Hayashi et al. Legends for all Supporting Information Figure S1. The multiple alignment of expansin protein sequences by CLUSTAL W. (a) The amino acid sequence between 55 (as “1” in the illustration) and 181 (as “127” in the illustration) of AtEXPA7 and the equivalent regions of each expansin protein sequence were aligned by CLUSTAL W. Residues that are identical among all amino acid sequences (black) and conserved substitutions (gray) are indicated. (b) Phylogenetic tree based on the amino acid sequences shown in (a). Figure S2. Root hair-specific expression analysis of RH101 and RH102 in response to infection by M. loti. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of RH101 and RH102 transcripts in root hair cells, stripped roots or whole roots 2 days after mock-inoculation (Control) or inoculation with M. loti (+M. loti). The data are indicated as means and SD of 3 or 4 biological replications. Means with different letters are significantly different (Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test, P<0.05). Figure S3. Promoter sequences of LjEXP7 and LjEXPA8. 1 Hayashi et al. The promoter sequences of LjEXPA7 and LjEXPA8 from -557 to +3 are shown in (a) and (b), respectively. The transcriptional start site is designated +1. Red underlined nucleotide sequences represent putative root hair-specific cis element (RHE) cores located within the promoter sequences of LjEXPA7 and LjEXPA8. Highly conserved nucleotides within the RHE core are denoted by asterisks. An “r” of E2r and E3r indicates a reverse orientation of the RHE. Bold nucleotide sequences below the arrows show sequences of three types of RHEs-containing promoters, pEpi168 (from -168 to -1), pEpi308 (from -308 to -1) and pEpi400 (from -400 to -1). Figure S4. Histochemical localization of GUS activity in wt roots transformed with pEpi::GUS+ vector. (a-f) Bright-field images of X-Gluc incubated wt roots transformed with an empty vector control (Empty vector) (a, b), pEpi::GUS+ (pEpi::GUS+) (c, d) and p35S::GUS+ (e, f) vectors. Expression patterns of GUS+ gene from transformed roots were observed 2 weeks after mock-inoculation (Control) (a, c, e) or inoculation with DsRed-labeled M. loti (b, d, f). (g, h) Root hairs of wt/pEpi::GUS+ roots observed 7 days after mock-inoculation (g) or inoculation with DsRed-labeled M. loti (h). Bright-field and red 2 Hayashi et al. fluorescence images were merged into single images. (h) ITs can be seen inside the curled and GUS-stained root hairs. Scale bars are 1 mm (a-f) and 100 μm (g, h). Figure S5. Rhizobial infection and nodule organogenesis phenotypes of wt roots transformed with pEpi::GUS+ vector. (a-l) Symbiotic phenotypes of transformed wt roots were observed 4 weeks after inoculation with DsRed-labeled M. loti. Root phenotypes of wt/Empty vector (a-d), wt/pEpi::GUS+ (e-h), and wt/p35S:: GUS+ (i-l). (a, e, i) ITs can be seen inside the curled root hairs, shown as merged images of bright-field and red fluorescence images. Bright-field images (b, f, j) and their corresponding red (c, g, k) and green (d, h, l) fluorescence images of nodulation phenotypes are shown. Nodules formed on the roots of wt/Empty vector (b-d), wt/pEpi::GUS+ (f-h) and wt/p35S::GUS+ (j-l). (c, g, k) Infection of DsRed-labeled M. loti was observed as red fluorescence in the central zone of nodules on those roots. (d, h, l) Green fluorescence as a transgenic marker is shown. Scale bars are 100 μm (a, e, i) and 1 mm (b-d, f-h, j-l). Figure S6. Expression analysis of symbiosis genes in root hairs, stripped roots and whole roots of L. japonicus. 3 Hayashi et al. