Region: __________________
District: ________________________
School: ___________________
Reform Strategy: _________________
Unit Theme: 11.5: Historical Fiction Using Informational Text
Week: # 5
Grade: 11th
Subject: English
Date: From ________________ to __________________ 20____
Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
EU1 Voices from the past speak to us of other times and places. Learning about the past illuminates our comprehension of the present,
makes for interesting stories and helps us to better understand others and ourselves.
EU2. Readers and writers use aspects of real events and draw on real world characters to create their events and stories.
EU3. Readers and writers must analyse documents from a variety of sources to identify truth and separate what did and did not occur.
Presenting and debating the information helps us learn and grow as individuals and collectively.
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.)
Day 1
11. L.1
11. S.2
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 2
Day 3
Reading Writing
11.S.2 c / 11.R. 4I / 11. R.10 /
11. W.1a
111. R. 3I / 11.W.1
/ 11. W.1a
Day 4
Day 5
Reading Writing
11.R .2I
11. R. 10
/ 11. R.10 / 11.R. 4I
11. R.1
Academic Strategy
Instructional Strategy
and Phase
The student will...
-Listen and react to the read aloud
of historical fiction.
-Follow turnā€taking, answering
relevant questions, relating the
information to prior knowledge
from experience, texts, or realworld connections, and
paraphrasing and analyzing key
The students will…..
-Listen or read a short fictional
short story and comprehend it.
Example: “Warriors Don’t Cry”
-Discuss and determine meaning
and understanding of short story.
- Critically analyze why its
-Write arguments to support claims
in an analysis of appropriate grade
level content, using valid reasoning
The students will….
-Review the reading selection once
-observe carefully how the author
unfolds the events, how were they
introduce, and how were they develop.
- identify and analyze what makes the
selection fiction. What events are facts.
(T-chart may be used)
-Justify why their just an opinion or a
The student will…
-Read and comprehend the
nonfiction reading selection
“Rosa Parks”
-Discuss, share, and analyze
important events.
- Analyze how the author unfolds
the ideas or events.
- Determine the Main Idea
The students will……
-Read and comprehend reading
selections (historical fiction VS.
-Examine events and ideas.
-Analyze the connection
between a fiction and a nonfictional historical reading
selection. What is drawn
between them?
Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
EU1 Voices from the past speak to us of other times and places. Learning about the past illuminates our comprehension of the present,
makes for interesting stories and helps us to better understand others and ourselves.
EU2. Readers and writers use aspects of real events and draw on real world characters to create their events and stories.
EU3. Readers and writers must analyse documents from a variety of sources to identify truth and separate what did and did not occur.
Presenting and debating the information helps us learn and grow as individuals and collectively.
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.)
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Depth of Knowledge
Initial Activities
Development Activities
___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
Teacher can illustrate a short youtube video, movie clip, or picture of
a historical fiction movie. Example
“Night of the Museum”/
-The teacher reads, illustrate a
brief video clip, youtube video on
historical fiction
- Discuss it and allow students to
react and share ideas.
- ask them to share their
experiences with historical fiction
movies, books, etc.
- Ask & discuss why these short
stories, novel, and movies
considered historical fiction.
and sufficient evidence
___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
- Share a Reflection of Warriors
-Teacher can brainstorm the word
-Ask students to jot done
important facts or details while
listening to the selection read by
the teacher.
-The teacher can start reading the
selection while students listen.
Remember to stop and ask if
everyone understands. May ask
guided questions
- Teacher integrates little by little
the following vocabulary words:
Analyze, Conflict, Document,
Fact, fiction, Resolution, Social
conflict, Synthesize, Truth
___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
- Teacher may present a brief
passage, phrase or sentence and ask
students to determine the fact events
present and the false event present.
-Go over the definition of what
historical fiction is.
- Teacher asks the students to recall
important events of the reading
selection previously read. “Warriors
Don’t Cry”
-Teacher may give the students the
reading selection or reread it orally.
- Students observe and make a list of
important events.
-Analyze the events: how were they
introduce and developed.
-Students identify which of the events
are the fiction and which events are
facts. (T-chart may be used)
___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
-Present Rosa Parks’, biography
as a mini-lesson. ( YouTube
video can help)
-teacher presents the title of the
reading selection. “My Story”
Rosa Parks
-Teacher can begin reading the
selection and then have a
student proceed. (popcorn
reading/ silent reading).
- discuss the reading selection.
- recall important events and
their time frame.
- Analyze how the events were
presented and developed.
-Once observing the details or
events have students analyze
the events and recall which of
the events are fact or opinions.
-Students are asked to
recognize the main idea.
___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
- Present a brief non-fictional
- Ask students to observe the
details and determine if their
facts or opinions and why?
-Using Reading log students
perform Task #1
- Record Titles, events, and
-Students make a list of
important details or facts found
in historical and historical Nonfictional selections. (Venn
-Draw evidence from the
selections and/ or informational
texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research.
Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
EU1 Voices from the past speak to us of other times and places. Learning about the past illuminates our comprehension of the present,
makes for interesting stories and helps us to better understand others and ourselves.
EU2. Readers and writers use aspects of real events and draw on real world characters to create their events and stories.
EU3. Readers and writers must analyse documents from a variety of sources to identify truth and separate what did and did not occur.
Presenting and debating the information helps us learn and grow as individuals and collectively.
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.)
-Students guided by the teacher
will react
-what did they like or dislike
-discuss setting, and analyze
conflicts and resolutions
-.Where they based on something
facts? Which?
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
-summarize the reading selection
-Observe the t-chart and proceed to
as a group out loud.
-Justify why the events are an opinion
- Students writes entry in their
or a fact.
journal. (Act. #1 Getting Started)
Closing Activities
Formative Assessment
– Other evidence
Reading selection
Youtube or movie clip
-guided questions on the board
-Write a short journal reaction of
today’s class and what you think
about historical fiction
- Dialogue Journal – The student
writes an entry, the teacher writes
a response
-teacher should use and focus
on the vocabulary content words
Fact, fiction, Resolution, Social
conflict, Synthesize, Truth
-Justify why the events are facts.
- Have students make a short
reading response journal entry.
-Complete Venn diagram
- Answer in their journals:
a. How is the information
different in the fiction you read,
compared to the nonfiction
titles? How is it the same?
b. What kinds of information did
you learn from fiction texts that
you couldn’t learn from
c. What kinds of information did
you learn from factual texts that
you didn’t find in the stories you
d. Why are there differences in
stories about the same historical
Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
EU1 Voices from the past speak to us of other times and places. Learning about the past illuminates our comprehension of the present,
makes for interesting stories and helps us to better understand others and ourselves.
EU2. Readers and writers use aspects of real events and draw on real world characters to create their events and stories.
EU3. Readers and writers must analyse documents from a variety of sources to identify truth and separate what did and did not occur.
Presenting and debating the information helps us learn and grow as individuals and collectively.
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.)
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education
___ Section 504
___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection