Developmental Milestones age 1m Gross Motor Raises head from prone position Fine Motor Language Visually fixates Clenches fists tightly Brings hands to mouth & face Brings hands to mid -line (to mouth) Tracks 180° No longer clenches fist tightly Holds hands open Holds object placed in hands Alerts to sounds Regards face Coos in response Social smile Babbles randomly Anticipates feedings Reaches for familiar objects Enjoys looking around 2m Lifts chest off table 3m Supports on forearms in prone Holds head and chest up 4m Rolls over front to back Achieves Head control Supports on wrist Rolls back to front Reaches out for object with both hands Hands to midline Laughs aloud Transfers Reaches out unilaterally Razzes 6m Sits when placed, Anterior propping Helps hold bottle Raking grasp Babbles rhythmically 7m Gets in to sitting posture by self 8m Commando crawl Finger Feeds “Dada” indiscriminately 9m Immature pincer grasp Holds Bottle Throws Objects “Mama” indiscriminately Understands own name 10m Lateral propping Pulls to stand Crawls with legs underneath body Cruises Walks when both hands held 11m Walks with one hand held 5m Social Stranger anxiety Orients to Bell indirectly Orients to Bell directly One word plus “Mama / Dada” specifically Gesture games “Pat-a-cake” Waves “Bye-Bye” Developmental Milestones age Gross Motor Fine Motor 12m Walks alone Posterior propping Drinks from sippy cup Marks paper with crayon Mature Pincer Grasp 15m Creeps upstairs Plays with ball Stoops to flore and recovers Runs Stairs with hand held Throws overhand Runs well Kicks ball Walks up & down stairs without help Vertical jump Alternates feet going up stairs Pedals tricycle Line with crayon 2 bloc tower 18m 24m 3y 4y Hops / Skips 5y Swings / Climbs Social One step command with gesture 2 other words Babbles with inflection 4-6 words Enjoys imitating Cooperates with dressing Copies task (ej. Dusting, swiping) Turns pages one at a time Removes shoes / pants 7 bloc tower 7-20 words 5 body parts 2 word combination 50 word vocabulary Speech 50% intelligible Pronouns (I, you, me) Unbuttons Copies circle Undresses completely Copies cross, square Dresses self Dresses and undresses unassisted Prints some letters 250 words 3-5 word sentence Speech 75% intelligible Colors, shapes, ABC song Speech 100% intelligible May print name Recalls part of story Knows name, age & gender Interactive play Cooperative play Scribbles spontaneously 3 block tower NOTE: Pre-school 4 ½ to 5 yrs: Language Alphabet song, some letters Count to 10 Knows most colors and shapes Recognizes domestic animals May spell first name Uses spoon and cup independently Parallel play Uses spoon adequately Abides by rules Helps with chores Developmental Milestones Useful Motor Developmental Milestones and Concentration task in School age Children NOTE: Posturing with stressed gait is considered abnormal past 10yrs of age Motor overflow (Synkinesis) is considered normal until 10yrs of age Other cognitive, months of year forward & backwards greater than 10yrs of age age 5-6y 6-7y 7-8y 9-10y 11-12y Gross Motor Skips Walks on heels Tandem forward Hops in place Tandem backwards Stand on one foot Crouch on tiptoes eyes closed 10 sec Hop 2x on each foot in succession 3 cycles Catch ball in air Tandem sideways Balance tiptoes eye closed 15 sec Jump and clap hand 3x Fine Motor Digit span Motor sequence Opens and closes hands in sequence 4 Forward Simultaneous open & close both hands, arms extended Shoelaces Alternates L&R index to nose with arms extended Sequential finger opposition (F&B) 5 sec 4-5 Forward Open close hands in sequence Make paper ball with one hand Place pennies in box one at a time 6 Forward 4 Reverse 6 Forward 5 Reverse 5 Forward Imitate hand edge on knee, palm knee then clenched fist (4 cycles)