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of NFR1, NFR5, NUP85, NUP133, CASTOR, POLLUX, CCaMK, CYCLOPS, SYMRK, NSP1, NSP2 and NIN transcripts in root hairs, stripped roots or whole roots 2 days after mock-inoculation (Control) or inoculation with M. loti (+M. loti). The data are indicated as means and SD of 3 or 4 biological replications. Means with different letters are significantly different (Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test, P<0.05). Figure S7. Rhizobial infection and nodule organogenesis phenotypes of nup85-2, nup133-3, castor-4, pollux-3 and ccamk-3 mutant roots transformed with an empty vector control. (a-o) Symbiotic phenotypes of transformed non-nodulating mutant roots were observed 4 weeks after inoculation with DsRed-labeled M. loti. Root phenotypes of nup85-2/Empty vector (a-c), nup133-3/Empty vector (d-f), castor-4/Empty vector (g-i), pollux-3/Empty vector (j-l) and ccamk-3/Empty vector (m-o). (a, d, g, j, m) Neither bacterial colonization nor IT formation was observed; however, we show bright-field and red fluorescence images merged into single images. Bright-field images (b, e, h, k, n) and their corresponding red fluorescence images (c, f, i, l, o) of nodulation phenotypes are shown. Cortical cell division did not occur in the roots of 4 Hayashi et al. nup85-2/Empty vector (b, c), nup133-3/Empty vector (e, f), castor-4/Empty vector (h, i), pollux-3/Empty vector (k, l) and ccamk-3/Empty vector (n, o). Scale bars are 100 μm (a, d, g, j, m) and 1 mm (b, c, e, f, h, i, k, l, n, o). Figure S8. Rhizobial infection and nodule organogenesis phenotypes of nfr1-4, nfr5-2, nsp1-1 and nsp2-1 mutant roots transformed with an empty vector control. (a-l) Symbiotic phenotypes of transformed non-nodulating mutant roots were observed 4 weeks after inoculation with DsRed-labeled M. loti. (a, d, g, j) Bright-field and red fluorescence images merged into single images. Neither bacterial colonization nor IT formation was observed on the roots of nfr1-4/Empty vector (a), nfr5-2/Empty vector (d), nsp1-1/Empty vector (g) and nsp2-1/Empty vector (j). Bright-field images (b, e, h, k) and their corresponding red fluorescence images (c, f, i, l) of nodulation phenotypes are shown. Cortical cell division did not occur in the roots of nfr1-4/Empty vector (b, c), nfr5-2/Empty vector (e, f), nsp1-1/Empty vector (h, i) and nsp2-1/Empty vector (k, l). Scale bars are 100 μm (a, d, g, j) and 1 mm (b, c, e, f, h, i, k, l). 5 Hayashi et al. Figure S9. Stacked histograms comparing frequency counts in terms of the number of nodules or bumps per mutant plants transformed with CCaMK, CASTOR, POLLUX, NUP85 and NUP133 driven by pEpi or p35S. Black bar, positioned at x=0, represents the frequency of non-nodulating plants per total plants examined (Nod-). X-axis; the number of nodules or bumps/plant. Y-axis; frequency of non-nodulation (black), bump-formed (pink) or nodulated (red) plants. Figure S10. Spontaneous nodulation phenotypes of wt roots transformed with CCaMKT265D driven by pEpi or p35S. (a-h) Introduction of gain-of-function CCaMKT265D (CCaMKTD) under the control of p35S could induce spontaneous nodulation in the absence of rhizobia (g, h). However, on the roots of wt/pEpi308::CCaMKT265D (wt/pEpi::CCaMKTD) (c, d) as well as those of wt/pEpi308::CCaMKT265T (wt/pEpi::CCaMKTT) (a, b) and wt/p35S::CCaMKT265T (wt/p35S::CCaMKTT) (e, f), spontaneous nodulation did not occur even 6 weeks after transplantation. Green fluorescence as a transgenic marker is shown (b, d, f, h). Scale bars are 1 mm (a-h). 6 Hayashi et al. Figure S11. Complementation tests of rhizobial infection and nodule organogenesis phenotypes of nup85-2, nup133-3, castor-4 and pollux-3 mutants transformed with the corresponding genes driven by p35S. (a-l) Symbiotic phenotypes of transformed roots were observed 4 weeks after inoculation with DsRed-labeled M. loti. Root phenotypes of nup85-2/pEpi::NUP85 (a-c), nup133-3/pEpi::NUP133 (d-f), castor-4/p35S::CASTOR (g-i) and pollux-3/p35S::POLLUX (j-l). (a, d, g, j) ITs can be seen inside the curled root hairs, shown as merged images of bright-field and red fluorescence images. Bright-field images (b, e, h, k) and their corresponding red fluorescence images (c, f, i, l) of nodulation phenotypes are shown. (c, f, i, l) Infection of DsRed-labeled M. loti was observed as red fluorescence in the central zone of nodules. Scale bars are 100 μm (a, d, g, j) and 1 mm (b, c, e, f, h, i, k, l). Figure S12. Stacked histograms comparing frequency counts in terms of the number of nodules or bumps per mutant plant by co-transformation with CCaMK under the control of pEpi and truncated CCaMK1-314 or CCaMK1-340 under the control of p35S. 7 Hayashi et al. Black bar, positioned at x=0, represents the frequency of non-nodulating plants per total plants examined (Nod-). X-axis; the number of nodules or bumps/plant. Y-axis; frequency of non-nodulation (black), bump-formed (pink) or nodulated (red) plants. Figure S13. Spontaneous nodule-like structure of ccamk-3 mutant by co-transformation with CCaMK under the control of pEpi and a truncated CCaMK1-314 under the control of p35S. (a, b) Nodulation phenotypes of transformed roots were observed 4 weeks after inoculation with DsRed-labeled M. loti. Bright-field image (a) and the corresponding red fluorescence image (b) of nodulation phenotypes are shown. In addition to infected nodules as shown in Figure 4, spontaneous nodule-like structures without rhizobial infection were also formed on the roots of ccamk-3/pEpi::CCaMK-p35S::CCaMK1-314 (a, b). Scale bars are 1 mm (a, b). Figure S14. Complementation tests of rhizobial infection and nodule organogenesis phenotypes of cyclops-3 mutants transformed with CYCLOPS driven by pEpi or p35S. 8 Hayashi et al. (a-i) Symbiotic phenotypes of transformed roots were observed 4 weeks after inoculation with DsRed-labeled M. loti. Root phenotypes of cyclops-3/Empty vector (a-c), cyclops-3/pEpi::CYCLOPS (d-f) and cyclops-3/p35S::CYCLOPS (g-i). Micro-colony (a) or ITs can be seen inside the curled root hairs (d, g), shown as merged images of bright-field and red fluorescence images. Bright-field images (b, e, h) and their corresponding red fluorescence images (c, f, i) of nodulation phenotypes are shown. On the roots of cyclops-3/Empty vector, though deformation of root hairs and colonization of bacteria in curled root hairs were observed, development of ITs within the root hairs did not occur (a). Cortical cell division arrested at bump structure (arrows in b). On the roots of cyclops-3/pEpi::CYCLOPS, epidermal IT formation was recovered (d), while cortical cell division was not coupled with IT penetration, resulting in the formation of bumps (arrows in e). (h, i) Nodules formed on the roots of cyclops-3/p35S::CYCLOPS. Infection of DsRed-labeled M. loti was observed as red fluorescence in the central zone of nodules (i). Scale bars are 100 μm (a, d, g) and 1 mm (b, c, e, f, h, i). 