Facebook posts for week ending, 06/07/2015


Facebook posts for week ending, 06/07/2015

A "Closed Mind" is considered a poor way to live, unless you are a "Christian," and that makes a "Closed Mind" acceptable, and normal.

My definition of a "Christian Closed Mind," is "Thinking and Believing," the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and is to be taken, "Literally."

E.g., The New Testament calls the Son of God, "Jesus," despite the fact that Mary, his mother, named him


"Iesous" is a Jewish word meaning, "Y@hovah" and that is the Jewish name for God.

It is my thought that the 47 King James translators were formally Catholics that converted to Christianity, after

Martin Luther discovered that a relationship with Jesus, was by "Faith," and did not require "Membership" in the Church in Rome.

This led the translators to obscure the fact that Jesus was a man, and God simultaneously, and when Jesus said, "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world." I John 4:17

This means, "Iesous, God and man," are the same, NOW, "In this World."

And this is totally against the "Separatists" Christian doctrine that requires years of struggling, to become even close, to be like "Jesus."

One miss-leading choice of synonyms in the New Testament, "In Jesus" that questioned the Bible, as the

"Inerrant Word of God."

I believe "In Jesus," has little or no significance, but "In" also means, "Of One Mind" that is confirmed as

"Having the Mind of Christ."

Or, the reality, "Having the Mind of God."

I am the Spiritual Image of God, and the physical image of Iesous.

This fact is written in Genesis 1:26 and 2:7 describing Adam, but the God Man Iesous, the "Last Adam,"

"UNILATERALLY" became the "Firstborn of all Creation.

I am a "God Man" like Iesous.

I am also in an earthly learning cycle in order to be a "Fully Developed God Man."

My destination is certain, and the arrival time is commensurate with my "Thinking, Believing, and Acting," as my "God Mind" transmits energy signals into the Universe that are returned as physical manifestation of my

"Thinking and Believing."

I wasn't born an aeronautical engineer, but I was born with the ability to become an aeronautical engineer.

Or, in another way:

I wasn't born a fully developed "God Man," but I was born with the ability to become a fully developed, "God


One evidence for the existence of "Cognitive Dissonance" amongst "Christians" is the inability to visualize the

"Personal Possibility," to become a "God Man" today, June 01, 2015, as Jesus was in the first century.

Scriptures, correctly translated support "Quantum Science" that has "Laboratory Evidence" that I am a

"Spiritual Image" of God, and a "Physical Image" of Jesus, or as the "Torah" correctly quoted in, Genesis 1:26

& 2:7.

I was never taught, as a Christian that being a "God Man" was personally possible.

I am positive, your first guess, "WHY" will be right.

Although my "Beloved" wife is spending her 91st Birthday, in another dimension on earth, called heaven, I can say, "Happy Birthday, Honey."

My church has established a web site that enables members to form a group, where thoughts, ideas, etc. are exchanged.

I would like to form a group called, "Choosing Your Genealogy."


My pastor teaches what has been revealed to him, by his "Choice" to remain in the "Adam Genealogy," where man is "Born a Sinner," and accepting Forgiveness of Sins," from Jesus, manifests a "Born Again, sins forgiven, Son of God."

Do you believe my pastor will permit my "Group" on the church web site?

I will appreciate your answers.

I am posting this again, because "Thinking" has not been emphasized sufficiently, as a "Unique" power to live the "Abundant Life" that Jesus prophesied.

Socrates was quoted: "The most difficult thing for mankind, is to THINK."

Every Sunday, churches are attended by people that listen to what their "Pastor" thinks.

An articulate and charismatic pastor, using his choice of scriptures, can convince his listeners that what he is preaching is true.

The original authors of the New Testament correctly recorded what was true, before the cross, and what was true, after the cross.

Distinguishing the difference is vital in order to live an "Abundant Life."

Before the cross, everyone was a descendant of Adam, without a choice.

After the cross, everyone is a descendant of Jesus, without a choice.

Jesus, the "Last Adam," "Unilaterally" became the "Firstborn" of all creation.

Jesus said unto him (any third person), I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man (any third person) comes unto the Father, but by me, (the way Jesus, "Thinks and Believes that Manifested his Choice.)" John 14:6,

Paraphrased by adding ( ) to broaden meaning.

God offered Adam a "Choice" between "Life and Death."

Adam chose death, and proved his "Choice" by dying.

Jesus, the "Last Adam" made a "Choice" to "Choose Life" and was resurrected from death, by God, to prove his choice.

I, as everyone, have a "Choice" to choose the Adam genealogy or the Jesus genealogy,

Since Jesus is the "Firstborn" of all creation, I made my "Choice," to be a "Descendant of Jesus," born a "Son of God.

Anyone can make a "Choice" to remain in the Adam genealogy, and have the benefits for being "Born a sinner."

I never realized the importance of "Thinking," until my prayerful meditations, led my studying, to concentrate on the "Phenomena" of "Thinking."

