AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY OF EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICISTS A.C.N. 000 876 040 NSW BRANCH PRESIDENT’S REPORT FOR 2014 MEETINGS February Љ Annual General Meeting and election of office bearers. Brian Spies (Consultant): The science and politics of climate change. March Љ Sandeep Chandola (Petronas): 2014 SEG Pacific South Honorary Lecturer Marine Seismic Acquisition: Expanding the possibilities. April Nathaniel Butterworth (University of Sydney): Big data-mining techniques for porphyry deposits. May Dean Hillan (CSIRO): Automated Anomaly Analysis and Massive Magnetic Maps. June Kevin Hill (Oil Search): Tectonics, Geophysical and Geological Oil Exploration in the Papuan Fold Belt, PNG – what works? Sponsor: Oil Search July Љ NSW Branch Annual Dinner at the Chophouse, Sydney. August James Austin (CSIRO): Lightning, Diesel and Dust: Remanent Magnetism and the Search for Magmatic Nickel Sulphides in Central Australia. September Љ Brian Minty (OzSTEP Speaker) (Minty Geophysics): Developments in airborne gamma-ray spectrometry. October Љ Koichi Hayashi (Geometrics): 2014 SEG Near Surface Honorary Lecturer Integrated Geophysical Methods Applied to Geotechnical and Geohazard Engineering: From Qualitative to Quantitative Analysis and Interpreation.. October New South Wales Honours Student’s Evening. Sponsor: AlphaGeoscience Benjamin Patterson (Macquarie University) – ‘A Geophysical Investigation of the Woodend Base Metal Occurrences’ Rhiannon Garrett (Sydney University) – ‘Numerical Modelling of Salt Tectonics: Understanding the Impact of Salt's Thermal Conductivity on Temperature Distribution’ November Љ Jason Errey (OEMG-Global): A Cost Benefit Analysis of Aquares Resistivity Sub-Bottom Profiling Surveys - Recent Land and Marine Case Studies from infrastructure projects. Sponsor: OEMGGlobal December Љ Rosemary Hegarty (Geological Survey of NSW): Geophysical activities of the Geological Survey of New South Wales: updates on acquisition, storage & delivery, and current projects. Sponsor: Geological Survey of NSW Љ Sponsored by the NSW Branch of the ASEG. MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS 154 Branch members as at December 2014 (compared to 165 in 2013): Year Active Associate Affiliate Corporate Emeritus Honorary Life Student 2014 (2013) 95 (95) 3 (3) 0 (0) 1 (3) 5 (6) 8 (8) 42 (50) FINANCES As at the end of 2014, the Branch virtual account balance was $29,430.42, (compared to $27,920.22 at the end of 2013). Refer to 2014 Treasurer's Report for details. MEMBER SERVICES The following members of the NSW Branch served as ASEG office bearers during 2014: Dr Mark Lackie (Macquarie University): President, NSW Branch; Editor Exploration Geophysics Sherwyn Lye (Bridgeport Energy): Secretary, NSW Branch Roger Henderson (Consultant): Treasurer, NSW Branch Dr Phil Schmidt (MagneticEarth): Chair, ASEG Publications Committee Dr Peter Hatherly (Coalbed Geoscience): Chair, ASEG Publications Committee Wendy Watkins (AGL): Chair, ASEG Education Committee GENERAL The meetings throughout the year were well attended and the range of topics provoked much discussion. In September, we hosted the 2014 OzSTEP Lecturer, Brian Minty, who gave his workshop and the monthly technical meeting. In March, we hosted the 2014 SEG Pacific South Honorary Lecturer, Sandeep Chandola. In October, we hosted the 2014 SEG Near Surface Honorary Lecturer, Koichi Hayashi. The NSW ASEG Scholarship for Honours/Masters students to assist in their studies was awarded to Benjamin Patterson from Macquarie University. The NSW ASEG sponsored eight students to attend the OzSTEP workshop in September. Dr Mark Lackie President, NSW Branch of the ASEG 3 February 2015