9 Hayashi et al. Figure S15. Stacked histograms comparing frequency counts in terms of the number of nodules or bumps per mutant plant transformed with CYCLOPS, NSP1, NSP2, NFR1 and NFR5 driven by pEpi or p35S. Black bar, positioned at x=0, represents the frequency of non-nodulating plant per total plants examined (Nod-). X-axis; the number of nodules or bumps/plant. Y-axis; frequency of non-nodulation (black), bump-formed (pink) or nodulated (red) plants. Figure S16. Complementation tests of rhizobial infection and nodule organogenesis phenotypes of nsp1-1 and nsp2-1 mutants transformed with the corresponding genes driven by pEpi or p35S. (a-l) Symbiotic phenotypes of transformed roots were observed 4 weeks after inoculation with DsRed-labeled M. loti. Root phenotypes of nsp1-1/pEpi::NSP1 (a-c), nsp2-1/pEpi::NSP2 (d-f), nsp1-1/p35S::NSP1 (g-i) and nsp2-1/p35S::NSP2 (j-l). (a, d, g, j) ITs can be seen inside the curled root hairs, shown as merged images of bright-field and red fluorescence images. Bright-field images (b, e, h, k) and their corresponding red fluorescence images (c, f, i, l) of nodulation phenotypes are shown. Nodules formed on the roots of nsp1-1/p35S::NSP1 (h, i) and nsp2-1/p35S::NSP2 (k, l). (i, l) Infection of DsRed-labeled M. loti was observed as red fluorescence in the central zone of 10 Hayashi et al. nodules. Nodule organogenesis was not induced on the roots of nsp1-1/pEpi::NSP1 (b, c) and nsp2-1/pEpi::NSP2 (e, f). Scale bars are 100 μm (a, d, g, j) and 1 mm (b, c, e, f, h, i, k, l). Table S1. Spontaneous nodulation phenotypes. The numbers indicate the ratio of the number of plants that showed spontaneous nodulation events, i.e., formation of small bump-like structures (Bump) or spontaneous nodules (SpN) in the cortex, to the total number of plants 6 weeks after transplantation. Numerals in parentheses indicate the numbers of spontaneous nodules (Sp nodules) as averages (±SE) of nodulated plants. Data were compiled from more than two independent experiments. wt, Gifu B-129; pEpi, promoter Epi308; p35S, promoter CaMV 35S; CCaMKTT, wt-CCaMK; CCaMKTD, CCaMKT265D Table S2. Primer sequences used for construction. Lower case characters indicate engineered sequences including restriction sites or D-TOPO recognition site. Table S3. Primer sequences used in the expression analysis. 11 Hayashi et al. Methods S1. Plasmid construction. For promoter-GUS analysis and complementation tests, Gateway compatible destination vectors, pEpi168::GW-p35S::GFP and pEpi308::GW-p35S::GFP, were constructed as follows: Genomic sequences of the LjEXPA7 promoter regions (168 and 308 bp) were amplified by PCR. Each fragment was digested with DraI and SpeI and then inserted into the HindIII (blunt)-SpeI site of p35S::GW-p35S::GFP (P35S:GFP-gw; Banba et al., 2008). For the construction of the pEpi400::GW-p35S::GFP vector, the genomic sequence of the LjEXPA8 promoter region (400 bp) was amplified by PCR. The fragment was digested with HindIII and SpeI and then ligated with p35S::GW-p35S::GFP. For co-transformation with CCaMK under the control of pEpi308 and an inactive truncated CCaMK under the control of p35S, a Gateway compatible destination vector, pEpi308::CCaMK-p35S::GW, was constructed by introducing the reading frame cassette C.1 (RfC.1) of the Gateway vector conversion system (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) into the XhoI (blunt)-XhoI (blunt) site of pEpi308::CCaMK-p35S::GFP. All primer sets used for construction are listed in Table S2. 