"Thinking" is an unique gift, from God that expands into "Believing," and as Jesus told Mark, "Anything is possible, if I BELIEVE."

God created man, to "Think" for himself, and not allow another man's "Thinking" to do anymore, than

"Influence" his "Thinking."

"As a man "Thinks," so is he."

God created Adam, with the ability to "Think" for himself, but Adam did not allow his Father God, to "Influence" his "Thinking."

"Thinking" cannot be "Inherited."

Adam's "Sin," was not "Thinking" like God, and most assuredly, not "Inherited" by anyone.

Jesus, the "Last Adam" was always "Thinking" like his Father God.

After Jesus was the "Firstborn" of all "Creation," I definitely, have allowed "Jesus" to influence and change my

"Thinking," in order for my "Thinking" to be, as God "Thinks."

Because "Jesus or Adam Genealogy" is a "Personal Choice," I just created a Facebook group, "Choosing Your


I will be posting in this group, the benefits for choosing to be in the "Jesus Genealogy Line of Descendants," verses remaining in the "Adam Genealogy Line of Descendants."

Ask, if you desire to become a member in the "Choosing Your Genealogy" group.


The current war against ISIS will never be won by "Physical Weapons."

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh (way of thinking). "For the (physical) weapons of our warfare (with ISIS) are not carnal (ego designed), but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Casting down imaginations (ego thinking), and every high thing (political thinking) that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought (mind of God), to the obedience,(Thinking like Jesus)."

II Corinthians 10:3 - 5, paraphrased with (----).

"Because the carnal mind (ego) is enmity (enemy) against God; for it is not subject to the Law of God (thinking like God), neither indeed can be."

Romans 8:7, paraphrased with (-----).

The "Ego" had authority over the "Spirit" in the "Genealogy of Adam."

The "Spirit" has authority over the "Ego" in the "Genealogy of Jesus."

"Winning or Loosing" depends on Christianity apologizing for 2000 years of deceptive teaching that "Mankind" is in the "Genealogy of Adam."

And, then teach that "Mankind" is in the "Genealogy of Jesus."

Someone questioned why "Choosing between Jesus and Adam Genealogy" was important.

I will explain why:

God is "Omniscience" meaning he designed "Quantum Science" while He was creating the Universe and its contents.

"Quantum Science" was not known, by man, until the "Electron Microscope" was discovered, in the middle of the 20th century.

This is why "Science" confirms and reinforces the ministry of Jesus, and to ones in the "Jesus Genealogy."

"Quantum Science" is able to describe who man is, and his creative ability to "Transmit Energy Frequency

Signals," from "Living Thoughts" that are returned as "Physical Manifestations" that represents the "Living


Adam made a choice, to not "Think" like God, and from that decision, Adam was not able to "Transmit Living

Thoughts," and "Death" prevailed as normal to living.

Jesus, the "Last Adam," had the mind of God, and therefore Jesus "Thinks" like God, and can only "Transmit

Living Thoughts" that are returned as living, without, "Sickness or Disease."

"As a man thinks, so is he," "Life and Death, are in the power of the tongue," "Out of the Abundance of the

Heart, man "Thinks and Speaks," and "Anything is possible by, "Thinking and Believing."

These four promises from God, were not understandable, until "Science" revealed by laboratory evidence, how each one of the four promises, are able to be manifested.

Jesus never asked God, to heal anyone, but "Transmitted Living Thoughts" to the sick individual that were returned as "Manifestations of Jesus Thoughts."

I hope this helps.

I have been around people that are sending out "Positive Feelings," and they are very enjoyable.

And, there have been times, when I am with someone that is sending out "Negative Feelings," and I want to leave their presence.

"Feelings" are "Thoughts" and are always sending out "Vibrational Invisible Signals" from a human being.

"Fear" sends out signals that are returned to the sender, in the form of "Stress." And "Stress" makes humans sick or diseased.

"Charismatic" people are "Transmitting" very positive "Vibrational Signals."

We have all read books on the value of "Positive Thinking."

"Positive Thinking," attracts "Positive Things."

"Negative Thinking," attracts "Negative Things."

A very wise ancient prophet, once said, "As a man thinks, so is he."

I have just described the 21st century science, "Epi-Genetics."

My body is a large lump of "Vibrating Energy," 75% water, 25% bones and flesh.

I "Vibrate," because my life is in my "Blood" that is trillions of small light cells that send signal back and forth, to each other, causing a small electrical current that makes my heart beat.

Excitement makes my heart beat faster, as does exercising and running.


If someone is sick because their heart isn't working correctly, a doctor will install a "Pacemaker" that creates the same electrical current to keep their heart beating, and their life continues, as long as their battery is charged.

"Genealogy" usually refers to a "Family Tree" that lists people from the past.

God sees everyone as His "Son or Daughter," because it is His Blood that gives a man, woman or child, the ability to "Breath and Live."

