of
volunteers to help in a number of areas. i.e.: Sorting donated items,
planting a garden, volunteer during regular pantry hours, shopper,
truck driver or truck driver assistant. Please visit our website to
volunteer or call the parish office.
Contact: Teresa Badinghaus at, 812-656-8700
Homebound Ministry -Serving all the families of St. Teresa Benedicta of
the Cross, our homebound ministry provides services to those who are
“homebound” due to acute or chronic illness. This includes those who
have recently had surgery, those who are in nursing homes, as well as
those who are homebound due to a chronic illness or condition. These
visits include prayer and hospitality, and if desired, reception of Holy
Communion. Contact: Steve Tsuleff at, 513-885-0464
Knights of Columbus - The Knights are a grassroots organization
which has charitable programs and activates for the local area. Our
five core areas are as follows: church, community, council, family,
and youth. The Knight's philosophy calls for fund raising and
distribution to our five areas. Contact: Jim Pierce - Grand Knight at, 812-623-5125
Ladies Quilting Group - The Ladies Sewing Group is an extension
of St. Teresa's Ladies Sodality. We meet once a month on the third
Wednesday from 10 AM - 3 PM in the PCC. No sewing experience is
needed as there are many activities from ironing, cutting fabric and
assembling project. All completed items are donated to the parish for
fund raising events or to other organizations. Contact: Pat Holbrock at or by calling the parish office at 812-6568700
Lectio Divina Group - Lectio Divina groups at St. Teresa delve into the
Sunday Mass readings. Together we read, meditate, pray, and
contemplate. Sometimes we talk and sometimes we just listen. Lectio
Divina makes God’s Word come alive. New members always welcomed.
Leader: JohnPaddenburg Sun 4:30pm-6pm,,
Leaders: Lisa and Jeff Brand Wed 6:45 pm,,
Leader: Diane Helcher Wed 9-10:30am,,
Little Flower Girls - Little Flowers Girls' Club is a Catholic club for
girls ages 5 and up that teaches virtues through scripture, saints'
biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We meet
every Tuesday 5:5:45 in the PCC. Contact: Catherine Dehne at, 812-637-0462
Love in Action - We prepare and serve a meal for members of St.
Teresa Parish, following the funeral Mass at St. Teresa, in the PCC.
Contact: Margie Metz at, 513-202-1354
Prayer Chain - The Prayer Chain is a group of parishioners that pray on a
daily basis for those names listed in the prayer requests section of the
bulletin. The names are sent to me by phone or email and I pass them on to
the members of the Prayer Chain either by phone or email. New names
stay on the list for six weeks unless I am called and asked to keep them on.
Any parishioner is welcome to join the Prayer Chain.
Contact: John Scholle at, 812-637-1357
Preschool - We offer a half-day preschool program, weekdays, Labor
Day through Memorial Day. Our preschool promotes social and
academic development for 3 to 5 year olds in a joy-filled, vibrant
Catholic school environment. For more information, please view the
preschool tabs on the parish web site,
Contact: Lisa Brand at, 812-656-8700
Readers - At weekend and Holy Day Masses we generally have 4
readings (including the sung psalm). The Gospel is proclaimed by the
deacon or priest, and the psalm is led by a cantor, but the other two
readings are read by a member of the congregation. Readers are
normally someone who has been confirmed in the Catholic Church
and are in good standing. Specific training is required. Contact: Carol
Vanover or Mike Lienesch at, 812-656-8700
Sacred Heart Radio Rep - Providing introductory information of the
local Catholic Radio station and their offerings, newsletters, contact
information and window decals. All are made available in church
vestibule. Contact: Cindy Foote at, 812-637-2474
St. Teresa's Ladies Group - The first established group at St.
Teresa. We are a service oriented group with lots of social activities
and outings, as well. Just to name a few things we do annually: Plan
& host the Chocolate Fest benefiting the North Dearborn food pantry;
Make hats & scarves for the needy in the area; Annual visits to ND
Retirement Village & the Yes Home; Donate money for various
parish projects/events. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7
pm and all ladies are invited and welcome to come.