12 Hayashi et al. Information of entry clones of symbiotic genes and GUSplus (GUS+) and conversion of these entry vectors into pEpi destination vectors are described below. cDNA sequences of NFR5 and NUP85 were amplified by PCR and cloned into pENTR/D-TOPO (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). cDNA sequence of NUP133 was amplified by PCR and digested with SacII and AscI and then inserted into the SacII-AscI site of pENTR/D-TOPO. The entry clones constructed in this study, and entry clones of GUS+ (Yano et al., 2008), NFR1 (Nakagawa et al., 2011), CASTOR, POLLUX, CCaMK, CCaMKT265D (Banba et al., 2008), an inactive truncated CCaMK (CCaMK1-340) (Shimoda et al., 2012), CYCLOPS (Yano et al., 2008), NSP1 (Yokota et al., 2010) and NSP2 (Yokota et al., 2010), were converted with the destination vector of pEpi308::GW-p35S::GFP by the LR reaction (Gateway LR clonase II Enzyme Mix; Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Methods S2. RNA isolation from root hairs. Surface-sterilized seeds were germinated on sterilized filter paper on 1.5% agar containing half-strength B&D medium (Broughton and Dilworth 1971) in square plastic plates (Eiken Chemical Co., Tokyo, Japan, http://www.eiken.co.jp/). The plastic plates were incubated vertically for 2 days in a growth cabinet with a 16 h-day/8 h-night cycle 13 Hayashi et al. at 24°C, and then the seedlings were inoculated with a suspension of DsRed-labeled M. loti. The plants were grown for an additional 2 days with the roots shielded from light. The roots were then collected and dropped immediately into a 100-ml stainless steel beaker filled with liquid nitrogen. The samples were stirred gently with a magnetic stirrer for 20 min. In this step, the root hairs were cut off from the roots. The liquid nitrogen containing root hairs was then filtered through a stainless testing sieve with a mesh aperture of 500 μm. Liquid nitrogen was evaporated in a 50-mL sample tube and root hairs were collected. The roots trapped by the testing sieve were also collected, as “stripped roots”. Total RNAs were isolated by the CTAB method (Chang et al., 1993) with some modifications. Briefly, the collected root hairs or stripped roots were ground to a fine powder in liquid nitrogen, immediately dissolved in the extraction solution (2% CTAB, 100 mM Tris pH 9.5, 20 mM EDTA, 1.4 M NaCl, 1% 2-mercaptoethanol), and then incubated at 65°C for 10 min. After two successive extractions with chloroform, RNAs were precipitated using LiCl (final concentration 2.5 M) at -20°C overnight. The precipitated RNAs were collected by centrifugation, and were dissolved in distilled water. As necessary, the samples were further purified using an RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, http://www.qiagen.com/) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 14 Hayashi et al. References Banba, M., Gutjahr, C., Miyao, A., Hirochika, H., Paszkowski, U., Kouchi, H. and Imaizumi-Anraku, H. (2008) Divergence of evolutionary ways among common sym genes: CASTOR and CCaMK show functional conservation between two symbiosis systems and constitute the root of a common signaling pathway. Plant Cell Physiol., 49, 1659-1671. Broughton, W.J. and Dilworth, M.J. (1971) Control of leghaemoglobin synthesis in snake beans. Biochem. J., 125, 1075-1080. Chang, S., Puryear, J. and Cairney, J. (1993) A simple and efficient method for isolating RNA from pine trees. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep., 11, 113-116. Nakagawa, T., Kaku, H., Shimoda, Y., Sugiyama, A., Shimamura, M., Takanashi, K., Yazaki, K., Aoki, T., Shibuya, N. and Kouchi, H. (2011) From defense to symbiosis: limited alterations in the kinase domain of LysM receptor-like kinases are crucial for evolution of legume-Rhizobium symbiosis. Plant J., 65, 169-180. Yokota, K., Soyano, T., Kouchi, H. and Hayashi, M. (2010) Function of GRAS proteins in root nodule symbiosis is retained in homologs of a non-legume, rice. Plant Cell Physiol., 51, 1436-1442. 15