God said, I will create "Mankind" in my "Image and Likeness," and I will breathe My Life into their bodies.

Everyone is in the "Family Tree" of the first man, Adam.

As everyone knows, Adam did not "Think" like God, and he decided to "Think" for himself, and that caused his physical death, 930 years later.

Adam, also by not "Thinking," like God, created "Sickness, disease and accidents," the things that cause


Let's call Adam, and his descendants, the "Genealogy of Adam."

After watching His creation suffer for 4000 years of wars, plaques and earthly disasters, God sent "His Son,"

Jesus, to earth, as the "Last Adam," and instead of Adam, Jesus became the "Firstborn" of all creation.

Let's call Jesus, and his descendants, the "Genealogy of Jesus."

Every human being, born after Jesus is, "Born Again" in the "Image and Likeness," of God, and God has breathed His Life, into every human body.

But unlike Adam that didn't "Think" like God, Jesus, the "Last Adam," doesn't do anything without "Thinking" like his Father.

"Born Again," like Jesus means, I am not born of "Corruptible Seed," but I am born of "Incorruptible Seed" that lives forever, as God intended for Adam.

Enjoying the "Living Benefits," for being in the "Genealogy of Jesus," or suffering the "Death Benefits," for remaining in the "Genealogy of Adam," is a personal choice.

Or as the great Jewish prophet, Moses said, "Choose Life, for you and your children to be blessed, or "Choose

Death," to be cursed.

My last two posts should have been made before I began posting, "Choosing Jesus or Adam Genealogy," and referring to "Quantum Science," and "Epi-Genetics."

I hope I have corrected any confusion this may have caused.

I "Think" like an "Engineer," but I am learning, not to write like an "Engineer."

HOW PRAYER AFFECTS THE BRAIN Written by Dr. Caroline Leaf

Prayer '.keeps our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus' (Philippians 4:7). We will briefly explore what this means for the brain.

It has been found that 12 minutes of daily focused prayer over an 8 week period can change the brain to such an extent that it can be measured on a brain scan [1]. This type of prayer seems to increase activity in brain areas associated with social interaction compassion and sensitivity to others. It also increases frontal lobe activity as focus and intentionality increase. As well as changing the brain, another study implies that intentional prayer can even change physical matter. Researchers found that intentional thought for 30 seconds affected laser light [2].

Therefore, even though toxic thought can cause brain damage, prayer can reverse that damage and cause the brain and body to thrive. There is growing interest in the power of prayer to change our brain and even matter itself. Even though as Christians we are cognizant of this by reading the Bible and from experience, it is nice to know science is now bearing this out.

I have acquired "Spiritual Intelligence," not by learning skills, but by carefully listening to my "God Like Spirit."

My "Meditation" is a "Bilateral Conversation," between my "Conscious and Subconscious Mind."

Prayer, is not asking God for something, but being in harmony with His Intentions, and create what is desired.


A Rorschach Inkblot Test was developed, in 1921, to examine what a "Thought" about an "Inkblot" meant, could also determine other "Emotions" of an individual.

The Bible, in a way, is also an "Inkblot Test" that determines what you think scriptures mean, by who you think

God is.

The scriptures are written, like a "Code," and the wrong interpretations will seem, unchangeable correct, by who you think God is.

If you "Think and Believe" that God represents, "Unconditional Love," and cannot act, apart from "His Perfect

Love," then it is possible to "Think and Believe," as God and Jesus "Think and Believe."

This also allows your "Forgiving and Loving" yourself, as God does, and then "Forgiving and Loving" others is automatic, and "Others" refers to all "Humanity."

Judging others, never happens, because you are aware that the "Father judges no man."

Contrary wise, if you "Think and Believe" that God created "Hell" as an, "After Death" location for eternal burning punishment, for everyone, except "Christians," then you will "Judge Others," because you "Think and

Believe" that God judges everyone, even though scriptures, speaks otherwise.

It is impossible to "Forgive and Love" yourself, because you do not believe God has "Forgiven and Forgotten" every sin committed.

An individual's "Life and Death," and all other "Earthly Consequences," depend on, "Who God Is," by "Their


Lack of Peace, is a universal contagious negative emotion, because our world in "Chaos" is transmitting more

"Negative Vibrational Energy," than ever before, in recorded history.

The "Internet" has made it possible to receive more "Bad News," than was ever possible.

The "Media Bad News" comes in, as a "Personal Thought," and if the "Thought" is entertained, it becomes

"Thinking," and is "Transmitted," into the Universe that is programmed to return, as a manifestation of the

"Thought," or lack of Peace.

This is called, "Sowing and Reaping," or the "Law of Attraction."

As for me this was a call to "Retraining My Thinking," in order to "Unlock" my full potential.

I "Changed My Thinking," and an amazing personal potential is in process.

In this case, "Bad News," became my opportunity to expand my potential, beyond anything I have ever expected.