Contact: Peggy Wolfram at, 812-637-2114
Stewardship & Evangelization -This committee collaborates with
the pastor to increase a sense of stewardship in the parish by
effectively renewing existing members’ faith and evangelizing both
fallen away Catholics and the unchurched in our local community.
The committee guiding principal is that Parishioners who have a
deeper faith, are naturally more connected to the parish, and are more
generous with their time, talent, and treasure. Contact: Fr. Aaron
Jenkins Email: Phone: 812-656-8700 ext 2
Ushers - On weekends and Holy Days we have an Usher who acts as
the head greeter and helps to assist in making the Mass run smoother.
They also assist in an emergency or if someone is simply sick and
needs assistance. Because ushers have a little more responsibility than
greeters they need to be a confirmed Catholic in good standing and
also need specific training. Contact: Mike Lienesch Email: Phone: 812-656-8700
Weight Management - Join us for weekly meetings Wednesdays at
7:00 pm in the Deanery Resource Center in the St. Teresa Office
Building. Group will be led by Harry Moore. Group is open to all who
may be interested in managing their personal weight and health,
regardless of any plan they may be currently following.
Contact: Madeline Sterchi Email:
Phone: 513-290-8772
Welcome Basket Committee -To welcome new St. Teresa
parishioners, we make-up and deliver baskets with parish information,
welcome notes and homemade baked goods to their homes.
Contact: Denise Weisenbach Email:
Phone: 812-637-3384
Woman's Prayer/Meditation - We are women who love to listen to
the Lord through His Holy Scripture with different prayer and
meditation methods taught to us by our Saints. After spending some
time in prayer with the Lord in Scripture then we have a time of
sharing and conversation with each other. All women are welcome to
join us! Contact: Karen Guilford Email: Phone:
Young Adult Group - The St. Teresa Young Adults Group is for any
high school grads, ages 18-35, who are interested in learning more
about their faith and getting to know their peers at St. T through study
and discussion of the Church and Her teachings. Contact: Jesse
Badinghaus Phone: 513-549-8522 Email:
Young Families Group - Adults meet to study the upcoming Sunday
readings while children enjoy a religious activity. Contact: Clare
Presley Phone: 513-376-1420
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Office and Parish Staff:
Phone: 812-656-8700
Pastor - Rev. Aaron Jenkins
Parish Secretary - Linda Maupin
Parish Secretary - Beth Merk
Office Manager - Teresa Badinghaus
Email: teresa.b@stteresab.
Youth Minister Director / Director of Religious
Education / Family Religious Education Kim Sprague Email:
Music Director - Michael Lienesch
Maintenance Supervisor - Ed Wilke
Email: ed.w@
Batesville Deanery Resource Center –
Nancy Fahringer -
Phone: 812-637-4028
Eva Roll - Email:
Phone: 812-637-3859
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Parish Ministries
23455 Gavin Ln.
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Welcome to St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.
We are a Roman Catholic Parish located in Bright, In. which is just
northwest of Cincinnati, Oh. Our hope is that this brochure helps not
only our parishioners, but anyone who might be interested in learning
more about the Catholic faith.
Liturgies Times: Sunday Mass 8:30am & 11am; Tue/Wed/Thu 6pm;
Fri/Sat 8:30 am; Sat Vigil 6 pm
Reconciliation/Confession: Available 30 minutes before each Mass,
ending 10 minutes before Mass is scheduled to begin.
Parish Office Hours: Sun. 9:30-11, Mon 9-12, Tue 11-5, Wed 9-2,
Thu 11-5, Fri 9-2, Sat 9-11
Adoration: Wed 12 noon with Benediction beginning at 5:40 pm.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: We invite anyone interested
or who has questions about joining the Catholic Church to call the
Parish Office for information.
Infant Baptisms: Baptisms are scheduled to take place on the first
and third Sundays of the month. Please contact the Parish Office to
Christian Marriage: Couples intending to celebrate the Sacrament of
Marriage need to notify the priest at least six months before the
intended wedding.
Parish Membership: If you would like to become a registered
member of the parish, please contact the Parish Office.
Prayer Requests: Please contact John Scholle at 812-637-1357 to
make a prayer request. Names will be listed in the bulletin and on the
prayer chain for six weeks.
Communion to the Sick: To receive communion, please call the
Parish Office to make arrangements with the priest.